Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Oct 1936, p. 64

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530 »avis St. IgvamD10u. Full Comn2msin to rokrm 114LTN25-Itc IN WINNWTKA AND GLENCOJI Construction Loans a dletel list of 10w Prlcéd lots. AUlnlu WE AFnE IN THE MARKET-FOR DEdeulrable locations and. with ail opesirabie building blans onweli-irocated' clais pald. North Shore property. 20 ........ ................. IQO18 $5,9OOO AND UP. 40 7bxl74........ .............. Interest as Iow as 4%,if securitywarbOniS?....................8000 Alo acres close lu and outling. Spécial, fuuds available for imméediate commitmeut ou new or retiiinncng loani.. WE OFFER MAL ESTAtE LoANrs Best Buys of the Week E WAL. SOFA, 135; MAIl. mah. cor-. ner cupboard, $50; 8-pe.- Duncan Phyfe diningrm. suite, $225;' 5-pc. Repoussé silver servýice, in4d1. urn, $75; beaut gpanisoh desk: (cost $65), $25; 8-pc. WaL7 dinfing rm. . set, $2.50; girils 4-pc. dec. bedrm. fuite, $#2.50; iovely baby1 bed conipi.,,$12; unusual wal. 'buffet, $85; misc. items inôl. 2 grand'-pianos, ohl paintings, and Oriental rugs. For apot. tel. Mrs. Van Fleet, Wlnn.1 2097. 129LTN25-ltc CHEi-S-T CHERRY CENTURY -OLD with glass knobs, 2 antique mîrrors, sectiona:l bookease, mabh. rocker, cot mattress, bedding, cushions. kitchenlaundry itemis, dishes, card, table, pictures, books. 1093Eim, Winuetka 2086' 129LTNq25-ltp ANI nd mUapie, chest, $40; soli Junk Deler--Goidmnan Papers 30ocper 100 ibm. Magazines .40c per 100 lb.. Rags 51.00 per 100 Ibn. Winnietka 48 Wllmette 5420.ý 1S2LTN254tp Junk Dealer-Phil Schuman Fred'k. B. Thomas. & Co. 743,Ehu Street FOR SALE Wiunetka 2850 114L25-ltp Federal Home Loans CONTAININQ ABOUT THREE AND one-half acres ln one of theý most LOAN19 ON NORTH SHORE HOMMI .n.. . fl I ne S 1r itg% A SOLID BLOCK 0f LAND Over 43 Years 0f. Dêpendable SerVice 530 avisSt., Eve'nston Greenleaf 1080 127A-LTN25-1te iNlGUIR£'& ORR, Inc. A% TO 5%% INTEREST $2,000 to $,OOO,0 Highiest markcet zprices for paper. mag. Atags il per 100 ibm. Aloo buy furà., bathtubeand old trou. WILUMrtT 1i744. 182LTN26-4tp The- par*tnershipdoing businegs as De-ý pendable and Indian Hill Auto Service, 1920 Lake avenue.-was dlssolved October 8# 1936. frank W. Norton and, Sophie Norton are flot responsible for debtI3 contracted after that date, lu connection with. said business.. ,LIVING, furi. o f 10 rm. DINING, ANDt BEDRM. hse. Modern and sorne 4de or .roa nuilder tw eut up Into about t 8 building sites of 100 feot each. Ownýner refused $25,000 cash In, 1928. Frict ,pow for quick sale $15.000. in ex .. nil :XCLUSIVE AGENTS 530 Davis St., Evans. Gre. 1080, Wii. 228 114LTN2f-lte POUR McGI IJIRE & ORR, mec. Gset vu GRAýND ,c. liv. rmn. tte 3139. uni. 021 vanston. 2486 1 Keuuy Bros.,N your furnlture on ccru RNITURE STORE 1004-6 Eme KIENILWORTH1_____ FOR ALELOT IN EAST KENILWORTH, NEAR' t4e lake at a speciai 10w prie for HIAVE TOUR C immiediate sale. at auction an also buy andi McGUIRE & ORR, E.XCLUSIVEF AGENTS 5,40 Davis St,., Evans. (Ire. 1080, Wil. 228 me. Evanstoli Wilniette's OnIy Fireproof Storage Warebouse Off ers Security Efficiency R<esponsibility with its 1107,

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