the political situation in) Efgland to""'u'> avenue, is beîng presenlted by' the state radio department of day day. te o hrbceosdge the Illinois Federation of Women's ini economics at tbe University of Cali- Clbsas psAritic a rga fornia. She bas a ýmaster's degree fromi lhose takig pr are Mrs. Burrili, the University of Chicago where sbe Nlrs* . Joh Boddieý and Billie Steen, studied under Prof.. Charles Merrianm 1tof Wilmfette, and Leah Williams and Prof. Quincy Wright. In'1932 MlrÉ. o uti.T(horo)hebo Utley traveled in E~urope. She was in s s4 4 i heatron Germany and Poland. "This was an important, year for understanding what has taken place in,,these .countries F ~ L since," tbe league announces; ,Last sum- FrtnighyDac mer. Mrs. Utley was at Geneva' an-d 1 The- nex eua anceofteWi again i Germany and the Balkans. The 1 mette Fortnightly forsophomore stu-. information..wbich she brings and ber 1-dents and for uppcr'classmen wiIl b( impressions. of, what, she saw are certain held at the Xilette- Masonic tempiff to- be of .enoirmùous interest. the league at .8,30, o'clockc Friday, November 6. announce .s. "Maàke reservations for The fortnightly is under, the direcluncheo n with Mrs.. Fred \Vcorkmiain." tion of Mrs., Theron "Woolson. 'ur ac abit of Paris, brougbt to yopU, ci ... The LAKE SHORE DRIVE HOTEL Luncheon Fashion Show ay ,yi oeber th. Sixth. by MELLO MELDRAM Artcraft, Hosiery Counselor Fresb from the boulevards of Paris, from the cosmopoliîtan centers. cf Cannes, and Nice, Ldo and ti,, EDGAR A. STEVENS. ime. Iuss