Young and suburbs- are invited. Admission "Yesterday morn:ng, Young Billy Embryonic. cartographers h e 1d is free, and no tickets, are needed. ýsaved, his -father's life by a Lowry forth with sketch, pad, pencil and lue CENlTRAL Ave. learned white a member advice of bit during evenfing Monday one tape line We.sIt 9Wmit.r'sGeoeIy Barbara Blaker, daughter of 'Mr. one of 'the regular meetings of the of tbe Cubs, younger boy. movement 57. CdilMd DgNe.. and Mrs. Edward. T. Blaker, 1011 Wilmét te sea scouts.. The making of Of the BOY Scoutsof America. er charts and maps was one of the las5 Lowry, of Lake. Shore eWlIm.ft. "illiam avenue, is celebrating by ftm. wth subjects. the boys especially wanted Drive, Holland, was with: bis:10 yeàr anniversar birthday tth Iluncheon on, Saturday'. to tud throuhlyse heywen toold sàon. on the northwest shore of their asskgnmen t with, vim. Pine, Creek bay early. yesterday The first thingz they'Were given te. mor ning on ýa bunting -trip. do was -to sketch the floor -plan of "As Mr. Lowry startediforward te their nçw, meeting rooms at 1150 a duck he had shot over the retrieve* roug'h theý 'After Wilmette avenue. oian bad been sketched BenRich ards- swale, he began to sink in the quickand George. Randail took a tape line. sand. Movemnent onty served te get * Tailor_-Mde, for Y.. . and called. off dimensions to the oth- bit intothe marsh deeper until he er boys. These dimension.s wer 1e en- was imprisoned up te bis. armpits., Say "Merry ýChristmàs$"i n ew way this year! "Young Billy could doIn o, good, by tered on the sketches so thiat tâter ,Lot us design à Greeting. Card, for you that is scale drawinzs could be made: frot» puIlling on bis fatber 's gun wbite Mr. really distinctive. tbe original sketches. This technique Lowry held it, but he did do. good is dd totry rolliig wiUl eventutaly be af*idDh &to chart- when he adi iniL-the harbor, shore l:ne and $0oon. to get out of the swale. Dave Allison,. Graham» Burnsides, "The advice was timely, for as lie Colvin, Pete Fontaine, Art Tom and engraveçi W. have a large selection of steel over on bis back,. the suction rolled Green, George Randali, Ben Ricbprinted cards. Lowest prices. Wit h or withouf ards and Bob Wittbold were the boys was broken and Mr. Lowry was free. your name. who worked on the cartography proj- So today Mr. Lowry is one man who believes that the Boy Scouts teacb, ect. bis youngsters something.Y - ICentral *Stock-Deslgned Cords... B. . UDELL & SONS COMPANY THE PRINTING STUDIO0 TESTS * - ~ ie ouuang V.iIIINN 302 Park Avenue, ,Wilmei-te Phone Wilmette 498 vas devoted almost e ivelv to1 by.HER9NIE of Your Chidren and .worsubjects are reviewed irerthey are quickly forgotten. Iy there is nothiniz especially tabout boxing the compass crting objects on the horizon ans of relative bearings; it requires >constant application.i followed by a short meeting at which time semne very important business will be discussed and plans made for Scouting un Wilmette. Both Dr. Rapp and Mr. Fowler urge attendance of every Wilmette Scouter at this im-ý portant dinner meéetinpg.. scow Cathedral Is Next. "Better Pictâ 1623 SNIEBM A V EVANSTON UNI. 3i last ycar. colorful personalities, inthe bistory of to INicolas Afonsky is one of the Most K ibc. and 1810 musical autbority