Th*e Taj Mahal are ucig Rossberger cLuIiLauj'y---second tic score of the evening, and Ssecretary the joseph between Frank Waber of Evanston. Anthony Ludovice in an effort' t a member of Gebhardt's Chili team, balance the leagueé a llittle1 better ý so and AI Pearson, also of Evanston,.'on as not. to make the last teams look Stewart's Coffee team, each rolling ridiculoius and the higher téatns ap- 202. Eighth place was captured by pear like "world-beaters."- The me- Elmner . Engles of Glencoe, a member. are: suits of last Thursday's bowling of Chef Milani's teamn, with a. total John's Place 2; Frank Melers Tav.. 1. of 201. O. Krlers Buffet à; Braun Bros. 0,11 Co. competioflI Ke Schaefers Tav. 3; Zeutschels River Inn 0. AUl teams, with the single exception Hicks Krler 2- Teatro Del Lago L. 2. of 0Od Monk..entereéd the lost, game Wm. H. Scott; 1; Shimnoneks ýServ. colmnleaingthe Old Monk team This makes, the, standings, to daté .leaders Witb six «gardes undisputed asfoýllows: Pet. WoW Lost won. Town Crier Flour is in second Team .750 îplace, having. won five and lost one. 3î 9 John's Place .750 3 9 Club,ý Shimnoneks Serv. .75Q Linco Products, Pea cock's 400 9 ý3 Schaefers.Tav. honors the .583 and Gebhardt's Chili divide ;-) .7 Zeutschela Taveru .00 for third, fourth, and-fifth places, each 6 Hicks Tavern .0 6 6 and lost two. Krlers Buffet .417 team having won four 7 Frank Meiers House Manor to goes place, Si,çth .4171 7 5 Wml. M Sott wiiihg 2.50 average, '9 Coffee, having a 500 Teatro del Lage 083 i 11 Braun Bros. 01 three and losing three. Seventhi and Three-Way Tie eighth places are lied, with Chef Mi.This makes a three-way tie for lani's and Stewart's Coffee each i osing first place and after them cornes 1four games while winning only two. Zeutchels River Inn in an undisptited 1Scot-Towels and Wilson's Ideal Dog claini for fourth place, Hicks' and 1Food are fighting on even terms to Kriers buffet corne next being tied quit the cellar, neither teamn having for the middle place. Frank Meiers been credited with a victory. Tavern and William Scotts and Their Teai,, Average dians are still battling ecd other ini 01,1 Monk, 780, took. three gamvý an ffrt to get into fifth place. quaiity ,nerchondise are of utmost importance. Braun D17U. p!>i'y theimx b give of. modest buildings and the. resulting economy, shlows doneighbors your of you more for your mrncny. Do as hundreds regularly. use your nearest Braun Bros. Service Station . j ean Rveryday Value at Ali Stations. Bros. Phil 1-illinger, Jr., 201; Doctor(cIster, 201., CE14-1-ELLA BOWLERS SET MID.SEASON SPEED scene of plenty of action in the Centrella Bowling League last Thursday evening when eight bowlers entered Bleser's Bowling Academy was the. Iight Members Hit 200 Stride Iowels, O646, 777, took w,twiclub, straignt 400 rnree Peacock's Coffec, 704. Stewart's gaines froin Manor Hous Membr Has ladividual High Average Clarence Harloif, of the Manor House Coffee team Ieads the league with l73ý1 for high individual average. 1Notice to Bowlers of. the Centrella schedule The league caîls for a 7 o'cloclc starting tii nA1Fraink Waber, chairman of 110114ake Ave. WIID2tte watt LBUi OC@DYCARAND piftO»NE TIRE 332 Linden Ave. WiInetta Miller àh Miller 0O1L BURNING ENGINEERSi INC.ý Greenleaf 2300 Evenston 1009 Davis st,. Wlet.2311