Ail summer 1936 rentai bicycles for sa.le WILMETTE BICYCLE& SPORT $HOP ,Wlimettke 1404 .é07 Main St. Free Pick7-up & dellverY VPRSINO I3BROTHIERS MUUILINS AND REpAISt very.retauonably. nurnerous home maintenance services YOU can use -to help get- things 80 Balmy Sum mer.breez;es,*a* the fiTst blaste of already giving way' t arrive. .you will ai "everything is cozy Leave@s re chilly winds. falling. Sehool again. AI on this page Pitn * Paareg ad I INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR -EXPERT WORKMAXSHIP n Dcortin eoaiý- Repairing and Remiodeling 15A-LTN23-4tP c ND ýMA SON 'JBMÉN ScIizNg 1714 W-ahin9ton Ave. -Waerrofing CARL BENGSTON CARPE@NTIOR AND BUILDER winter know PAPE PETER AUGUST within Il y ous?"1715LAKEAVIEi.,P1HONE W1IldUETTE .Wllmette Beet Material-Lowest'Prices. Ihntiffimates and saemPles -furnlahed. G. H. MADTSON & CO, 1066 Rogers Park . 6100 2T5- 13peclaiiml!g ln interlor .and. extèer Ipa.intini. Aio .paper hangingif. muelin work and fluor reiflntabifg. 4LN241 'PAINTING <aswo'rk. Reasoniable'price*s. Freatý. Writ - A-183, Box 60.i- JOSEPH KN$IP CONTRACTOR Basementi Wimtê61 j6ALTN24-4tPý DUSîNESi *SICE 0GAU1DENI Ne THE ,kIND PRICES. JIUST White, LOW CASHyumYant. bIrch, tind. size toi). Mlred wood-blirch, mnaple and AiND DECORATIN(.. IST C-ARPENTER, noOFER, PAINTER, 1cernent, brick wurk, a sbestos sidifig, '4* n o repalriflg ad remoidel13. il.e.WiLlU81 9 Carpentering, piaatering. rooftng,f etc. Painting l)ecorati Dr.Fir'eplace XWood mette t liet I. or cail Austin 04e1. 42LTN25-4t'p "k ALL KASONRY AND BRICK~ WORK. (ehtmneys and Fireplaces a Speciaity. OTTO J. OTTEN Keniiworth 13107 626 Exmoor Rd. 15A-LTN25-ltp H.& 2'ZTNS-Il)EXPRTPIANO TUNINCG, $3. REPAIR work guaranteed. 22 years' Factory IVE'%liWAýyW' BEITTEIR CLOCK REPARRING 1 ), ~1'L FI . C.Thomas, 206 Columbia Black soit, yds. $5, 41ds. (xprien 45LT22-4tp IALL Ridge 1477. Park CLOCKS EXPERT. CHIME H~ Ave., Peattms. $6.7,5. yds. $C., ' NOME INBULATrION , antique clock repairlflg. Learned I trade lime. andd straw fs-rtilizer, r and MACINS In Europe. l(Formeriy with Tiffany 201 1*EWINQ W1NN. &KLOEPFVfZ David j 4, C. INSUJLATION <CO., WIL. 1606 FIeld's). Wilii aUl. Free esltimate. I qTNfGER EliECTRICP0RTABLE .>7lTN2-t sewilig machines $29.50; Western -1t1FOR SALE Johantison, phone Graceland 3846. 2OLTN18ý ma Electriv portables $19.50; treaie TREES. vo LU BEAUTIFUL PINEONLYM. St. Uni. 0990. Davis>QU52B-LTN24-4tp chines $5. 1111 -"-LnMr f,îrýAFTER 5 P. M. -.3 - No tont. White .oak,. $8ton. pa-oak, $10o cow- mailPyentsas luw as $6 mu. Tirst pa-black soul. 4 >yds., $6. Rotted eli1d. i 1Prt(.es KindilEg. tir~e, 4 rd's.. $12. 310 dys aà!tý ~j<b IledfiPli mtdue S Odle Construction Co. delivery. & CO. Arniitage 6272 160)s N. Artesian, Chii. 2M, .Wiflnetka. 16LTN2ý -4-4tP 849 Elin Street NO DOWN PAYMEN' 12$11 î~tro trui ' I1t3 A. ANý\DERSON SCAR & ltit.-rifrïîcoata anil 2.N-li TNN PIANO_____________________ E. H1AGLUND i!AO anîd 'inîkei 8.*3 Eîmin lEqulpmelrt 15O-LTN25-lttc tret-t I22LTrN24-4tp WnnIRIIU 1011 N .rfs CHILDREN'S Unl e caso. A bargitl 4- wîîîuette 2223. AGENT 1 H. F. COLLINS, AUTH-lýORIZED free. g go malet3-service Hardim tge 1il Burners. tG' all. TNI.1 Winroad, Vrliow Frree esitimateis. 903 W DRESSMAKIN eas.pri 'ices. 15D-L25-ltuJ 1066. ,îetka MADE AND REMODELED. PiRESSES 'STOVE., OIL WILLIAMS DISTI Vour home or mine. WjVlmétte 2158. [eut heater, Used [n at$25. honé'221LTN25-Itp Very reasé 5-gul. tank. Excel ___________22hJ'Ir _____ ____ __ _________ aRK-NU Y( CI'STOM M.'D1"d toEFil- giri ulyax 3$ #iit.IIwliît. N25 - 4t 40c, ruffled ffluel jNIY)ijJ1 6, ILTN.,25-ltP1> BEAUTI-' 1 lýir 3T2-tî 1..'r ANDREPAîR5 UPH@LSTERY Lhud; plain,' AND CHAIRS YcOUR DAVENPORT "lutor g re-uphoistered, finet workmaflshlp. Evanstn. mwi,1 A [LTN22-4tp ________ 10 ___ Phono and ur estimatur wiii cail wlth cmpiete lune of samplos. Speclal diseount this monîli. 151)4.TN2-îtp DRESSMAKIN _______R1EMODELING dressing Wilnnetka mss.' ad-i [ss Browne, 721-23 Main Street 365, Davis Furniture Unversty 7210 58LTI1O-tfc Craftsmen ~~RVICE ALTEIRATIONS____ flearthistone Compan'y FIREPLAC OAK lrtire-piacer. $2 ,cord deilere. a . &iýaoiied birch aand inaple. Uni. 55SO.16LTN*23-41 . *~atI - É rens.Treets aIl -varletie-s. ;Itrub.s Dîv.nFor your .. (uwt<ni-lead a id oh. 20c to -e 5. WuOl4-'eic. ph. 'Wil. 913l-1. ~N1 Ver'Y 49LOUIS 'ta l il ' 1 , WiiUi. 258 ADNN < 1 OMPLETE GIDNSERVICE Bestres by day or contraet. Reas. ~ WILMZTTE, 1891 Al (iiv d Iii m1isad r i dau s 7 clalt ela 730 1A . \Vos'cd. aned àys adeuor baisnd axt .lan it w o ii ( 1 i:rr2.r-1 16LTN25-1 tiJ. PuneWllîett 27. pnes.Feetiaes. ,WINNETKA E. NELSON.efSTBE FOREST VIEW ATAB4 Painting and Interlor -Decoratlng Hari Rd. :ît 3858 7LN2- i.~~ SiîpusMro $2LTN4-4P30)A-LTN23-4tp