Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Oct 1936, p. 9

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The progralît will bc under the ans- 1 I:ogan-H-oward Pariint-Teacher asso.. Vices of the departinent of "Goverît- ciation. nient and Foreign Policy" of, thé *L.eagile of wbich Mrs. Clifton Utiey Inimediately folIowing the book rets sta.te cliairnian. Mrs. Paul Doug- vievv on Monday, November, 2. the las is coutty chairmn, a1Mrs board villi meet %vit1î Mrs. lHenry IJohll Clark Baker is the local lez-1gîî Drucker in the librarv fth owr chairmnan. . school.ot.li wàd Telis o-f Fasciet Rule M1rs. ýDouglas, wif e .of Prof. I)oug-Ja e D.Wglwoh las of the ri~ ofiiChîicago. Ibut *s19 ewot-____ "Ho If.Sick', HumoUS.. Not SiC]kyet not weIl. Very likely the condition lm flot one that calis for drugis, but for *ai addiltionai qupply . f itamins, minerais, or other food, factors. Better have, a taik Wlth your doctor. And, when le hands. you-a prescription, bring It here.-to be filled. We mnaintain n aml stock of ail the new apoe food -concentrates. better kulown * las just spemît four inontîîlîsini otu \silî Street, inetka, soli ot A. Ur; e'xtrenîes of Italt- <lrîn«L îhe' lheighî W\ig-glesworth of, 125 %Woodl,tock aveof the Abyssinian crisiS. will talk, on nue,:Keîilorth.anfr ayvar "\Voîeuami hilrenumîdr ;t à ares iet Of wiltinettt didat the Fascist Reginlue" and also 11thent-r-iaston hospital Mondav ,niorniing. âI progr 'ainiof stUdv Of Iilî eba ri ltad .beei iIIbuit à few <Iav-swith nlient of the league. pneituonia. Menihers of the league miY itake MX r. W gglesworth %wàssevretary of reservatin a scustoniarv witii -Hili-Clare é,Machinery compitany Xtrs. W. T. Reece, but non-itiemnlwhrs which hje hadj bei as.oiated -with iulce i wlîwsh to attend that da v mav 1922. cal the hstei fOr-pOs sibes, 4 PoPtilar aing the * ýoiuger set Of aiter inenîbers' reservat'ions arecn\imntaan Vhette. his morc Nirs. Quiîîcv W'right. mlio is well recent activities included amnd kntoNNmi on the north shore as a uce badmninton. He atttndled teninis ILake F~ortitrer on international current eveîs et acadenîv, and ('ornelli universityi amtîd who is no\.\-u in eva. Si we-~here Ilie eflisted iin thet1iîîdviit arimv land, observing the Leagilc of \a- traiîîiîig corps, anld after tile amnittolns at %vork. i,,, th nationial. chair- isticu attended Piirduv iuuiversitNv. mliat of this departinent of i wrï He wa-, a niember of Alpha 'Delta. mlent anîd Foreign PolicN.* Phi. a tliirt\--secotîd <egrec nmasott. a Seek Cooperation stile.and la tuenher of the \VinTile Teagumc of WTonct \ otcr, nutka'Congregational ehirch. -IHe Taft.ý daugt.ctr of Jorado Taft. who tob leagule rs asEnil laines[)onovail WiggIsWorfb, 1066, Des; Pneunonia Fatal with you--or with soïne muemrber of, your famlly? lm that about the way It le %dam mE Ic e, Cream i i0&1Fuli Z qurt 1. SpecialSaLturdmy Mad SuM&Y HALLOWE'EN SPECIAL wtl ai ge PMeapple 'l Ihclt D Capsules, 25's . ver 091, NeCC .. ver Oil Capsules, Ahnonds Giatit Cashews'. 49C /41b. . 30c lb. 69C ver 031 with Viosterol pgulea, [iiver Malt with Vio.. Gi.,,t Pecatis . . ¼/41b. 28c Blanched Peaiuts, IL 35C Illelwvves that iltch i iterntionitîial frictioni cotild be prbic Mti noriai FPark chapel, with burial iui 'lealing witlî controversial Meiorial1 Park ccxnetery. Msit~h internationial con ferences and coinimiîssiotn,. Furthermnorc, the f.eague Woman Dies Suddenly believes tlia t, if dl1 I)sIlltc develop. i Wilmette Residence thvcould I)c satisfacioril v tttlrd Imw sulhpacifie nicthod, al arbitraMiss> Miinic D-oc,. 35. va> foutîd tioiî. conciliation. anîd jitdie(-ial (.ttl( - (lead Moîîdav afternoon iti the ihoile tmetnt. it Nvas added. of T. I. Venu, 121 Mapit. avenue. wlc ite lia(I been eulotdfor lte TIi o)rdeýr to utakcthc cil izetji'.suttvcre.st uiii iternationial coope:ratiolt -past -eveti noiths as ;a maid. The, ofïec t 1v c. theît 2 for 2Zc Horeliound Caudy.... Mb. 29C Whitman'à Sanpler- 17 oz. $1.50 Seyler & Casel Chocolats- j I i NiLvitol, Sec ....... ........ $1.9~7 A B D_ G Capsules, 25's..89c soc 33e lb. box soc Na'vitol Malt ..... 1.65 B. &G. Syrup .. _1.19 SUNDRIES Leagtc tof.W'omvîi A 1167' EV 81>11 -54"

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