Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Oct 1936, p. 31

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to marcn cd( with the rap planied for w,%hein the I dlowni to E-v to enitertain , tors to theý 1936 Homecoming. Hlomecoming, one, of the* major week-ends for Northwesterni students,' is featurinig a series of entertalumnents Fiftv-fiib.1ve years aid. innovations that place this 'yea r's celebrated Iby the in bsiness will, be Rugen' Stores, afj)rparationis for, thc ýaluinii'naemorc filiated ith the, Centrella organiza extensive scale. than iini any former tion, independtnt stores. in Glenview year. this Thursday, Friday,.àami Saturday. Alumni wl first, be greceted Fridav Thursday evening of this week was tighlt by welcoining, dccoratioiis on set al. sorority :and fraternity bouses. i and aside as "Rugen's Centrela night", the Centrella organization. Judgiîig on -the basis ýof îioveltv of1 store all om,'ners and their,.employees design- and 'faithfuliness of execuition with thei'r wives were invited to. be a committee will award the 1est dec- present. orated bouses silver trophies. The miembers of the Centrella Folloviing the viewing of decoraboinig leaguewere to drive over to tioil., a parade will forni ini theco the evenjug'j oritv quads and inârch_ -to,the ÇP r 1iGleniview 'following bowling session. sessmin adjacent,. to the Pauten gyml-. riasiiui, vth a blaring path beat outi iThe store -%vas founded in 1881 by along Sheridan road by the uiiver-! Charles Rugen and is IQw qperated. sitv band. by 1dwini F., IFred1 A., and Frank G. 1Rugen. Master of Cereanonies Kenneth L. "Tug" Wilson, biead of Other Cenitrella stores iii this the uniiversity- athletic departmient, vciiyare George B. Winter's Gro\%Il] act as master of ceremonies at cery and Market service, 1146 Centhe pep session, with football play- tral avenue, Wilmette; Redke's ers wvho willt une Up Saturday against Grocery and Market, 738 Elm stréet, the Go phers introduced by the athle- Winnetka; Voltz Grocery and Martic dlepartment. Simultaneotus with ket, 814 Elm street, Winnetka, and the introductions and.speech.es, a hitge Glencoe Grocery anid Mvarket, 313 lonfire wiil be set ablaze ini the: field. Park avenue, Glencoe. a(Ijoinipzl the gyrnnasium. Çentrella Store to Observe Anniversary New.Car, SA Brilant New 1937 Dodge Capue Spotight at Sensational New York Preview!* dav night. Sorority. and 'traternity1 ,k-*ts xill be featuired anid the acts Dental socîetv wJIllbe held ati jlidged best by a student and facultv cago the Orrington. hotel in Evanston conîînittee will receive trophies. WVednes;dav. December 9. Saturdav morning. aftür a fewý Plans are ini progress, under the hours' respite from .the -celbratig, direction of'Dr. R. L. Xescott, pres.Î sororities, fraternities and other unidenft of tue -North Suburban branch, versitv organizatio-ils il be repre-ý to make this meeting an outstanding sented in a parad.e throughl dowin- event in dental circles in Northeasttowni Evanston as a preliminary ilote ern Illinois. Metibers of the cornto He affernioon encouniter betwveen mnittee in charge of the annmal .clinic 'the Wrhesen\iIdcat-s andl the are: Dr. Paul AVilcnx, chairman: Dfr. may be obtained on the Nori ern campus or at raiiway:and el train terminais and the stadil thé day of the gaine. direc>Ail arrangements, and. the worktion of eýght sub-commiittees -Daaeel Glu....

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