6 rrn. brick, 2 baths, 2-car att. gar. 31'/ý, blocks to >trans This ih, i bar'niin. .$85 Wletr444 97LTN24-lte WILL SUI3LET NEWI,Y 1) ý,'_ORATED 6 roiom house foi. $57.00. Oul hot water ýhèett. Desirable and cooperative landlord Permnit tenintlheing trawefp.rr('d Av'I ilable at once. 1520 Lake. Ave., Wilmiette. 97LTN24-1tin 6 ROOM BUNGALOW OTL HEAT 1-car garage, larme porcb. 1800 Walnut. Wilmette 1549. 97L24-ltp :WINNETKA-7 R.HÎOUSE, $LFEE?ing tporch aýndl bath. Good transportation. R-~s<'n"1,e. 'Neor sc'iool. Orrington Hdtel, University 8700, Ro-ni 820. ________________________ 97LT24-l i 6 ROOMS, HEATED SUNPORCH.;EXtra 1lav. lst flo0or. hot water ht., 2-cargar. Nr. schoolsand transp. 1725 Broadview, Highland Park 1145. 97L24-ltp FOR RiENr--VuRNISH ED HOUSES 340 Linden Ave, R. M. JOHNSTON & CO. *ans cbauffeur's quarters. An attractive purchase for immediate possession. 6 .4ma~ins- lms. ana baSthl, 1,603 CHICAGO AVE., EVANSTON *Gre. 2700 Rog. Pk. 6636 Wil. 608 I11LTN24-ltc Shore-Towns Realty Corporation UD&Rird & Waieir ROOM HOC8E. ATTRMYP-WElàYV eqùipped w th lovely Early American furniture. 2 baths. Oil heat. On--cir garage. November to IM'iy or June. M.%o<eýrate rentai. Adut it m'v iireferred, Ol'.ençcoe 13, 98LT.N24-1te, WEIA, FURNISHEV> HOUSE FOR 6 nionth-s. 10 rmis., 5 bedrms,;., 3 baths, lav. lst fi. 2 firepflaves, oil steain hieat. Elec. ref. 2-car garage, Owner, 714 Cen328 Park Ave., 8 GLE NCOE -East .McGUIRE & ORRI mc. Glencoe WAT IFYOU W'NTLARGE TREES, APPRECIATE Igardens;,:setting, environm ent, conSHOW*,%ZB1Y APe,>. AT ANY TIMES venlenace and space.. If -you 'see the BES.r ENVIRONMENT FOR. YOMf OH4-LDREN. Substantial brick charni ln the fine old homes. that have Coénial: 8 rms., 5 bedrms., 3 been cared for and modernized-theri baths,- sun and sleeping, porch; wve offer your opportunlty in a sev en large grounds. Near' lake and> roomn--tw9 bath,. hot water heated resiOrrîngton School. Make offer. dence. with stable and garage. .Only -»Il R.. Johnson, Gre 1856,, Hol. hellth of owner prompts sale at land value. »ELIGHTFUL COLON4IAL HOME IM No. Evanston: 23-ft... living roomn with adjoinlng sun oom; 1EXCLUSIVE AGENTS ,excellent location. Today at 530, Davis St., Evanis..Gre. 1080, Wil. 2:18 * 11,500. R. Johnson, Gre. 1855, 328 Park Ave., Glencoe Gen3e 1I. Hol. 1855. 111LrN24-Itc 1021' FORESTEAST EVANS1TON 1571 Sherman Ave., Evanston, Illinois Beautiful Eflglish brick: l.brary Rog. Pk. 2616 Uni. 2600, WiI.. 2602 and large solarium;, 4 bedroonis. Reduced . A. K. Smith, Gre. 1855, THRFE ACRES. 0 F 1EAUTIFULLY Hol. 1855. ..landscaped grounds. A modern, fine1ly 1124 bOBSONq BRICK built home, deslgncd by prominent arcb.14 bedmoorns, 2 baths. Bilît Ir% tect, 10 r*ms., 5 baths, garage with EýNGLISH BRZICK COLONIALL1929. A real value. Mr. Hart, Qatted on, beautiful lot 1QOx2Z1 over- chauffeur's apartment. A country estate Gr e. 1 $5 5, n o . 1 5 5 yet just teèblocks to schools & transp. looking the lake. Out-of-town owner will sacrifice at less Home plus Income: 8 rooms, 3 NIN1E ROOMS-THREE BATHS tban 1 k originial cost. Air. Landaker. baths. An excellent investment. Large sun room Siate roof, hot water heat wth oil. All C. Damrnann, Gre. 1855, Hol. steel construction. Two-car garage. 18.55 PRICED AT $26,500 529 DAVIS ST~., EVANSTON We cons'der this the best buy on the Greenleaf 1166 Williette 3740 North Shore. ME MoI(det- English brick homeý on fine corner, lot in Winnetka. 1.260, Oak Street. 7 rnis., 3%/ baths, terraeed poreh,, breakfast nm.,, 2-car gar. Only. $2,200 cash equired. Balance to be paid over a term., f 139 months. Cali for appointmdnt to s4,,e this or Tny of our .other "«Rent Investment Homes." "Ret%Investmrent Home" have a wide selection of the best values on the market. The following buys are câlied to your special attention-! Evanston MeGUIRE &ORR, Imc. Inc. Adjoi ning Indian Hill Club EAST KENILWORTF[ THE BILLS REALTY, Inc. Highland A MODERN "E tumy" solld bri lll1LTN24-ltc Cail Mr. France for appointment. Shore-Towns Realty Corporation Gre. 2700 Rog. Pk. 6636 1J. 1;ci Barj FOR rof L 2212 bat*h on the thili rd, a fine ;creened living ooni, se LIST YOUR HOME WITH powder room, l [arge dini perfect service .i luarters. 011 heat. -car garage. This sot)und like many others but it's the tastee and charmi whieh wiIJ wvho hi re a number Of Clliets deqiringi delight you. Couuntry feelinz-yet near transportation furnif ied. and unfurnished homne$ on Ol'.encoe schoots band $ 35,000. the Nci h Shnrp. WANTED TO RENT-HOUBE& 529 D ileaf 11 nD ,dt & '1740 .1 -lte s Co: Greenif BEAUT. RE M OD. GREEN-SHUrtered 6 mm. frame resid. ln Wilmnette. with Igé. liv. nm. perfect white kitchen, that should be a delight to any bouse-' wlfe, 3 Ige. bedrms., 2 baths and hage slp. pch., gas ht., attached garage. ST.. WINNETKA 746 ELM S ~ ~Very convenient to echools and tmansp. 1855 Winnetka 3603 II1LN24ltcTernis easy. $7,9W0 Mrs. Fuller & .Wi.. Pickard LINDEN AVE. SPTC AND~ SPAN red brick Colonial: 6 bedroonis, 31k baths; 2 porches. ýAttractive terms. Mm. Pletsch, 'Winn. 2700, Bel. 1855. iHOWN BY APPT. ANY TIME :L LOCATED. ATTR. 4 BEDRMHOME. Prlced for qulck sale Winnctka 1IILTN'-lt, HOLC ENG. BRICK GL1ENCOE foreclosure. 3 lire. bedrmns., 21% baths, hepated aleep. Yn., 2-car. oil,- modern throughout. uider $139,000. Kenflworth 6540. 11T2-t NORTH 'SHORE1 T<ENiT,WORTT FRANKLIN WA St 19 S. La.Salle S AND LOTS REALTOR - 15 a Drgain. Be sure and uee this before It la sold. 9:1.,"~1' 1322 Chicago Ave. 111LTI24-ltp -1il VICINTBa ýOPEN EVENINCrS EL EL "-5rrë-3 K 4~FCntrl4 etalII AND SUNqDAVy. DAVIsq 1819, 1LTN20-ltc W&rner rdi &ar .LA"""L T . Â& ALH» 111LTX24-ltp>.