Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Oct 1936, p. 28

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. . .. . . .. . flouse Cons*Member mittees: Education, MunICIpalitics, Charities and Ckrireicions, Civil Service, Efficiency sud Economny. Active On. li legisiatiOn> affecting schools and teschers., Advofor c a te d "home ruie municipaliiti. Opposéd 3%/ sales tax and» al higher tax legisiation. Ad vÔc a te of permanent registration and drivers' license. A Winnetka resident. says the Legi'slatir.'e.VoterËs League *As a first-termi member she lias applied herseif industriouslly to her legisiative-work good: -and 4aS made a,vrery record. She was active ln the fight for permianent registr'ation and fully deseryes to be Republican Candidate for Re-eleetiori for STATU REPRESENTATIVE Vote RePublican - BEhoes Photo Herbert B. Muijord, 835 1ltood aeeWilmieitc, will be the speaker Ile.t Motjàay eeznjing at the mteeting of the Chicago Library club at Shawnee Cotintry club. He illi tel of hi; experti.ences mu a recent tniP icnciuded the North Cqpe"Norwich way, and zvil1 illustrate lus story with Alides. Miss Ami; Whitiitck, head of the Wilniette Public library, uilI be in charge of the meietinig. General Election Tuesday, November 3, 1936 Three Wilmette Students Players in Purpie Band hundred forty students George Jones, Robert MacMorran, and Robert Wyle, are among the one at North- three bathis, a panelled study or den,, a recreationi room and a two-car attached gar.age. .It. has been complet 1e]y furished'anid laindscàped. Raymond .F. Il oulihan was the architect for the building.. I.atest Features ThleI* model home, was described. as giviing the public an opportuniity to become 'acquainted -%vith the latest fetattures of modern residential construction, the iieWest effects in- interior appointmellts and decoration and the correct modes in, furnîiture and fuüriïshi.ngs., Also on exhibit, since last Saturday, lias been a seven- ro om house of EngIish, design at 2026 Thornwood. avenue, WMinette', fiVe blocks -north of Lake avenue .and a block west of Ridge road. 1The firs.t floor of the Winnetka, home is, o steel and co 1ncrete construction and is equipped with al nianner of labor-saving and step) saving devices. The heating system, it was explained, is conditioned air ,%itli summertime ventillating and circula-tion. Furnishings for the Winnetka home home were provided by Carson, Pi'rie. e Scott, and comipany, Chicago retail departmient store, and C.. D. Wag-,F4 - - cri li were resunible high sen0es i uscai tests. ab)iIity ila Under. the direction o.f Glenn C. Democratic Candidate STATE'S ATTORNEYý State's Attorney CourtneY shouId be re-elected on his record: Bainum, Northwester.n's baud has attained high distinction ini its field. t plays at al athletic and other contests of the university, and during the second semester will make a concert tour. Two out-of-towNv trips were sched for ... Mrs. G. S. Wegener Is Home Prom Eastern Trip d his fall. 21 ne to Champaign Mvrs. Gabe S. Wegener of 36 Keniothavenue, Keniilwoi'th, returned home on SaturdaN from a fortiîght's trip. east. Accompanlied by Mis9s F.éH. Mahoniey, she attended the international dairy and ice creami convention held at Atlantic City from Oc-* tuber 12 to 17. Mrs. Wegener is Dn-eidlt of The Hudson Maîiufac- kEGARDLESS, Of YQUR VOTE TO KIEP TI4OS. J. in more studied mi and Stephens redie has der Perçy of J{ec-tor New, Saetiger Y orlk City%. I

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