Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Oct 1936, p. 61

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be aeceep t Tuesday 9 will P. M. for WILM3TTIB LIFPE or ail thrft papes;W dne -.. for WINNETrA rALK and Ibu s . pa.-ILfor GDeINONuIWS. Telephones: Wilmntte 4900, Wlnnetka 3000(WlÇnnetkm.50 ate OP. 1M.), Gr"enag 0o Oheidrake 1216-1217.4».o Dea ineforlourti»_Cý,a9ftsued aslvertlsemlents LOur»I FOUND LOST AT LONGMEI kiOWý RIDiNýG FOR SALE UPRIGH MAHOGANY SHOW SAT., OCT. 24- -GIRL'S SIZE 14* piano, very good condition. Vr tan Scotch polo coat. Finder. .please eheap, cal! Peggy Nielsen, W 3Ltntka'1-lt.Wilmette 4309. 4OLTN25-ltp LOST OCTOB ~~ER~ý A-'WADUR l ND 3 OTHER FINE TAN COCICERe 8SPA NIET,. grand Pianos. Che-ap. Storage Mart, NAME -LADY BLF~"Iredale, Storage, 1723. Benson Avenue,. CALGLENC(0Em1165 Evanston. 4LTNq25-ltp 3LTN25-1tip LOST-LADY'S WHIT CID GOL» LONgine w*rlst watch mnarked 4'Cynthla Kohlsatt.' Reward. Cai 1.ll-Winnetka. 141. ~n 3L2-ltp Under supervision of Dr. 0. NorlingChristensen. Inspection Invlted. FOUeD! PICKED Ul P BY POLICE Fifteen years of sçrvçe, t near WUlmett Ave., 17 th t. atter N?8 AJÈSTy YUU'rbtM o. accident, young Alrec Jle, tai!, tfiin, white patch on throat,1 long tail, broken B A DN left foreleg. Owner cali Wilrnettp Animal quarters for dog. Special Hospital, Wilnette 500, 4. 44LTN25-1tp Separate attention given puppiseach a nd mmll dne POUND - SMALI 1 BROWN FEMALE dog. Owner please cal! Wilmette 873. -LUC ÎN4 3LTN25-ltc POUND, A CHILD'S JACKET, TWO weeks ago. May have by paying, for this ad. Wnnetka 3234. ;ILTN2S5-ltc Hubbarq MUSICAL INSTRUMEN-re Youn man's Kennels B A DN - 73OHibl Boarding rew urnes whille I igh sehooli, t grown while at college. Excellent éon ,dition. $10. Wiimette 1002. 59L'rN2s-ltp EXPRIECEDJAPANqES& L WILL, TRADE My $1.000. SLIGHTLY GMN JERAL 1EOUSEWORK, GOQD used genuine Mlik coat for diamnond 000K. BEPST 0F REFE1WNEtu-s. solitaire ring or listed stock. Write A-181, WINNE1'ÏA 8~090. 169LT25..1tp Box 60. Wilmnette, Ii. ,ît LT FOR SALE-LADY'S BLACX BROAD- WANTED PAINTING AND DECORatin.Ws n starch walla or any cloth coat. Persian trirn collar. Size 36. knofcleaning. Thoroughy expere»~.Rellable. N. S. Winnietka 1353. ref. Cal W11 4916., 59LTN25-ltp 69LTl4i5-tp EXPEIENCED AL ÀROT+ND inan wants one day a' week houa.woirk. Permanent. odd. jobs. A-1 Ný. S. 1'eferences. Also WiImette 2088. NO CHARGE TOEMipLdOYER 69LTN25-ltp Eficient service for ýNorth fhorHoe EXP.» WHITE MANI, 29 CEARS 0F WB INVESTIGATE REFERENCICB hage, wisbes Position as-houinman, butler, chauffeur. Pen or by day. Excellent N. S. ref. Wlnnetka 842. Wilniette 2171 Davis 7777 Fourth & IAnden, 69LTrN254ltp 634 »,vio Opp. 'L" Trni. RELIABLE COLORED MANvanston, DL EXPERIENCED CHAUFFEUR, .HOUSEMAX'YARD W ÜRZ Best N. S. refera. Davis 2089 69LTN25.ltp COOX, HOUSEAN VALET JAPANESE Thoroughiy experenced. Excellent reflast pos. lau[., erenioe. Shay. 936 N. Michigan. SuperA-1 ref. Pauline's Empi. Agencies. COMPETElN'r HELP te ziïi & Linden " ANTIU« Nwthings Terni. Nw ANTIQUES arriijinz Clipptng da.v TJNUSUAL VALUES IN, ANTIQUESRare early Colonial crotch walnut sideboard, chest of drawers, cherry table and chest, niahogany table and cheat, several black waiinit chests and bureaus. Phone Mrs. -Baker, Uni. 0627, forappointment.. 71TN25-Itip OLD CHERRY DESK; MAH-. SIDEboard; wal. secretary, and other fine Eng. and Amercan pieces. DvsESTHER OLSON 1005Dai St. Greenleaf 0490 7LTPN24-2tp nman Pinschers. -Waukegan Rdj. netka Ave. Genview 70. 44L COCK-ER s PANIELS, PUPPIEç Goid. Flash and Black Major-at to 6 mos. Red Brucie strain. Ternis if desired. 8605 Ferrfs blk. S. of 1)emjpster. AMortol, Gi - 8LTN28-tfe Lucille's Placement Bureau I.SUPERIOR: HELp WANTED-.VENLE POSITIONS OPEN Lindgren Emni - 44L' RUSSIAN type. Companionable WOLIHOUNDS. worthY. Glenwied Borzoi, 5724 ster St., lMorton G.rove. Ph. and A] - Anw DOMESTIQ HEL Anwservice to North Shore Hornes. Agency Re.thoroughlY lnvestigated. Strlctlyn ' lnder State supervision. Estabflshed 25 Years *1137 Central Ave. Wilmette 1056 799 Elm St. Winn. 104 pROCKHOLD BLDG. 71LTN58-tl r 68LTN7-tfe .Aorene~v WANTED - FOR MAID5 AND COUPLES GOOD WAGES fyv. WflK IR mç Carison 's Emni tI 1seil fr$ 59LTN26-toj 'ereNes. jp

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