Last Saturday night, at New Trier High school auditorium, thethirteenth season of the Artist Re- citai series ope.ned with a concert by Lauritz Melchior, heroic tenor, presented to the usual enthusiastic, audience of music loyers. The program .ConIsisted of four groups: first, four, ScandinavianI songs; second, four Germnan -lieder; third, four~ English songs;. and last, three excerpts froni Wagnerian opera. The first group, full of contrast. showed Mr. Melchior to possess a huge voice, Ibeauitifully con-. tro1led, powcrf ni, and with an almost baritone-: like quality, tiot usually found ini a tenor. 0f particular beauty was "îThe Swan," by Grieg, which Mr,. Melchior sang with, unparalleled delicacy and tenderness of interpretation. The Gernian lieder were of course perfect. The artist gave every shade 'of color, both tonal and poetic, to thesefive masterpieces. "The Donhie," by Schubert, tragicand somber, and "Staend'cchen," by Strauss, werethe outstanding songs to. this listener. After the intermission Mr. Velchiorsan.g, fout.Englisb, songs of whicjh Hagernan's "Do Not Go, My Love" was the highlight. T~his sông, almost too familiar to most concert goers, took on new meaning under Mr. Meichior's touch. As he himself said, bis interpretation is different, and succeeds in making more vivid, more poignant, a song which even in less competent hands is unusually beautiful. The final group opcned with 'Traumie," b\ Wagner, and ended with the "Grahlserzahlung," fromn the opera, "Lohengrin." This by no inians ended the concert, however, as Mr. Melchior was * Patrons and 1 atronesses and the public re-. sp.onded readily ini purchasing tickets to the betiefit musicale Frida3y evcning at 8 :30 o'clock at the home of M.,rs. Walter A, Strong, 1377 Tower road. Ff-ubbard1 Wood,. A capacity audience is assurde(,, and the sale of tickets ha- been closed. *Three artiSts vil .appear oni the progra; 1nNIargaret jean. Cree of Winnietka, theyuliu ellist wvhose musical. eduication Nvill be funrthcrcdl b)v the affair,; is to be heard ini three groups of Ilumbers.. She w,,iil be accompanied by Olga Salidor of Highland Park.. Margaret Farr,, the pian1ist. of Lake Forest. is assisting Miss Cree. Alfred Wrallensteii., former first 'cellist with the Chicago Symphoniy orchestra.and thé Philharmionic orchestra., has agreed. to take Miss Cree as a ýpupil, and the proceeds from the mus icale will assist in. sending her to New York for study. The> as fol1lows: program Fridayv evening wi le Toccata, . . . ... Aria Haanera.... de formie en Piece Papillon...............Hamiliton e....d-(asa Pizzetti Ravel Harty NMar1garet Jean Cree Olga saiidr t the Pîanl) John Erskine,. aitthor and tonýlliiny Iotohflc ortli shore' Thursday',.Noveinbcr 12. AlI 2:30 o'clock tJîat afternoon he is speak1 iY al fliec Wîiîauiiis Club of Evaniston lcefore fili' I)rala Clu ifio Evanstoit on -Thelu'Fiture ocf the I)r-aiia." V. ,,Erskin ,u as schlediulcd Ioa apeur ('horale-Jesu, Joy of -Man's Desiring ... l3ach-Bauer DeFalla Tlhe Ffislherman's Song,. ý............Aden Carpenter Trango Amerjeain . ... .Nerlni Dance of the HobgobUns................ M.argare't Farr Variations sii - Margaret Jean Cree. 01ga Sandor at the piano i 'n Tene rococo ... Tschaikowsky Preluide, F mnajor.........,. Berceuse . . Chopin Chopin i......................... Polonaise, 0O1. 5:' ................ Margaret Farr . Chopin Some, of the audienlce mnay remnember WNr. as -Mr. Strafzvogel, a boy of 17, wlho played for Mr. Szegeti abôut eight years ago ini thissanie seriés. -At that tme his playîng was a delight to the listener, and bis artistry has grown untii toclay he is, to iny mind, the most accoîuplished. accompanist, both in tonal beauty and technical *proficiency, that 1 have had the pleasure of hear-Strafford mnusical world. 1 cannot êonclude .this review' without mlentionl of Mr. Meléhio's accompanist, Lloyd Strafford. John Erskine Speaks oni North Shore Nov. 12 The famed author and playwright, john Erskine, will speak on -The Future of the Drama" at the nleeting of the Dramia club of Evanston to be hield at 21:30 o'clock Thursday, November 12, at the WVoman's club of Evanston. His lecture wiil be followed by tea. Mr. Erskine, professor of Eng- . . . . . Elegie ... Fileuse.....................Faure La Fille aux Cheveux de'Lin........... ............. Piece No. 3............. Margaret Jean Ci-ee Olga Sandor at the piano .Faur.e Debussy Boulanger Assisting & tober 19, for a 4.- The sales will be hanclled by lay, November student couiofBill K*ep,omittee of her hùsband, Staats Cot! the cast. They were ac worth's grandfather, Alb Chicago mu sician and'cri cil of New Trier under the direc per. the chairman of the asseni the coiincil. vorth, prorninenlt beie fit musicale to bc uiven. Friday eve,îing of this z(ek ,af 8:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Walter -4.. Strong, 1377 Tower road, J-ublard. Woods.. She will Plail n îembers f roi Chopin, Bach, Nerii. De, Falla, and John: Alden .Carpe;i. ter'.