Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Oct 1936, p. 5

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on Centrai to Lakce, West on Lake to F. AzehLacherlo 1411 Lake Ridge and south on Ridge to the Vilavenue. lage Green. Prizes *will,,be aWarded Details of the final Football conitest to -the person with, the funniest, of the*season appear in this issue of prettiest and Most original costumes. It Will 'provide The Stolp playgrpund group wvill WI]UMZTTELiiez. free t ickets for. three .readers to the' also bold a Hallowe'en parade. and Wisconsin Noithwestern game at Party Saturday.ý Dyche S8tadium Saturday, NovemThe main event at the Stolp school ber 7. PartY. will be. also a. costume parade which> will leave the Stolp school _atý 10:-30 and proceed ýeast on Wilmette avenue to Fourth street and north, oni Fourth street to Lake avenue, West on Lake to Tenth and then to. >Arthur "uc"Lonborg, assistant the Stolp scbool.. Prize-s will. be, football and head basketball coach at awarded the prettiest, funniest and Nortbwestern university,.will be the niost original costumes. Wilmettie post -of the M.r. Fowler explained that it was After. the parades' games wilIl be guest of the at the-meeting next, Legion Agnierican utterly impossible for the limited played and refreshments will' be Monday evening at the Masonic number of workers engaged in the served. temnple.~ cainpaign to contact 4000 eôple in Coach Lonborg, it was a'nnounced, the short space of seven days, hence will speak on college athletics and the necessity for the post-campaign football prospects. canvass by the organizations which 'The newly-installed post comunderwrote the deficit, each in promander, James C. Leaton, portion to its award by the budget will preside and plans for the Armistice day committee. stag party will be announced, it was Tt'. is reported that the actual added. pledges and cash received as of TuesA meeting of 'the police reserves day morning, amounts to $23,726. Villagers who have flot as yet beeti will be helçl at, the Village hall, tosolicited are reciuested. to have' theirf nighit (Thursdi -ý unest association, efforts are now being made to "'mop Up" the field and secure the pledges necessary to mnake up the 1936 budget, of, $25,300. At the, close of the campaign, be stated, there was la shortage of $3,000 to be made up in underwritten, pledges. Five, participatinig organizations promptly underwrote this deficit and assmedthe responsibility, of contacting several hundred prospects who had flot been 'approached. for p)lédges,, or on whose -cards no report jhad been mnade., These organizations, are: Arden -Shore: Infant Welfare: W\%ilmette Wel'fare board; Wiltnette Health Center: Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts. The deficit bas. now been reduced by approximnately one-haîf. N. U. Coach to Speaký at Lgon Meeting1 Police Reserves .Will Hold Meet at Village Halll The "Creative committee," whose duty it is to fi11 vacancies on the Wilmette Harmony c o nve nt io n caused by term expirations, rexuovals or other causes,. held its first meeting Monday nigbt, and effected its working organization. The committee' was addressed. by C. E. 'Drayer, 1034 Elmnwood avenue, present chairmfan of the convention-, who -instructed 'the membeLrs regarding their duties. Thofficers ,chosen are as follows.: Naine Officm s Chairman - J.È. Worthen, 34 Greenleaf avenue. Secreétary-Mrs., Esther P..:Stone, .19 Greenleaf' avenuie. - The full committee, appointed. by the presidents of the various organizations in the villag9e, is mmdec up of the lollowing: Mrs..Henry G. Dalton, 1029. Chest-nut avenue., Mrs. Esther R, Stone, 619 Greenfraf avenue. Mrs. Charles P. Evans, 830 Lake avenue. avenue. William Edmonds, 1935 Greenwood Social Justice Unit t'O Mrs. William E. Hughes 1917 Greenwood avenue. A. C. Lynch, 214 Sixth street. Aram K. Mestjian, 511 Main street. J. E. Wortben, 314 Greenleaf avenue. George H. Redding, 1034 Romona rma iing by Unit No~. 26 of the union. L. 'St'reed, village manager of" E_ G ome Pety. went-fie auo-,The meeting will be beld in the Old Kenilworth for the past 16 years. moe. .v Per. oe twen t-fte areg-Gross Public Scbool bouse on this week announced bis resignat ion, molaes haeen f qadedrsto th rg-Wilmette avenue west of Ridge road effective November 15. every He will enter private business mn most part of tbe village wîll be. a,- and will, begin at 8 o'clock. Followcontinually patrolled througbout ing the radio broadcast of the Rev 'Florida, bie revealed. thenigts.Thoe cinpisig tis i-Cbarles E. Coughlin there will be a No successor bas as yet been >e- vh isi of poese mresiare, as fol-'series of talks by. nationally knowlected, it was learned at the villag-e lisos: o'olc rsrsar s o-speakers, it was announced. hall, altbough members of the village E. Petry, Dr. AI. C. Hecht, E. C.' theit counicil are now considering a numn- Cazel,G. . Merisreinto A. C.. Perason Jr., J. P. Magil, Cunt bernof candiates.~ r T 'Point W. B. n.. -T...... To ... ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ niented oy a'pproximately fhtty poIseni'worth Manager' lice reserves under the direction of Felix "' tuuuulceu WA mis ai >Luray ee Ne'-s uimensI Mr. Drayer impressed upon the members of the committee that they factional and non-partisan ýcharacter of the 'Creative committee and the do flot officially 'represent their organizations, but will act strictly' in their 'capacity as citizens of the village. The appointments by,,organization heads, be added, is àolely for the Purpose of mai'ntaining the non- WINNETKA 'NEWS foi? information may be had at 1125rCe tral avenue and 440 Prairie avenue. -JIlUa. A-V..e----- IChristia-n,.who -was -gra JNorthWestern. university from e. ji !I 0.11 iWillmetlê4300 ' o madle several tines i n ver been adopted l though th? pM. je has been past, it bas. if9.1

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