A s b- BRANI NIW DOLE SPE AR-S DOLE NATuRAL UNSWEETENED 2_ ëq.2 No. 5 TcAâ t; 10 Val4 8 ue PINERAPPLE .JUICE <br. Te:i four inch fsp e-rut long way of the fruit, Adda distictintu Saladai. 25 2 Large BRANli>NEWI DOLE 16-oz. co2 Jumbo No* 10 96-oz. cao .... Sc L.arge, lusci<ius snioth tex. tuare. Spipon cuts of golden fori 5 c FOODI I. ~prnaCk ernus Cereal PLAIN OR PIMENT() CHF14SPE ,PABST-ETT PE1 5c .......... 115c 1 - OTOB E R 29,, 1936ý i i