Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Nov 1936, p. 38

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lands will be a visit to the Fali Festival to be held at the. Wil-. mette. Parish Methodist church on ThursdyadFriday, NoVemirber 19and 20., Al.most like a trip to' foreign tion on the subjeetsexbibited, willbe to-Resemble Trip An exhibit of German- graphie arts a talk by Mrs. Yvonne .johnsen to. Foreign Lands, and of the Carl Schurz Memorial founda- Holds FaIl Card Party at Shawnee The anitial fal card part*y of the' Voxiian's auxiliary of -the Church of mthe lloly Co mforter iii Kenilwort h will he a dessert bridge'at Shawnee Country clubý on Wedncsday,. Noat 1 'lc 18. vember The, organization sponsors, two ,spring and one In'the fail. The. fal benefit, is usually a card party and bazaar or style.>showv, but this year, the members have determined upon asimple dessert.bridge with refrèsbments early in the afternoon so that guests may leave-at an earlier hour,' if they wyisb. The public is invited to attend and tickets may be securedi from 'Mrs. J. D. Toloff Photo, Peters of Kenilwortb, or from Mrs. Mrs. Franklin O'Brien of WinAlbert R. Fleischmann of the Georgneika i: a member of the committee Evanston. oit arrangements for the Junior ian hotel in Mrs. Fleiscbmann is the general League Poilies given Thursday, of the party this year, and chairman Friday, and Soturday evenings of ber the officers of assisting bas she this week in the Central school in of the guilds, heads the auxiliary, the the Glcncoe tnder auspices of and numerous committees. The ofEînstoii Junior league. ficers are: Mrs. Roy Pavlik, presidet-Mrê the program for the North Shore. Wellesley circle When it meets Tues.day, November 10, ýat the home of Mrs., Chester D. Tripp, 1404' Forest avenue, Evanstôni, at 2:30 'clock. ýfýh;nrrc unA 1wo od-. 1-tfolràplIb, evrxingi,an ;ts to be HO liand1 will be ýrepresented: by a whch illconainthecuts are included in the objecIh', i enDutc kiche ware of the Te':shown çrtdiiin in an exhibition which t aue -culua will be .mtany varieties of. home tirely. in furcooperating is circle The cooked foods, country eggs, kitchen Sbridge aprons, tea towels, bot 'pads, baud thering-plans for-the beiefit ly cluüb and other ar- the entire, Chicago Wellesle decorated. tumblers, Iicles' appropriate to that Most necessary room in the home. A trading-post .li Africa will be sponsored by the women of the Secon4. 4diiion and will feature palm leaf fans, colored baskets, jungle dolis, leather goods, ties, scarf s, chintz pictures, used'books and white is sponsoring at the Drake. ..>Tuesovmet 17, at 2 feron da ie event' ?'clock. Tea will be served. Tihiolarship 15tO increase 'the club's sch( fiind. large, affairs each. year, one in the Leland Danforth and Mrs. Frank E. elephants. wili array their .goods in a Swedish The women of the Third divi;oli Arden Shore Grroup br M esNoe br1 oe ef The Wilmette committee of the Ar-background. They will have knittingstands of hand-blocked linen and den Shore association wvil1 flElt meet he third wool mohair, of wbicb Mrs. Leslie again until November 19, th~ F,. Matson bas been in charge, Swed- Thiirsdav of this moutb. Thi is week the Winter camp for undernourished P F. WUlurn1nn vic-- numerologist., Mrs. Martin E. Wells ù is bostess of the Swedisb coffee shop. h Duriniz the afternoons coffee and a Swedisb cakes will be served, ani boxes of an assortment of Swedisb bard bread, Swedish sardines and Swedisb cheese will be sold. Italy will feature the articles in charge of the Fourtb division 'and will contain fancy pillows, napkin laly trà ation, ei Choirmon, of Douce: day for the benefit of St. Mary's home, an Episcopal philanthropy. fii tbis work all women of the village are ,urgeci to participate. Mrs. S. Bigelow Haley is chairman tbropy departmient of the Woman's of the heads of the five guilds, inClub of Wilmette sponsors a sewing cluding: Mrs. Fleischmann, Mrs. Wil- Friday of this week, the philan- A ticket cominittee is composeI liam Taylor, Mrs. Walter H. Williams, Mrs. Alex Josliin, and Mrs. Goodwin T. Wilson, Mvrs. Frank Peters has been made. of card tables, chairman in 1 charge of sewing, assisted by ber comrittee, and on ber committee are the' Mes- Smnith, Mrs. George H. Weaver,. Mrs. ner, J. H. Lawsofi, jr., Leland Dan- 1,rs. Guy W. Cooke, Mrs. Stanley, dames Louis Raggio, joseph B. Kleck- Mt.. Cari J. Nyluind., chairmaa of k ktchen and, dininW-rçoo.-R.S.F. In the dining-room, decorated to rsciuble a flower garden, smorgasbord luncheons wilI be served, but diaser will be by reservation only to day ei s7ourst the emntu !mbers ait:4 frieudi. Mform Mrs. Wbitaker Baer of 2115 1eechwood avenlue entertained the members of lier reading club for luncheon in her home on Friday ofI ast week.* Pma-jJon rb y, r/JY even The anston. to a business m esses are Mrs. J. Sydne'Y. and Mrs. Ray. The host-

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