By, means of a "subpoena," members and friends of the Wilmette Civic league were commanded to appear before Judge John Gutknecht of the Chicago Traffic court, in lEng- narm to owners who attempt to lish room No. Z of Marshall Field's This practice is *n iol1 retail store, Friday noon, Otbe 3 tion of Village ordiniances and will at. 12 o'clock, there and then' to no. longer'be. tolerated. answer to a.charge of being interestBy virtue of the authority vested ed in the saving of more than .36,000 in -me, by law, I., Harey C. Kinine, lives sacrilled.'each year -iii automo- President. of tthe Village of Wilbile a cidents, The complinant. is mette, hbave instructed the police Paul. C. Lang, president of the league. department, throuigh Chief of Pok The occasion is -the montbl lunch- lice Cloyd C. McGuire, to employ eon meeting of the league, wbiclb is' ail regular and reserve police ofopen to any.,,citizen of the village. ficers to patrol the, entire village, It is etmphasized"tbat reservations, and to arrest; any persons found * sbould be made at the earliest pos- violating ordinances. sible moment, as Judge, Gutknecbt L also a ppeal to ail parents to has acquired an enviable reputation exercise reasonable control over as an .éntertainit! speaker. Having cbildren to prevent themn fromi enbeeni for so long in charge, of the gaging in any*unlawful acts, either Traffic court,, hé is fully versed 'in before, on or after Hallowe'en. Ilisworks, difificulties, benefits and HARRY C. KINNE, possibi1ities, and bas acqiuired a fuRd_ PeidIçnt Of pertinent information, which it is -aid. lie iinparts to bis audiences in J atn absorbingly interesting manner. E. R. Aldrich Joins Staff *Guests of the leagueÎwill be George of Auto Sales Company \V. Barton,' traffic manager of the E~. R. Aldrich, 1512 Wilmétte ave-. Chicago Motor club and chairman nue, who bas been a resident of the, of the Wilmette Safety commission;1 village for 15 years, and a sales rep-i .L. Grinneli. director of safetv of \-e,%% Trier, High sèhool, Village resëimtative for Ford dealers of the north shore for 14 Manager George R. Young of GlenI ears. bas becomne coe: Chiefs of Police William Heike service. lows: The progr'am will be 4s fol.Baeh-Biusýoni Miss Erma PRounds Prelude-"In Tliee la loy" ......... tien ot the Créative ......... committee, the, duty of wbicb is' to fill vacancies Doxoiogy, Invocation Remponse-"The, Lord Is, làn His HolY caused by term expirations, removals. Temple", or other causes, and that the first Anihen--- 'Fest-iygI Te Deumn".Buckr mùeeting 'of the commiittee will take The Choir place Monday. evening, ODctober 26. Seripture.]Reading Recause of the fact that there was Sol-"Oenthe Gaies of the, Temple"y n10 Village, election1 last year, the- 1935 lirs. H. V. McCormnick Anthem-r-J Was Giad Wben They Said convention. organiization has been Unto Me",..... ..... Hopkins, maintainèd. It will be superrseded, as >The Choir soon asth work .of the ,Créative cemmittee. is comýpleted,, and the preMisa Elizabeth' Breidenbach Soo--*2God la a. pirit" .... . ... Scott cînct delegates chosen, by the new .. Mr. lnobert Ellim 1937, colivention. Soio-'One Fleeting XHour'* ..... Lee Mra. Paul Gathercoal Ilr. Drayrer- has expregsed himself Violin Obligato, Warren Peterson Solo-",Pilgrlm's, Song,... Tsehaikowsky, as bighly gratified at the prompt and Mir. Edward Otis interested, resp onse of the varions, Solô-à"Hallelula"......... Hunmmel cîvîc ergzanizatiens whose cooperation Miss Dorothy Rtae Anthem-'Tarry With Me".. Baldwin be seught ini makcing up the personnel of th The Choir reative committee. He~ t. that the members City)............... .... Gaul of this commitee do flot, officially lirs. Rogers Fiske their' erganization, but Anthen-"Praise Ye The Lord" (lSth b'epresent Psalmn)........ ....... ... Randegger serve as individuals. He pointed out The Choir that the excellent work done by the The Benediction, Response P"4-tiude '*Festai Postlude' bchminke Harmony convention in the past has Miss Eirma Rounids definitely established it as a. nerma. stre'ssed the point - - Music Students to Be Artist-Recital Guests1 ed. lient institution, and provided conclusive evidence of the soundness of flh- principles upon which it is fond!n.P.L.. The Townsend club of WilmetteJ will mecl Priday evening, October 23, a8 o'clock, ini the Village hall. There will . be no autborized speaker, but maâtters of intercst will be discussed, it is announced.1 Attention is again directed to tîhe Candidates Toniht g i tnidsrieo Ithe inortb shore Mr. Aldrichi was f for six years àssociated with the l ormier Skokie Motor coinpauy ni E. R. Aldrich Wilmette. More Toloif Photo recently hie bas miass meeting to be held in the Nicb-_ bren connectcd with an Evanston ois schnôl. UEvnntn. toninht (Tbiirs- Ford dealer. New Trier Higb school, the Highland Is shown ln the harmonious nperations Park High scbool (Deerfield-Shields), of the varlous governing bodies of the and vanton ownhipHighschol.village, the quality , of representand vanton ownbipHigbschol.a tives lt and bas attracted to public service. The music directors will be asked to 'whiîe I shahl retire. ln contorniity with see that tbe thirty tickets go te established rules of the convention, as tbose students inest efficient in prac- soon as the new convention ls fornied, 1 antieinate that the excellence of its tical and theoretical music. workll~i fuhly iustity its retention as publie spirited body concerned only ~M with the seléction of candidates who ________________a eachto usi he o eachto muic te diectrs drectrs o thee tbre north shore higb schools for distribution among the students. Tbe high scbols he alotmnts re schols rceivng rceiing he alotentsare contesta ln Village elections. it consista of 52 j1elegates, four. from ench of the 3 voting peecincts of the villaze. "The resuits of the convention's work "17v' ilmînate. Wge me, fartionai lni an effort a.nd tO controvergies seen on a cail1 was, assigneci te two posts in South l J. E~. bupton and Mrs. H-. W. Spil America, one at Buenos Aires and lof Galena, Ill., who arrived the the Ptherat Asuncion, Paraguay. oflast week for a fortnight's visit., er , iour adé . Mrs. Roger Willianis avenue entertained the ei, ot her bridge club for li bridge in her home last iemDers eon and. ay.