"Anthony Adverse", ~W il Play for Five Days at Varsity ; Charlie Chan Picture Slated Deft adaption of the iclassic invel by Hervey. Allen which waàs last year's best seller, convineinigipr sonations and perfect incidentaI mu-' sic. bring the widely read story to the screen 'in a highiystsatr manner 'in "Anthony Adv erse6" -the feature' attraction at the VarsitY: theater for five days, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, M'onday n Tuesday. Hîigbest .superlatives . have. been, -used by the critics to describe the work of Mýe.rvyn jLeRoy, as., director and the beautv of thephotograp>hy. The cast which is, headed by Freder~Macbincludes Olivia de H-avi.Iand, Claude Rainsý, Anita Louise, and Edmýund Gwenn. Charlie Chan was neyer better thani in "Charlie Chan at the Racetrack," the latest film in t .he series, which m-ill be shown at the Varsity theater on Wednesday and Thursday of next week. Ai ded by a good script, swell romantic dcvelopment, and a hecarty humor, with the fast pace of a hiorserace thrown ini for good measure and. for background, Warner Oland's fans wiIl have good reason to flock to sec this intercsting bit of filmn fare. The rnystery is btiiît *arouîid thie mutrder. -Mary of Scotland" wilI be shown' at the Wjlmette theater on Tbursday, Friday, and Saturdayoftiwek .n this tragical historical drama, which follows' closely the .authe'ntic incidents of. history, Mary Stuart returns: from France .to dlaimn the. tbron.e of Scotland, much to theé dîspleasure of ber cousin,' Elizabeth of England, and o.f. ber haîf-brother, Lord Moray, who has: ruled. as regent during ber absence. P lots, intrigues, religious differences,,selfishness, and jealousy.result in the fligbt,, imprisonmnent, and execution of Mary. Photography is outstanding, costuming is mnagnificent, direction is inspired,"acting. isipe rfect. <Members of the cast include Kath-' erine Hepburn, Frederic Mar-ch, Florence Eldridge, Douglas Walton, and filrning a séquence at the Southern Pacific station àt Pasadena. While filming a close-up for Paramount's "College Holiday,"' Benny and'Miss Boland were supposed to. be engulfed in a cloud of steam from the engine. Because the steam hlad condensed in*,the valve the engine, spurted boiling waterý in the trio's direction. They leaped'away barely in timeto escape it. 9ROIIRT TAYLOR. ComeédY Cartoon News Featuire. Starts Thurs. and F1 at 7:40, 9 :50 Fèe.ture $tarte Saturday 2:00, 4 :05, 6:00, 8:405, 10:15 Sun., MnTues., Nov. 1&9-10 -Color Stars on Location Mairch Headsa st- Headed by Director. James Hogan, approximately 150 players and members of the' crew of Paramount 's "ýArizona Mahoney" company, left recently for Big Bear where much of the picture will be filmed. Included in the cast are .Ioe Cook, Good Entertainment Larry Crabbe, John Miljan, Robert Good entertainment is. furnished by the Wilmette theater in presenting Cummnings, June Martel, Billy Lee, "His Brother's Wife" on Sunday and Sally Martin, Dave Chasen, Charlie Williams, Fred Kobler, Frank Mayor, Moniday. Irving Bacon, Richard James The story deals with a yo'ung scien- P>trtis, Jini Mason and Carle, Jack Perrin. tist ini bis searcb for tbe cause of spotted fever. On the eve of bis bis departure hie becomes involved in a gambling debt and witb the beautiful host.ess of a çamblinçi salon. T-T for, Outdoor Film. Comedy - Cartoon - News Feature Starta 'Sunday 2:00, 1 9:50j 5:45, 8:00, 10-10 Feature-Startai Monday and ,Nov. 11-12 Armistice IDay >A»T Peatu , azt.r 2:00, 'y narrow n,î:ded inienbers of the faculty results nii an usual- sociological study ini "Girl-,Dorinitory- which wiil be seen at the N'arsityý on Thursday of this wek. 1Presenited is the sensatiotial - young actress îr i om France, SimniSirroic. jean i.ersholt.' and Joseph Calleia head the cast. One. of the most exciting of the recent murder niystery piays cornes to the WVilnette theater on Tuesday and WVednesday of next week with "Satan Met a Lady." Bette Davis, Warren William,. and Alison. Skipworth star. un' DAILY IN BUYS STORIES .With ýaidoflb Scott in r I So pleased are they with bis work in "Valiant Is The Word For Carnie," that Paramount executives have placed JackieMoran, l-year-old0 Chicago boy, under long-term CO(nm tract. CHICAGO LAD SCORES IRE -NE DUNNE ALLLAN JONS l'aut Roua *tin-HieI*flMorgan )WDOAT"I' yeature. st:irti nt 7:15 and $*.lé w-Ie Di