BII A. H. WITZLEBKN. JRI. Wt'ýlebcu Rf'naltilC(o.. K'flot Consruction De> Construction,, Modernhzation, Repafrýs .Architecturai Service' F, Oncing I 140 CENTIR SRE? WINNETKA 3250 R.eidetaI properties, restricted areas. Eranston and North Shor.. Interest in real estate is increasing steadily. This increase is primar- to real estate in general. It is doubiy spend more time in the all-electric in ret-ard to sNott Shore real kitchen of the; New Am~erican Home, iiy due to the fac.t that real estate true estate. Unquestionably, the, North than in any other. part of the sixvalues are advaici,îg i'n price. It.,is Shore is the mnst: desirable place for omroonibose,, accordnto tuest a génerally kuown fa ct that buyers, one to own real 'estate' becau'se of JPeabody, chairman of the New. whether it bc for real estate or any the environnient it- affords. from the Aeiericaný Home committee. stand oint: of associations, schools, Atoub onetoo dspa otiier fbrni of invcstment, are more tranporatio an thelak. mrked-interést in the kitchen of the intcrested ini buyinLy.when tn1arkets Good Tiàe, To ýBUY iodern structure at Michigan- av-. are* advancinig tha i in. buyïingwhen However, we find, frnm tinie to enue and Roosevelt. road, Chicago, it mnarket.s are declining. Because of the increased dema1nd for prOperty, the' time, a nulmber of prospective buy- is who seem unable to leave onepaio fte9okn market tbday ,is becoming less and ers saying that real estate prices areti Iess of a "buye' àmrketC" As sales high'. Two or thtee years f roui î-wlaboratory. Its elaàs walls, neefectly erqrao.rne.dkhshJincrease and prices. continue to ad- those saine buyers, . if they have not sace vance, it will again he -a éseller's bought no-W, will be looking back eri and *garbage, disposai unit, are a two years. and. wishîng.,they hlad cntn miarket."' ore.fwne ohs boughlt today. bus it was said. cites HOMe Shortag Between now and Fbur will be Où Scientific Basis, Trhis, however, is liot the fuidanienagond time to buy a homeor.vacanlt Th major pieces -of eqiom)rent ilu tai reason for better real estate markets. The pri m1yrasniýs the nroperty, Selectîons made the modern kitchen are pflaced so shortage of desirabie <ielliîg places this period wviI1 well rèward the care- 1thiat operation fails: into its normal h uieso eciii pluis thefact tbat busiàeueîs conditions. fui investôr. Buy now and you will sqeie bemkinga sundsafelilestmenj upplies. storiniz, preparing anld mixhave so materiaily incrcascd that people who had formerly mviied their cooKi.'t AviIng and ieîanIv are ail il arranged on a scientific. own homes and iost themi during the î>asis. Tm wirinQ is de-sioned. irisulatdepression are in tbe nmarket again. and those who have liever owned talled to eliminate ail ns ndinstt their homnes and who have rented Cleaned, humidified, tempered' and nlew svsten electrical accident. This eithcr apartmntts or houses now ren of radial wirinz elimitialize with the advance in rents and circuiate(l air, and a year-rounid 'tes short circuits and blowuiont water supply with no storage. tanks. 'fuses. the advance in property values thatC combiined w i t h economical steel 110w is a most desirabie time to buy. Scvenitv-fifive per cent of those whio boiler iîeat, are featured in thc FitzWith these facts before us we eau izibbons boiler-air conditioner vhich'd fori further heN Il*>, New Air Condition System Is Described -ýl t.., uwllýl 1 11- - I ID y -. INC. North Shore. residential and huaimess properlies at reasonable rates. 1 N. La Salle St., Chicago Central 0227 1571 Sherman Ave.. Evanston Tlnivéraity 2600 le E. G. Pauling & Co. S. La Salle St. Chlcago Frpamkka 7740 flouse where air-conditionin is n uiecessary," it is pointed out, "and. tiiere arc others, such as the kitchen, bath, and garage, through which the re-circulation of air is undesirable. "But heat is required in ail those parts, and the split system of !ýoilerair conditioning is the direct nutgrowth of a realization of these con-ý ditions, In addition, there is no possile chance for combustion. gases to R, B. Whitaker Attends New England Sessions Robert B. Whitaker, president of thie R. B. Whitaker cnmpany, prom.-. inent north shore reaitors, attended the New England Rerrionial convention of the National Association of iL VIN & S. Michian 1 ý ý . ý , INC. 1 WM. ce' L --1 -« -., W -.. l VictorY 1617-18 514 E. Rairoad Ave. 9m eu WiI. »20 * raiUitioJ11na Lubm ehnd. tor interior decoratiug effects. rathler Shouse, conipiete plans for which iTne are than j'u'st* because glass bricks are 1rcseuted, in McCall's for October nev. The house is fuuictional, livablc lias roof-decks foir living pur- and miodemh..