*"I*** "11U CII. IVi>MUCr IoU J by invitation only, and a number of new and prospective niembers, wifl be present at the oriÉatiion.imee.ting. S The ,membership will be made tir, of women al along the north shore' and will be. non-sectarian in character. Also present at the, tea nexi Wednesday wilI blea gopof patronesses. The other officers of the group are. Mr.Jàmes Prindie, 0ice-presiden t: Mrs. Kenneth H. Brush, recordingsecretary; Mrs., Raiph Huck,1 corresponding secretary, and Mrs. Brovër, Munroe,, treasurer. XI'-. UNA PECIAL SELLNO Kaskaskia chapter, Daughters of the American Revohation, will meet at the home of Mrs. George T. Jôrd#,5122 Woodlawn avenue, Chicago, Tuesday, November 10, at 12 o'clock. Mrs. Fay-Cooper Cole is the, speaker, taking for ber subject "'The Philippines." Assisting host,esses re Miss Kaskaski. D. A. R. Has Program Nov. I10 1 YRIUUKD CoATrs îuIsabellR2atesMrs.