Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Oct 1936, p. 3

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World"s Pemir viatrix x pected to Attract Capacity Audience ýOctober 25 On Sunday evening.* October 25, Amelia Earhart, world's premier aviatrix, will give the openin«r lecture of the season for the New Trier Suidav Evenipg c'uli at the -New Trier biigh school at.7:45 o'clock. Her topic wilI be, "The Latest i Aviation."ý and she will discuss, her Atlantic flight, ber work at. Pu7due university, and the future of 'aviation. Miss- Earhart made a great bit last year with ber, lecture on her Pacifié flight, attract-' ig2,000 people on a rainy night. Miss Earbart stamped her name indeib44ifto the newspaf>.r headlines in 1928 by becoming the .first woman to fly successfully acro-zs the Atlantic, and ber accomplisbments since are a famous Eist of "firsts." She was the first woman to fly the Atlantic, the first woman to fiy an autogiro, the *first person to cross the United States in an autogiro, the first woman to re*ceive the Distinguished Flying Cross, the first woman to receive the National <Gpgranbical societ's gold medal, At the risk of breaking Sinclai' Lewis' heart and offending the millions who daily tread.the sidewalkýF of America's mnyriad Main. streets. the, Village board atits brief meeting Tuesday night passed an ordinanceé which obliterates from.the map of. Wilmette a street naine thathbas heen the' pride and joy of communities. large and small, since tht Pilgrim F first set foot on .Plymouth rock. Main street, that broad iiighway, that runls parallel to the railroads, known as State Route N(o. 52, bas becomne "Green Bay Road." The change, it is explained, was dictated -by a, desire to elimînate,, so far 'as the board's,.powers permitted, the Iconfusion due to.too many titlec for a continuo.us thoroughfare through north shore villages. Evanston as aready adopted te istoric naine from Emerson street nortb to Isabella, street, and now, by the Board's action, it is continued f rom tht soutb to the north limits of WVilmette. Kenilworth aiso had given to the higbway the namne of Green Bay road through that village, to the point wbere it runs into Center street, WVinnetka. and cannot Ro to the polis on November 3. Notice is âgai n.given, that'itUasse by maîtl. Only qualified voters who Will ýbe absent from the. cou»-. ty on election day are permitted to vote by: mail. Voters who are confinied to their'homes by, illness CÂiNOT. VOTE. Election laws makeno provision for it. aees mot exititie, a Votet te voite Wilmet te. Indicates. Unnitk aible Proference'for Unified WeIf are Fund Campaign, Two Clergymn to. ý,>Pulpits Exehange The question, "Shall Wilmette concentrate -on a single cbarity and wetfart subscription, through the Coinmunity Chest, or submit ýto, mdividual canvasses by, ten or more organizations?"-was answered in no uncertain tones when, for. tbe first timie since the dépression began, the Dr. Charles H. Heimsath, minister seven,,-day Communi ty Chest camof tht :First Baptist church of. Ev- paign, ending Thursday night of hast anston, and Rabbi Charles E. Shul- week, flot only reached its goal, but man of the North ,passed, it. The sum of $25,,W.50was ,hore Congreaga ~iIsrael of subscribed by approximately 2,000 Glencoe, are texcitizens, onhy 500 failing to subscribe, ;:hanging pulpitS because of inability or opposition to on Sunday morn:flg, October 25. the Chest plan. Dr. Heimsatb is Workers Jubi"at ont of the outIt was an enthusiastic but very ,tanding m i n i stired army of workers that assembled ters in the United at the Woman's club on the closing States. He is also eveninoe f0 hear the final reports. well known for Pacific f rom Honolulu, the irst per-c son to fly alone from~ Mexico Cityý toJ New York. In Aviation, Many Yeavs In private life sile is Mrs. George Palmer Putnam, wife of the New York publisher, explorer, author. She has been flying since 1920, takýing her first lessons near Los Angeles, wheret she had gone to be witb ber father, after. taking work at Columbia uni.,eraitv. 'ro get the money for berýj of Ne% irier 1-ugh Julia B. Childs of -the North Shore Country Day school, announcei this week their intention of particip)atling) in the annual meeting of the lllinoi's ,asociation of Deatis of \Votneii, in ,Pcoria. Nov. 6 and 7. Onie of the principal speakers on the prOgrain will be Dr. Temple Burlin' psvchiatrist ini the depart,ment of educàtional couincil for tht school 'and Miïss will bc "Horizons ot Mo( Services at tht North gregation Israel are held n the morning, and ever come, it is announcéd. .e Con- 0oclock is wvel- means, tht balance was secured. The success *of the campaign is credited in no small degree to the outstanding results obtained by the "Special Gifts" committet, headed by strcoet. Tht quota assigned tht com*mittet was $8,000, but it set its own goal at $10,000. It reported actual subscriptions of $8,780, with sufficient funds yet to be collected to bring the~ total ahnve the $10,00 mark Tubericulosis Institute ares Seal Campo mus8 New Trier Ne«........ l Political New& .......... 3 orth, secretary. be sent direct td ý -V48F1EU NconomYfremer. Shop la cnairman. onducted Note: by the Woman's Club of Wllmette. ic ana W............ .... Rad Estate ....... 54o57 S.chty Pages....... 38-50

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