leelbas served \Wilmett.e chapter as as sociate patron the past vcar. Ile is a past master of Covert lI.odgc lnumber 11, A. F.' & A. M'\.of Oniaha, aiid a tnember'of the following organiizationis: St. J'ohn's Conclave No. 1, 'Order of the Red Cross Of Constatinie: Ancien t Accepted Scotitish Rites Valley of, Chicago; .Omnaha' Chapter number . 1, Roval A rc h Masons. Omaha Couiicil,,nIunîher 1 Royal, Select :Masters and the Appolio Comiiiýàdry No'..11 Knight Templars. Thus if is tobe seeii that Wilmette chanter lias, most capalc leaders àtnd tliat anlother suceS fili v'ea r awaits us.-Fv a G. Pfer. and the -framlc uu ofo! Chicago." ucty, iNuvemuier 11, witn a meetinig sponsored by its departinent of governinent and f o r e ign policy. *aBradley Knit For color, for. charmh,. for Une -.for interesting weaves and yars.. . include a Brad. Iey knit in your wardrobe (wheft yo u -see the new ones, you'II Walt severl)! Tkey're soit, they're /lattering theyhavel and real appeal! ... Mrs. Paul' Douglas, wife of th, well-kno%,ni.,Uliiversity of Chicage, professor, 'vil1 be the speaker. Her subjeèct is' "Womien and Childreil Under the. Fascist Regimne." Mrs Douglas, the former- Emily 'raft daughiter of .Lorado Taft, has just returned from. four mntsin Italy and has a great deal of first-han.d information. Mfrs. john Clark Baker is the XiImette. chairmuan of this department., The meeting. Will be held au t the homne of M rs. G. T. Hellmiuth, 636 Gýarland avenue, Winnetka, at .I. o'clock. Reservations are to 1)C madt fby Monidas' noon through Mrs. \V. 1. Rebekah Lodge Party, T. Reece,,Wilmette,3946.' A board' meieting at the home of Wilmette RZehekah Lodge Np. .610 Ivil hold a card and huinco I)arty at Mrs, 'Murdo Ross %vill precede the lunheo me ing. the Odd Elos hall, 1217 Xi~et avenue, 011 'J'le (epartment of goveriiiient amli dcsavevuming.of1 ncxt we.Thecre will he re resh- foreigii policy is sponsoring a sclhool vhich Nv I1l old nivients and 1pri'z.s and thtc.affair \\il] of foreign affairs meeccitngrs at the Palmier House at. Ilibe open to the public. terv alI drinig the. winter. MIrs. Phillip Huguin iof ;04) Lake M iss 'Ftlxer H-off man .of 1635 Lake avenue rëttrned froni the Evanistoni avenue returnied to Wilmnette 'on Sunihospital last ecek and is rcvrn dlay fromn a fort night's trip to Dessatisfactorilv, from a recuit operation. Moilles. Select the Bradley lcnit that wil enhance your perèoaity.. There's a collection at Milburn's that includes models for every hiure and every occasIn!.. >ý BBBIUb.u...' «mmmmmý mmý 70 4 CNMU If 9 .h El E ___________* radley Knis Excliesivelv rn 0Is of EARLY WINTERI 952 Spanish Court Phone Wilinette 467 PoeWlet 6