9P. M. Ample parking space at rear of store 69 Years of Good Furnit.ure Solid lnpe dinette set o colonial design. Tablemaue 17"X32« c1osed; 32"x42"' open. Table and 4 Chairs, $25-00. SMYTH 5S* EVAN STO N STORE$t hov#i Shorts col,. (a~t lçft) Beauti ul made with a soft rubbed finish, this wide armed Salem Settie will charrn loyvers of things colonial. The f rame is of birch, finished in maple. Spring cushions and baMk pillows. Covering is of homnespun. $79.oo. Solid Maple Tables- each $5.95 Ehese tables are ruggedly buit wiih a fine soft rublie lamp table is 22"x27" high and the cocktail is A. practicad Chair - easily adjusted to your angle of comf ort. Covered in homespun in colors of green, brown or rust. Kapoc cushion and pillows. The End table to match is solid maple - priced $5 9 5.