S. Van Deusen, Jr., rear co mný; A.Alfred Brit.-. J'Llre ALriai, irj., secretary; Robert i.. P< ie ItY comirntte--R - D. 33arnes, New Homiee omiittee-U iTT iiffn1o1I leRih, chairinan. chairman. L . Al. Y.. A.* repreÈentative.Harold Building and Plans (-i nlitteeý-NVaîitt.r iot. 1 toecktoni, hairman.il. SPecia1* Class Race commnittee-.Aïfred 1 Irittain, Jr., chairman. Bl din F nd cochai.Ies 1mtt u E S. C. Pirie, Ji., has sold 'his Star GaF wy hiinan. boat "Gemnini" to Lincoln Harris of the Finane eomitte -<odcn . Jûes, hicago Yacht club. ~mn a e BRouse and Ho.spita1jty~emntte'wl up in the Sheridan Shore. races and Rôbert C. Stnc(kton, -hti.eïzll. should be a winnfing addition *to the, BelH1arbor -0mtte-~e E. B~ mont Harbor fleet.' Mr. Pirie wilI have, inan, liairan. anew Sar buit during the wintrb Membrshp cnîmîte~ani.î<;.the Keith Boat and Engine company. Go,, liairnian. M. lvhitfield. carin son, chaitrm:n.. Raee and Regatta S. Norse, chairian. Race Week eýhairrnan. nnnttennp Cinrite~ . Oî;e r. Firie, C. Pease, treasurer ' C. Lyle Smth and aigRlsadTciscmjte Robet S.Kendg, drectrs. ax Ill F. Hayrford, chairman. Committeé 'chairmen have beei apJnrYachtn i vites corrmmttee .- Robert Kendig, chairman. pointed as follows: PwrBa oIlteCetrB cmlittee LockWOOd j ~IL BURNER S-ERVICE HEATUNG un Co. DAY ANO NUMGHT w Plé Ser vice Ail Makes wim 3901 St. Joseph's Mother's Club Plans Installation The niew officers of the Mother's club of St. - Joscph's school wilI be installed at the reg-ular monitlhy nxmeeting Friçlay evening, Novenmber 6, i the school hall... To this meeting nid French Design officers are Mrs. John Corrigan,' first vice-president; Mrs. A. W. Keil, second vice-president; Mrs. J, C. Slown, secretarv; Nfrs. joseph Schmitz, treasurer; MNrs. Nt. J. Keil, social chairman; Mfrs. \Vaiter Scott, sewing chairnian; Nfrs. Nichiolas Ludovice, membership chairman: Mrs. joseph Puize, publicity chairman. Dy ivirs. Robert Nudd. iTne other Recreation Roon, 2-Gar Attath.d Garage Comeseey Furnished and Landscped Ce'A* Rond. 522 E ýAVIS STREET, EVANSTON Y'MOND F. HOULIHAN, AreàMtect rECTS . CONTRACTORS - DUILDERS Aai,.eia tee k k