ithe. party cfrcle and, Put your cross m vote the. straiglit Republicatn Ticket REPUBLICAN to vote te~tagtRpbcnTce The 1aublic is invited to use these headquarters freely as a source of informnaion about 'radio- broadcasts, other speeches, and mee tinigs. Literature of ail kinds and sample ballots are available there. Miss Katherine Goodsmnith is the executive secretary. Headquarters wïll be open al day Novem ber 3. 'Members to ré,ceive the returns that night areurged .to go to the New Trier ,Township Republican headquarters at 1151 Wilmette avenue, Wilme.tte,, where, "open house" will be' -main tained. throughout the evening. The télephone numbers there are Wilmett.e 2030, -2052, and 2053. Speaking for the club,, with, a miem-. bership of .more than. 800, Mrs. Edward B. Hall, president, said recently, that she fel it ivug of paramoun~t~ importance', considering the 29 electoral votes accorded Illinois, that everyone vote the straight Republican ticket and that everyone avoid any imperfect marking of ballots. The club reserves the right to endorse candidates other than Republicans~, but because of the unuually high caliber of the Republican ticket this year, is urging a straight vote. Tis, club, ýwhile adhering to Republican Principles, reserves the righko-edrs Candidates other than Republicans,.when Repubican Candidates are obviously unworthy -of its support. LIt does so i the:hope that by"this means. it mnay, with other ReubianOganztos of similar purpose, definitely influence the. selection o superior Candidates by theR ulianOrganÈization in Cook County. Bu his- year we ar.e urgingevron because: Rpublcan Tcktaef Firat: We find. the qualifications of the Cniaeont of outstanding char-ý persons being an!.exceptionaIly high avrage-ini many cases acter and ability. There are a f ew cas es .w%ýhere the Candidate. wasl nominated whom we did not endorse at the Primiaries,. but after careful investigation, in e ach case we feel that they are, superior to the opposing Démocrat., Second: We. feel that this year,, perhaps more than any other in oir history, the National issue is paramount and that it is quite possible that Illinois' 29 electoral votes may be the deciding factor inthe ouitcome of- the. Presidential etkctiaia. It is important that no Republican vote be lost by an imperfectly marked ballot. In splitting a Ticket, there is always a certain danger of disqualification, because of imperfect marking. To vote the straight Republican Ticket which is the recommendation of the Club, put a cross ithe. Party circle, which will mean that you are voting for every Candidate on the Republican column. If, howev er,, anyone wishes to vote for may still put a cross in the Republican y Candidate, in any other Party columrn, rty circle, and put a. cross only before rtv Colurnn for wliom he wishes to vote. There are four candidates runn*ng, two Republicans and two Dernocrats-.three to be elected. Amy one of the. foliewing methods may b. useci without imvalidating your balot, even tliough y.. have put your cross in the. party cfrcle: 1. If you, put your cross RD in front, of. the name of one canididate only, kt gives that cawdidate. three votes. * 2. If you put your cross' 0~ in front of the na mes of two candidates, it gives each of these candidates l1/ 2 votes. mes of three candidates, kt gives -each of the three front of1 Third securinq action tn imiproVe Mns. Robert ...... the Wilmette barbonr. III I -