Friday, October 30, 1936, at 8 P. M. a surprise. The cast is announced and a word or two Townes, Henry C. Champlini, Richard Buss Carmen, Perry Penningabout specialty numnbers is hint- Cragg, ton, Maurice M usgr a ve, Louis ed. The Glencoe Central school ScIferer, John Bowles, Ned Shapker, auditorium will be the locale for Charles Pflager, Lansing Warner, ihis the. second Aninual Junior r, William P. Sullivan, Carl Von .League,Follies for the benIefit oôf Ammon, Frank Toler, Robert Grant, Robert Stockton, Dr. S. F ' Barry, charity. Murray Marse, john Chivers, Fredby FRANK aELL, C.S.B., of New York C4ty ini Elm Place Sch.ool Auditorium,ý Sheridan Road and EMm. Place,: Highland Park,, Illinois. Mr. Bell is: a niember of the: Board of Lectureship ofTh Mother Church T Ihe FirstChurch of Christ, Scientisti in Boston, Massachusetts. Louise Huniter Windsor ,(Mrs.,erick Boultoni, Burton Ellis, D.- Mcl, Henry 'H, Jr., of Wfiinnetka), whbo ville Carr, Hloratio Rogers,_Inez before her. marriage sang inth MacKenzie, Winthrop Robinson, Bill Metropolitan opéra, again will be one Lenhart,, Scott Thomas, Richard oj the stars of the Follies. Louis, Lord,, Warren Wheary, and Robert Tilden will play a double pi ano num- Berry. ber. with William Heath and Mr. Tilde'n will also do a numnber .of Frank Fay's in the Lambs' Club Gambols in New York. Mr., and, Mrs. Horatio Rogers will "take-off" aNoel Coward play, in Lynn Fontanne and Alfred Luiit mariner. The "Stooges," a bit in the first Follies, are ini this production with "surprises." Friday and Saturday of this week and Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of next the Follies box office will be open , daily fromn 9 to 5 in the First Churcli of Christ, Scienti St Highland Park, Illinois White finger waves are, drying. Machineless permanents also permit patrons to 0 moVe about or play cards. For hair dyeing absoute . privcy, is .sured in a separate roomi. DeNelda herseif personally handles all facials and hair dyeing, specialities whicb have built up the popularity. of the salon. DeNelda lias been in thé junior League club rooms, 1618 Chicago avenuie, Evanston. Turn-outs for try-ot*ts for the cast beauty business seventeen or eigliteen. years. She received training with Bullock's in Los Angeles, and later traveled in Iowa, Indiana, and 111imois givinz will be held at Shawnee Counry club, duÈjng which somne of tbe skits will be repeated... The cast in its entirety is-Gir ls: Mirs. Louis Tilden, Mrs. Edward M. P'...ulitgcio shore, Chicago women still corne to DeNelda for facials. zuoingnr wtothenorth Serve. milAges Tourtelot, Mrs. Kenneth C. Brown, MVrs. Donald Lourie, Mrs. Horatio Rogers, Mrs. Henry H. Windsor, Jr.,, having leads or minor parts, and Mesdames Frank Corliss, John F. Her<lic. George Fargn. W., E. John- Delielda Salon, Spanish A staff of tbree handles the business. Miss Florence is a splendid fingerwaving expert, and Miss Ann a specialist in manicures and the. waving of eh ildren's hair. SmalI daughters, high sily," Margaret, Fenner,i Aiberta Woodruff, Elizabeth . Watkins, ýrt, are withill walking distance of the higlh Alicia, 'M Barbara er, school, and the Wilmette and KenilWorth, residential districts."