I D. #PAGLIAIRULO I104 111WIlmott <A va. aueprnze. Memorizlng and lght-readlflg 114 Thbird Street WIunette 8281 mm-'t Wlliett* miss rHaziel Malone rnnouncest et she is now the tor of thé Cayr-Leen ProprieL k Beauty Salon, forrnerlv. owned Lby Miss ýCarrie Buck. S wont vou~ please. corne in and 'J et Lus ble of service? ýs Irenie Bates is maining w i t h us. phm uçFilmette 4582 surate with our national interests; and This.day wili be observed by,,the citizens of this country as a tribupte to the past and: presenit services whicb the, Navy of the United States bas rentdiered to the Nation' during one 'hundred and sixty:one y ears, and to the nien who bave responded in timne of, peril to tbe cali to artns.'and who stand ready, at aIl imes to upbold and defend the ideals and institutions of this NOW, THIEREFORE, I, Harry C. Kinne, presidenit of the Village of Wilmette,.by virtue of the au-. thority.vested:,in me by law, do designate Tuesday, October 27, 1936, as "NAVY DAY,".and urge thhIt our ppreciation, of the loyai services of the Iýavy be shown 1.y a , display of thebe national colors, and that appropriate exercises be beld. to commemorate the occasion. HARRY C. KINNE, President offices, Wilmette State bank building, 1200 Central avenue. Race. Augmïents Enthusiasin Considerable interest in the, Cbest campaign, was created by, tbe race of famous cbampion race borses, as representedý' by dummies.. The conitest between, Man-o-War' and Twenty Grand was so close tbat the judges were, unabi'e .to rnke final, announceMent ofý the *winner until after, tbe'final audit. Gallant Fox made a borne stretcb spurt. the clo,third place in - the b day, - giving him grand totals. .Bold Venture wa% fourth. "6Vote" For Cheat Plan-tth Speaking -of the outcome ofh .campaigii Henry Fowler, president. of tbe Conimunity Cbest board, said: "I' thfffk ve acpt thue resit a s a mandate from tbe people of 'Wilmette to continue tbe ComniunityI cbest. It is a direct expression of their preference for tbe Cbest plan over separate appeals for funds by any organization which. pleases to put on a drive. The doubts and uincertainties bave been cleared away, and we can now go abead witb definite plans for the future, feeling tlat the Cbest is now established as a permnanent iiistjtut-'On. contribuiontu ite Lomuniî:îuIîîy .4 inig eveningthat.woil the race of the I ) 'Beauty Salon For apoitment, ICayro-J3een ,b I 1150 WiIrnettef Aveniue, Wilmette - a ~a.. - ~- - ~- - and Glenn Will k in Highland Park Mrs. Martha A. Brown PERRIN and Vine avenue. Speakers for the occasion wiII be C. Wayland Brooks, cand.date for governor; Otis F. Glenn, candidate for the U. S. sentate, and Richard J. Lyons, representative in the general assembly. .Other national, state and county candidates will be present and will be introduced. Tbe comniittee in cbarge Dies ini Kenilworth GLOVS icapes, t f th4 gloves 1~ 3-9 MNrs. Miartba A. Brown, 93 er old, and a resident of Kenilworth for tbe past 15 years, passed away iast Friday, at the home of ber daugbter. Mrs. A. B. Spacb, 228 Leicester road. An early resident of Chicago, Mrs.L B3rown had been active in tbe founding of the Forty-First Street Presbyhas extended an invitation to voters terian cburch at 41st street and of ail parties to attend this rally. Grand boulevard in Chicago, and later of the Normal Park Presby- The Bible and Works of Mary Baker Eddy, and al. other au thorizcd Cbriatin Science Literature ,nay b. tcad, borrowed or purchaged at the Reaiding Rcom, TU« PUBLIC 18 CORDIAL,,T INVITED TO ATTEND TIIE RtEADING RIOOM BtD YUl? TTE S YICES CHUUCK variety of and cookic You willJ with the fiùe brea,.cake Phone. We C 3835