ffW Ilmet+e 5000O 512 DAVIS ST.i EVANSTON wilh.s to announce the addition. lo lw staff m te well.known Mir. Jollus Erlenbachi ofNoeter. 6. and 7. Phtoto qraphedzwhIi/e rehearsiit ii costlie,. they are, front IcI!ftW riqitif.AIrs. Wlillia i P. Suliva, Miss Lesie champ/ut, Miss Gretcheit Oniderdonik, AIrs. ýFred. Brehiier, AMiss NapIcv L,,ewtis, Airs. Da-<id Biyfis, and Jîs laqrîFeu-ner. J. 1). Toloff Phoito l'lie Stigar Foot tap daim-crls îwil 1,,leitrodi.ced to 't/he' nrtit shore whet t/e Junior Lea que ko/lies apre gjjive in the audîtoriijuin of the Central sçehool in G/encoe t/he eei lish.d, for him. a splendid reputaflon ln Evanston end: along thé North Shore.ý (~~~J ~GREeamIe.f 2288 for .p~t.f I $ive Party for Son r.adMrs. David Hall of 80 Central avetne gave a smiall dinnier partyin iitheir honme on Fridav In hlonor sn.1)r f hei Crl al -ho was celebrating his hirthLidv anniversarv. Dr. and M~rs. Hal '- eturned from their weddigtrip and are at home withi Mrs. HalI's parents, Dr. and Mrs.. James A. Burrili, 812 Greenwood avenue. Dr. Hall is' an inihs~t1 The Florsheim, Shopi J3vanston The Anderson guild of the Churchi of the HoIy Cot-forter in Kenilworth met Nlonday- of this week with Nfrs. IBU rit A. Crowe of 234, Raleigli road. Kenil-worth. FLORSH EIM $ .5and $10 1120 CENTRAL ST.,'Wl. Wilmett, 1616 ORRINCTON EVANSTÔN., 1611607 ORINOON SHERMAN VANTON