Preceding Mliss Earhart's lecture on the subject, "The Latest in Aviation,", there wilI be a musical. programn presented by the. New Trier Highsho orcesta aidchorus, utnder the directioif of Mrs. Marian icotton. *BishopE. L. Waldorf of the Methodist Episcopal church,, whose episcopal1 réeiece is in Winmette, wiII give the W.Frank McClure, pre sident of the Sui.iday FEveiing Club since. its inceptic>n 22 years ago, will preside. FOR. CHI OMEGA OWLS RETURN TO EVANSTON Te0*.1 alumnae of 'Chi. Omega Mr. and Mrs. Robert William Lindsorority , of whic1i Mrs. JohnMcCon- s ley. (SalIy Owens) are athome at 1212 1 If's gosier tl KEEP WELL . Ket-Ping weIl? Why that's juet aimatter of ob serving eonmnion-senme recautIons. But yettig well la qulte anither Inattër. It, may prove a slow, -cortly pro-ý rt-dure. Wýhy take a chance *!th Health?9 Heedthoise-danger, sgia ls," and.consult a phyician. Briingr his p)rescript ion to this drug store..O ur registered pharmalhsts are amiong t.he finest. Our drugs are fresh-and potent.. And, of course, we fil each prescripti on precieyas thé doctor directs. E.C. Camne ___ ~'rnw ICE VDEAM44rr BRICK: Black Special Saturda a dSwimay betwmeea. utt:erscotclaQt P&G.: New York wth6 -1 fpjtTvicnhmno Cherry I-t*W Qrnega chapter house at Noi western university. Dr. Hugo B, of the political. science departnm of Northwestern universit Vy will SE on "Political Issues and ( the Cotnng Election."' IlAI Ornegas and their friendIs are to attend. Refreshmeillits w served. For Tour BALL@WEM NUTS or Page & Shawv I'owder...... 3,9C 50Ic Calox Tooth Powder 3..sof1......39 Aeo Squibb's Tootb Paste, E U _ r ROAUT large ....... Lest native1 aml cuts. 1- COvv-Z 33C _ __ _ Colgt.'. Tooth Paste, -gigmt.... --... .33c1 ~Iè L Y