WVithl the incomparable charni a]ways associated mrith-a Booth Tarkinigtop portrait of asmall tôwu) .JcillfuIly captured in 'thé screen verSio 0 lOf 'hi-, fanions classic, 4Ge ntkl [ulia" is 'making a return showing. as the result of poptilar demanci, tluis Friday- and .,3at.trdaàv at theWlet t heater. W Ils tin lXic.e Tne story coflcerns a voung model Who iS accused of> the the ft of a nccklace, and a Young taxi-driver heltys lber or ove ,hler. innocence Directed bY Alfred' E. Green, this Columbia picture bas as its featured plaYers Fay Xray, Chester Morris. Uion.el Stander, and Raymond AVal- convention,-as far as bats are concerned. Miss George always bas a srnart bat to complete each costume. but because she like s to go about bareheaded she- is seen fréquently carryîng bat, bak and gloves. Start led at first by tbis scorn of ýstyle ýetiquette Hlollywood, is 10W, sponsoring the habit and New York fasbion scouts report. tbat tbe fad bas 'even. reaiched t hose sacred sbores. ianii 81V ovvur uarrie,' lotits Claudette CoIbert-Clark Gable Mickey Mouse Cartoon - -Newis Feature Starts 7.30, 9:50 Prlday,. October 30-One DayOnly GQONS TO TOWN".11 Jea. Arthur-Gary CiPo Pos&tal Inspectobr In formation concerning a branch sha',H ht wo ifthe government usual.ly takeni for, fass onali Outfitl heeds t'>o unuich the leranted is interspersed with a story* Fall àshios dflot iîecessarily re4liowing the p 0cutos taken t' qi fur .adornmeént. At 'the gala, sicker. G e org v 1 revent the fraudulent use of thelt Juliet" ini I-oly g d "Romeo mail, ii "ostal of this week.and. inspector," the pning Carole LoniUniversal picture that will be seetn bard was selected as the be st-dressed 4Jn ethît at the Xalncia theater on Saturday. wonîan present. Miss Lombard'S CosXV\ýell directed and acted, the 1st roles s1w's had plot turne was a dinner gowii of blacký r. witli fullh es teach ide te. date. whiu takes i- ftst-inovîjfg andthe principal-a('-, crep.,ra Tom Brown, it on lierseif te act tor.. include Ricardo Cortez, Patricia of the long skirt. Over this she wore tlhe role of Cupid and to selvet- the li.P'ela Lugosi, and Michael Lor- a tigbtly fitted packet of black Lyons grownuips' probleins for theni. velvet, witb long paniels ext ending ing. Set within the grim walls of a faAn Aitierican chorus girl whilv iroin the waistline in black. mouis penitentiary is the excitig 'dr;lnded iii London becomnes i ii()*It f 1IailIbrea k, " the drain.a \oIved in war tinte romance and 111-. \\hi&'h wvill be sectu t1his Sll1da\- and trigtne. \Vith a Iplot of well-sustained Meondav <t 'the \imtetetr drania, t bu imusic. the ttnusual biut iiÏiwVthrillinig scètes of air raid>, Wil. Plays Reporter J'ilsiii combat. aiid splendid pho(7ai. Rvîodspavn th, tn,_r;iApv.ý nhn to miake "Suzy" * ..*ll Fashion Spotlight "1,AilOdet on the Western Front" Le«w Ayres-Louis Wolhdma Mickey Mouse Cartoon Feature Starte 2:25, 4 :25, 6:20, :5,10:10 Sun., Mon.. Nov. 1-2 SIIIY Symphony Cartoon Feature Starts- 7,30. :55 Bat., Oct. 31-on.b4 nly "1II0 MARY Featui-t:ý ý Jeaurt-4:00, an etertjnjfç~Iîiéture. 11 c vm af thu \alencia tijeater on SIldav and Xronday. ,tl,j ast rtrs etenorth \ illianîsing coniedy presentshortc on Tiuesdav aiid \ens ing the stars in a new light, non'if ext len(orgý Cck Arliss ~t;~.. oolslnes.and inerrirnent, is is seen in"Te ofue othsélulild. *WaIk011 on .- the RKO producthe tale of thc risu of that rtexnark- t n scliedule<l lur the Valencia on Aile fa.xily, froin povert-v and ob.- Iuuevsdav;1\ ntd \eîedvof tnext. scurity to faîne and fortunei. "Mary of qcotl;iiid." witlu I<athieri 1 e lepbtiii i the titl",roie. a grippîn g. MARTHA .\uolîugreat P'rincipïal ienac. pi ctrc oi ., a <i 15'C Monday t. SAuurdoy i nette 1ii>t SMory 1py». e<.. POP.EYE CARTOON