OIL, Phono Wilm ette 221 1141 Greenlouf Ave., Wilmette Serpiseg the North Shore l'or Twenty-ire Years - $LOWN..CO. JACK BURNERS AIR CONDITIONING 1743 Sheeman Avenue1 :Evanston PLAN sUY NOW . PAY ONi OUR. BUDGET ad Curtains c.0 Ce. SNYDERoINC.* Greenleaf 7141 from. Fr*m auteonic t*rade reports, deliveries on Draperies. and, now buy fo you advise We g'ehind. ekt w 7 6 te , r aefrem ,yinufec procure to inabilil'y by we *111deliver When wanted. Reason for delay is toused UH LTRN experieoced operators. Your od worD out furnitue Consolidaée DItAERIS I .Ldc-Ug ,Jwlà-----,Iason-Fire OVer Engiafld. xon.FlIOf .Lowenthal-JeWs Of GermaflY. veblin-Eflgifleerg and th Pice SyBtem. Beard-Ecoflomic Interpretatins. ot t.he constitution. .b o s i titton. u Brant-Storm Over t eCn Davie-Probleins of CitY Lite. e.ressey-PsychologYý and tme New Education. Scie'nte and TeehnoIOgY Findlay-Spirit of CheiatrY.Physical SHOWER FOR BRIIDE t6 FinidlaY-1ftrOductiofl Chemistry. Mrs. John B. Romans of 418 IsaCroneis-Dowfl to Barth. street gave .a .miscellaneous' bella Stanford--EcOilorniC Plants. Jones-ElementS of Practicai Aerô- shower on Wednesday. eveniing in dynamlcai honor of Missý Virginia Hubbard' of. Chatfield-Airplafle and Its Engine.. Evanston *whose marriage .to, Mes. Klétnin-Sitiiîled AerodynalhiCs.' Land. Poor Lanid, Chase-RiCh Romans' son, Robert, is. to.. take place on November 7, in St. Luke's chapel, Evanston. - uct. it is made from grain Anerican byý hogs, fed. on Amer.icat by. and:produced American farmers, ah Amneric an in workers American packing plant. "This new Tender Made Ham is, boneless, trimùmed, -cooked in its own natural juices, -and sealed ini containers.. . It is, of course, ready to serve, co',d. or, simply. to be heated and eaten." iz.gr CT i-fadmotion, $0or more and pay on our Liberal Budget. Paymerit One year to pay re at rvice, Tz lor 0tô ur ÛÉte I heeatsprn o! ebb i and best of ail findings. Expert upholstererI retorn ih to you better than factory made. nteeiais to ithéfla. We PAY ON THE BUDGET PLAN Hlave us make you our perfect fittiag siip-covers. Mrs. Francs C. Varney (Betty [1-Heritage of heCathdrl ý-Modern House.' entertained r-Modeling and Sculpture IXI the Marshall) of Evanston, Tues-. as-Mary Thomas' Embroidery the members of ber mother's rater, to inyeur selections. -Letters ta, an Artist. -Historyof Music. Art sephi B. Marshall, of 1040 Elmwoodj ies-Dairozfr-Erhythnies, ýucation. avenue. ,nac-Music Uramas of Richard day club for luncheon this week. She invited four young women as well as the friends of her mother, Mrs. jo- O9a1 .. rest ,Upartments pro'vide an i d e ,a1 btend of complete h.otel service and Symphonies. Downes-Syrophonic M4asterlPieces. 'fraye) and Blog1'aphy Humphrey-Hungary., Holden-FrOflCh Chs.teau2c Open ta the Publie. Verrili-Along New England Shores. VISITORS FRQM SOUTH flak-Mountfiin Cattie. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Nylund of 1634 Taylor-Odyssey of the Islands. as recent Clinton--Gomez. Forest avenue have liad Hoftfman-H-eads and Tales. Nylund's sister, Ms ges.Mrs. Maxin-Genlus ln the Famlly. MatWachter, and Mrs. Herriet Ross-Seventy Years of It. Illinois football game Saturday, to Champaign'. down last having motQred of lier group a for the week-end with at sisters sorority Delta Delta Delta Northwestern university. AN APARTMENT MOTEL AT 1570 OAK AV EN19UE __ - __ - -Tolly; ____ _____ ____ ____ _____ __ d.te a sied. withi YelloW e. Iish. ýe D'aulaireB. ated I:te et Ison. Boys and tand Helen uiris Tohn-I aret ' ot "hlr îs 4.,lglitB.el as, a. blekl-and