Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Oct 1936, p. 38

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SunbeamILeague. CeIebrates 25th Year With Dance *Plans fora, very gala two days, November. 19 ýand 20, the dates of the Fali Festival of the Wilrnette, P a, r i s h Methodist church, are ràpidly maturing *under, the able and ýinspiring leadership of' Mrs.-.Arthur> LeeFuller, chairman. 'Serving, wth Mrs. Fuller,'as, ochairmenare Mrs. R. Wallace Mitchell. first division; Mrs. Arthur C. Schwarmi, second division;, Mrs. Clifford E. Ives, third division;. M rs.. Carl J. Zipprich, fourth division; Mrs Harry> W. Mons, fifth, division, and Mrs. Edwin G. Fishier, sixth division. Mrs. Carl J. *Nylund is, chairman of the kitchen and dining room activities, with Mrs. Elbert R.,Herioeker as dining room hostess. Mrs. Thomas L. Grisamore 11is candy chairman. Each room w ' be decorated with' murals and appropriate articles to fegture Holland, Africa, Sweden, Italy, Mexico, and japan. In charge of the decorating is E. Todd Wheeler ,as chairman with John Zipprich. as co-chairman.,Lundin.is ci Lirian of Onl Friday, Novemiber 6, the Sinbeanw league wiII cele2brate its-twenty-fifth year W>ith a diiiner dance iii the Continental r o0 -iM of the. Stevens, hotel. X'avier Cuýgat's orchestra and a I.new, flàor 1show 'vilI provide -the. entertainrnent. in 1912 a small group of young women becarne' int erested in the plight of children in, Chicago hospi- tais, 'for whom. no ýdiveérsion was provided -durinig the long periods of iIIthey ness,,ad> convalescene. applied for their charter, they s.tated their purpose was that of "bringing sunshine luto the lives of children in oChicago hospitals or wh'erever else. it may be needed.," The Sunbeamn league's rapid growth made them at the, lef t and Mrs. Frank L. JoyV realize that it would be 'possible to ot the right in the upPer pictuwe, do more for the ch'ildren by having and Mrs. Williamn Panushka, in the a paid kindergarten teacher, than to lozuer photograPh, are taking Part in "Flashbacks" the pageant Bertha rely on the efforts of the merubers. 'Biirrill(Mrs. James A.) has written Although the visiting was flot elimifor. the ,.Iub'scelebration, of its nated from the "league's activities, the 'Wheà will be ribbon awaras to the childreui only. For genera.l wiII be the Carnival features, in-. entertainnment there cluding pony rides for children, a. trained dog act, cornk movies, dart throwing and many other stunts under the direction of Mrs. Raymnond G. Kimbell as chairman. -R. S. F of PWIiimette jounaea z»in âv.. The picture of Mrs. P. nushka taken in 1929, shows fier as the only living chartfer 'ii mber of the Wilinette Parish. Mcthodist church, turin9q tlic key in the door of the old church mzarkcd flie reinoval to the newv ch whi ccernonv, the of part a as ediice Presbutildingý. It is hoped that a fourth charter me mber and the club': irstini St. homne her from 'corne Io abIc bc wvill Leonard, ident, Mrs. Herbert G. participate members charter tifese which j»t scene The occasion. the Paul for zviIl bc aimon g the pageant'smost appealinfl. _______________________________ and the card party. cided to extend its activities to include 'a Nursery school for . spastic children from 2 to 5 years of age. at the Spalcling School for Crippled .Children.- Specially constructed chairsl, \valkers. velocipedes and gaines are provïded ini an effort to help. these unfortunate youngsters to enjoy a Several yea.rs ago the league de- more normal childhood. ,T.. H Mrs. Roy E. Brackin, 84 Temple a cocktail and supper court, invited a few friends in for given in their home ail tea Wednesday afternoon of Iast western- Min nesota - focl ýweek f rom 3 until 6, o'clock.Saray avenu( 221 Woodstock bave invited a group Mr. and Mrs. R. -Wa /unfl ý-uU151iItg avenue, IA.VIIiwoiJA LII iýLig, i*= .X-11* L. are observing Hallowe'en 'wth a diii- man, Mrs. Irwin L. Porter, and ner and bridge for sixteen friends in Blair Porter of Wilmette, Mrs. VY**j= I their home Saturday evening. liam H. Trout of Northfield.

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