Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Oct 1936, p. 33

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1905 1922 1923 Minnesota 72 *19OMlnnesota 0 1921 Minnesota 28 'Uinnesota 7 Mlinnesota 3ý4 Northwestern 14 Gpir 1.98 Mnneota9 Northwestern 10 ohrSaua. .1929 âJi n 11es oY 26 Noitbwvestern 14 1931 Minniesota 16 Northweétern 2r~tr Mnriso;(7 9 N or thves te rn. O: 1933 Minsta Northwestern o 193) ta -)j 1 orthwestern 1 Gailles woni by Mnist 10 North - Nortliwestern 6 JU-111L1, VCSOrKUsac Northwestern 17î hopeS to have the teain at the sarne Northwestern o0 high degree of effectiv-enèss wheln Northwestern 7 t1leyv square away against the imighty audy OUR PARKING SERVICE AWAITS YOU. 1 TIIS westtetn 5;'rie< One of lic olest and at tlic sanie., i dt o h fifth, Thiornie hall tiiime xost intense football rivalies cVen t, o1 the "History and Enjoyrmelt in the liig Te il lIbIe resumned'Sat- of' Music", series, presented by the urday whlei orthwesterin and Min- Uiritcolg of> Northwestern il1es o ta imetini the \VildÉats Hlorne- uniiversitv,. lias been, advanced one yphonietta a. h Sieneg comnilg aàt lYvcliv..stadituni. Although n usay'ihov the Gopers have %vonl 10 out of -the Vl pa 17 ganes played in the series, the re- lber 3, in Thorne hall, East Superior sults frcn aeshv evdt strcet and, Lake Shore drive. Pro.7it-U a decided fillip to the rivar. fessor Felix Borowski, Will, discuss thet NipandTuc Afair,Çlassie Era," as commentary, for the Sine 131 -liil heWildcats cap)- prograni. of PDa iseSaidied rgcodtr tured a hair-raising 32 to 14 -decision o , hr piend Said12erg Danie the ganies have allbeen i»îp-aiid-tiick. woi2li e Ceha-o 1The '31 gamie is still 'regarded as bhen .a solonceltt ont of the greatest gridiron drainas bSyph olyocestra,. uterChiredanudy'Jche standerm erick Stock, for the past seven years. Cee eliacl Claetîe MntiandJac Mades The string symphony orchestra whichi l)oth, scored ini the first quarter to wiîî make its first appearance Tuesput the Gophiers in front 14 to 0. day night, is compieofsn f Then the \Wil(Icat attack started roll- tefns tigpyrin hifaso.o on ndfte 95-yared e tourldow11tht They.will play a program of old andsneoaf keicak9-voffbyPugRnofte.modern music %writtenfor string inselold lik-offbN lal Ptg eliilr.strumnents and rareiy heard. Last vear's. great battît at MinThe programi will include a Reeneapolis ,vas iust the opposite of the clrt -f4 -nA4ý . 2., P.rogram n'iff Be. Givent on. Tuésa a l7 .01 1 Siedrsw ih of ln the oft.rnoon came i>ack to tie the score i>.ut the Puirple tailied( again to lead 13 to* 7 at the haîf. Ho,.weer, -Minnesota railied. to score twice more ini the second haîf to gain the decision. Thriller Pro3nised This vear's gaine has ail the eIe-. * Was Child Prodigy ments to inake it a counterpart of. the thrilling encounters of the past. Both tearns corne uip to the ganie %vithi uîîdefeated records and they are the onlv uindefeated eleveils ini the -Mr. Saidenbergreceived his early musical training in New York. After touring this country as a child prodigy, he went to. Europe to study at the Paris Conservatoire. When he returne'd, he again toured the country as a soloist, and tht n joined the Philadelphia orchestra tinder Stowlsovvski. He became a solo cellist wvith the Chicago Symphony wheni hie iras just twenty-thrce. bers of the Gophers is que The fact remains that the Mes. It is put at the Y Yale-Hari ied by AT EVANSTON catsJ scher, New York,

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