Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Oct 1936, p. 66

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Our morning worship service is held at il ocloek. The guest speaker Sunday wili 13e the Rev. H. S. RandolPh, D.D., sulierintendent of the Asheville, N. C.,1 Farni school. He bas a most fasclnatlng story of a mission school for boys, which *mingies education, farniing,, traàe-apprentieshlpwith relilus training, thus, deveioping ail around charactgerIn. these mountain lads Who corne.fromý the underpriviieged areas. Las year's record, was that 98% of the enroliment becanie .professing Chistianls.7 Dr. Randolph is the ent head of this work'. modest, but effici, We-:invite: you to Worship with us and hear this Interesting story. T 'he music for mnôrning.worship,,service wiii be as foilows: Prelude: "Noc-. turne" ( fa aor) chopin; nhm "Rock of Ages,"I Buck; solo,, "Consider- iast Sunday were gi-yen b choir in menmory of their foi Mrs. Winifred Mickey Von The beautiful fiowers ou moral, a-nd educational questions. The- Chorus, choir wili - neet for rehearisal this evening (Thursday) at 8 n'clock sharp in the Junior ro.nm, under the able dleadershipof Miss, Marie Briel. If. you sing and would, like to ýserve x-our' church lu this way, please contact the director. The.,speaker at '-the Sunday Evening club meeting next Sunday at the New Trier High school auditorium wiii be Maxwell S. Stewart, massociat e editor o-f "'Nation,"' on "Spain ln, Revolution, by ain Eeins nehi. AR this fine ations eir an d ra mt a, H. be made for . Deur- English Lutheran Seventh street at Greenleaf "A House, of Worship" morrow (Friday.) from bis:duties at the New Jersey Baptist AnniNiersaries, Where hie has been delivering, five addresses - ln their Atlantic City convention. His first il beý held No- pas1torate was in New Jersey'from, 1910 The Faliesa vember 19 and 20. Thoàëein charge have to 1926, ati the' Rutherford Baptist, made many attractive plans. Mrs. A. L, church. Fuller Ia the genéral chairînan. The Woman's Aid, society wili ineet Thursday, November, 5, at 10 oc(k at Dr. Ailison is expected 1 b return to- The:Rev. David R. Kabele, pastor Ke nilworth. Uniate, Dr. Herbert L. Wiliett, infister and> lear Me,', Wooler, Edward Otis, SUNDAY SERVICES sololt; postlude, "Postlude in A," Men...... 9:45 a.m. dssh.Miss EUrmaRounds lsdirector. Church schooli .......... Morninig worship ............ la.m, 3 pj. junior church wil care for the IJttie Junior Luther league .... 6:630:p.m. chiidren during the morninig worship--SZepior Luther league ........ Themuslc for the service of worship service, under the supervision of Mrs. next Sunday mnorning is as foliows:-ý *Magner. Organ Preiude-Au Couvent... Borodin Anthem-G.od Is My Guide .... Schubert Ouir Sunday schooli nuets at 9 :30 The Senior Choir o'ciock in 'al! departments. Solo-)-Thine Is the Glory.. Ward-Stephens Our Adult Bible ciass mieets at 10 o'clock for the study of a series of lessons on "Portraits of Jesus," We are nowstudying the '!Portrait of a .Carpenter." We invite you to join uis. will meet at 5:30 o'clock. Loweil Peterson wiii Iead the meeting with the topic, "Christ-Ilkeness Being Generous,." the young people are . nvited. .AiU The Tuxis club, the high school group, )of New re ,a rt ; as;.ciat e 1). M. ia lecture on We invite you to .bring your. children ain. Eye Witt to- our Church school. The course of study is the. graded "Christian Life Course." We have a fine Church schoolWilmette and Forest avenues The Presbytery of Chicago wil 1 meet with classes for ail ages. Rev. Gèorge D, Allison, pastor Monday- af 10 o'clock ln the First Church Dr. Wiliett's subject for Sunday, Notis' vember 1, wiil be > "Thé* Two The church. service is -at il o'clock. The music for the chur-ch mervice xvill be as foliows: Preludes. ýAl Men Are Mortai ,.Bach Max Oesten, Aii-Saint's Day'.... Goss Anthem, Q, Savior-of the Vorld. Flagler Qffertory-Interlude .......... A Rummage sale is.,7being sponsored Solo-O, Rest ln the* Lord Mendels9sohn . Mrs.-J..H. Hopp -Mille Ames * Postlude ln D -.. -. Lemmens -iby teFie1'fth division to#ày àand tofiorThis lis Postlude............West roïw (Thu-rsday and Fridayý). VitraMcLeod-MInistry of Music belng held in the church basemient. The Autumn church dinnei- wili be. held The Fali Church Feliowship dinner wiii The Scout troýop.s for girls and bo ys, at the Kenilworth Assembiy Hall Wedbe- held at the church on Thursday evenlng of this week at 6 :30 o'clock. This sî)onsored by thjs churc(,h, mieet as foi- nesday evening, Noveniber 4, at 6:30. promises to 13e a very fine dinner wlth'a lowNs: Girl Scout Troop 1 hrdy very Interesting progran.The Wonien's guild ivilI mieet Monday7:15 p. mi. morning, November 2, at 10 o'cloek. GirlI Scout Troop 2 - Thursdays at Luncheon wiii be served. The hostesses The Senior choir will rehearse on Fri3 :4 51p. im. day evening. at 7:30 o'clock. wiii be Mrs.. Gilbert Kelly, chairnian Girl Scout Troop 4Tuesdays ait and Miss Margaret Harris, Miss Caroline The Junior choir wiil rehearse (,n 3:45 p. in. fiar-ris, Mrs, Harriette Milford, Mrs. Brownie P;wk I1Wene May .1 3:30 Herbert Wiliett, and Mrs. Williami Born. Saturday morning at 10 o'cloc.k. servedl at noon- by the First division. The business meeting and prograrn willl The Third be held ýat. 1:30 o'clock. division .1s, In charge of the prograin. Mrs. Kidd of New Trier High' school will speak on "Music Appreciation'and Integration." the churchi to, sew for Lake Bluff orp'hanage. The Executive Comniittee wil meet at 10:30 o'clock; Luncheonwill be Wilrnette Baptist The Sunday school wiil mieet id i9':45 a, ni. The attendance will be taken and then the Schooi will visit the SundaY >choiol of the Churech oJ the Holy Cotnfortel'. of Oak Park. at 8 o'clock at the church. .- The session will mieet Monday evei ing invite you to attend our, services. The Boy Scouts will mneet Monday The text for the sermon at the Worshlp service next Sunday la Rev. 2: 18-29. We A North Side Rêfonîpation Raiiy -wiii be heid at. Trinity Lutheran church,. corner of Barry avenue and Osgond street, evening at the church, - Chicago. Sunday afternoon, November 1, -On - Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock at 3 :30 o'ciock. The Rev. Paul H. Roth, there will 13e a special meeting of- the D.D., president of the Northwestern congregation to consider the recomn- Lutheran Theologicai seini mary, Minnemendat ion of the board of trustees to apolis, wiii give the address. nake another advance in the building Speclal music will be furnished -by the prograni of the church. Ail the members Northwest Maie chorus. of the church should bé presenf. fo conpider this Important matter. The future *Minh., This church la hoeartiiy cooperating in the Chicagoiand Preaching Mission, November 19 to 22, When a large of- outstandjiu Chnîstiàuii eaders wil bring chïaiieng,ïïng messages to this area. Ail menibers are urged participate as fully as possible. There wili be a local preaching mission in our own church November 30 to December 4, at whlch finie a group of missioners wili visit here. .group -to St. John's Lutheran' Wilimette -and Park avenues J. Hl. Gockel, pastor SERVICES 9 :154a. i.- First service. 9.:30 a. in.-Sunday school anîd Bible :or study a morning el 10 :40 a. mi.-Prepara tory service for Holy Communion. .oË-t-he1 il a. m.-Second service, witii Hoiy Commnunion, Organ Postlude: "Allegro assai vivace" to house the office of the Wilmette Girl(First Sonafa).........1 Mendelssohn Scouts, with Miss Florence Marceil as the efficiezht executive-secretary.The Church school meets eacji Sundaymornlng at 9:30 o'clock. There are The Crurch school will have another win sermon at Il ft.ml. classes for ail ages. New enrolîmnents of its enjoyable parties on Friâay NoNext Sunday -being -the firot Sunday are made at any finie, vember 6, lots f0, interest both. of the month. the members of the Boys' Young ând.old. We are happy ln havand Girls'communion leagnes *111i make The High, Schooi Epworth leugue wilii ing 4o.niàny loyal teachers anid schoiarm. .wlth Beglnning next Sundai, the lamt<>* flon of the ;Suiday school perlod will bO devoted to the practicing of an unusualiy beautiful Christmnas Eve ilturgical service. Perfect attendance Is therefore requested. - A conrdl John's., welcomie 'awaits you at St.

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