Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Nov 1936, p. 40

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G. NWsighbors of 1C.nlworth to S. Danseuse of World Rohiown i Progiam et ClubTu.sd.y Ruth Pageý brilliant exponent of modern and classical dances, will. appear in a program of interpretative dances with Ruth Gordon., her accompanist.> be-' fore the: Neighbors of 'K en ilWorth on Tuesday, November 10, at 2:-30 o'clock., Mrsi. George Tréadwell will be. the hostessfor.the day. Miss Page, who is )4rs. Thoma'; Fisher, wife of a Winnetkà,i, reaily needs no introduction here, for ber reputation as, premiere. danseuse andi ballet, director- in opera in Chicago *Wilrnette chapter nuiher 753, Order of the Eastern .Star of Illinois .extends a. cordial. invitation toù ail niembers. and their: frieà 1ds to. bepreselit at its in-. ýstallation of officers on Monday e1V e ni ng,, Nove M'ber 9,. at .,8 o 'cock at the Wilmette Masonie-c temple, 1010 Central avenue. Mrs. Reed Eagle, grand matroni of the Order of the EastéernStar of Iiiînois, will Serve, as instalHng- officer.Mrs. Orville D.. Jones, past, matron. will .serve, as. installing chaplain;, Miss Dorothy L. Kuelzow%, past mat-' roli, as installinig marshal, Harry Scroggins, past patron of Alice chap-ý ter, as installing organist;. Herb>ert Fr-ancis Photo Gielow, past grand patron of Illinois, Mathew 3. D. Tolof Photo ljlcct-ed fta office. Monday night, Mrs. Albert G. Ackeriliaiun apd .Albert and IMrs. Herbert Gielow, a member G. i3looin wiÏI be h,.stalled tlhïs'coi,,in! ngMdIV el.eitih.q as atra» and Jpatron, of the credential committee of the Thie Grand chapter, wvIlI be soloists for repc . eI, of WIimette chapter, Order of tle EEnsteri. Star. JJ'ilinette the i i o'elock 8 at the eveinng. joseph O. Converse, cerenmonies and reception 7cilI take Place Roy A. Hopkins, and August J. KuelMaso>tic temple. zow,, all past patrons of Xilmpette chapter, %vill serve as escorts. William Shellman wvil1 act as color, bearerý and Mrs. joseph O. Con-' verse, lecturer. ivili deliver the Ode to the Fiag. Mrs. William T. Jones, matron. M rs. Charles Kunzelman - and at Ravinia,'and as solo dancer, is far spread. She is known internationally, but flot niany may realize tht. scope of her woii<. Miss Page was born in Indianapolis. the daughter of Dr. I,afavette PI-v-t. a distinguisbed surgeon. lier inOtlwr' is an accomplished musician. At ai çarly age Ruthi learned to love poetry. and like most children, she found delight in spontaneous dancing. At the age of 12 she began to study ;t formally. Soon afterwards, she at- tracted the attention of Anna Pav- Auxiliary Harvesf Homne .Dance Is Saturday Catholij League s fo Meel Novemnber 10O - A % - T -- t.. 11 ff r-....t ... aî i.. WIîen Mr. Bolm produced "1h Birthday of the Infanta" for the Chiicago Grand Opera company in 1919. he chose Miss Page as his liartiier and cast ber in. the role of the Iinfanta. The following year lie iitr-,) duced. her to London, where they were enthusiastically. received. 'n 1924 the Chicago Allied Arts vvas organized to present modern ballet t %vas music and stage design. The cornittee ili charge of' arrangements is headed by Mrs. Car] A. Reeb, assisted by Mrs. W. Austcn ElImore, Miss Adelaide Franklin, Miss Dorothy Hall, Miss Ann Henderson, and Miss Betty M.\ulford. The committee- urges. the members to cone and brmng their friendls. Reservations may be made by calling Miss Franklin of 330 Cumnor road, Kcnilworth, or Mrs. Reeb of 723 Eighth Street. du %L L i i ui 4 .. -1-. munity Jriue. Atter the regular course of business, the meeting will. be turned over to the prograin chairman;, Mrs. William V. li, who wili present Dr. Leonard A. Parr in "An Afternoon in the Piccadiily Book, Shop." Dr. Parr wvas born in England, and lias traveled and studied widely both inthis country and abroad. In ad.dition to his various other positions, -ilavr'The officers to. be are: Mrs. Albert G. Ackernainn, matron: Arthiur G. Bloom, patron; Mrs. Roy E'.. M\cllratli, associate miatron; Roy E. M.\clirathi, associate patron; Mrs. Harold D. Skelton, secretary ; M rs. Earl E. Orner,- treasurér; Mrs. Harry E. Smioot. coluctress: NMrs. W. Oakwood,. associate Harlalid conductress: Mrs * Roy A. Hiopkins, chaplain: _Mis. William T. 'Morgan, marshal;. Elliott V. Youngbérg, or'viilv4U .inistalled eore te ,orK]iicCI MNr. and. Mrs. Olin. Stanisbury of 552 Since that time she has delané hiad as their house ilaw,%thorni voted Much of hem time to concerts~ week-end Mr. and Mrs. last guests ,in the United States. Shielias stui Ives of Minneiapolis whio died with H-arald Kreutzberg, ac- Howard çlaimned the greate'st maie, dancer came down for the Minnesota-Nortljsince Nijînsky. They' hawc, toure-: %vestern football game. ties. UZflces- give a supper party on Suiiday- eveniiig ini the Chapter house iii honor of the fathers of the somority. ;members. Dr.-James E. Detweiler of Evanston. .ill give a taik on bhis mcenit round-, the-womldtnip as a missiona ry. servatory Music Linné. and was also Shie ais pupil of Madameof.Regna connected with civic and various church organizations. Mrs. Ackermnn has been a member of the Easteri Star siîîce 1923,alid has beeil

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