Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Oct 1936, p. 46

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to Start Soon A se ries of opera review iînorinigs, to acquaint opera -go ers With some of the w'orks to be presented during the: Chicago * City Opera company seasoni. %will be hcld each Wedniesday moring for six weeks, beginning Octobeir 28, at the home' of Mrs. lamnes G. MeMillan, 445-Sheidan road, Winrietka. Mrs. McMillaît, chairman of. the north shore committee for the opera, couhîpany, is happy to invite into, this circle: ail students and lovcr.,of Op)era. Partlx .bv lecturin'.- and partly by ,îwt,îns of some very fine slid4ehe lias gat:lered. during the ipast twenit3fi\r vears. Dudley Crafts Watson wiUrLview the well loved 01(1j operas and some of the new mies to be sting titis year bv the comnpany, giving particular enphasis to the new operas. ainong whichi arc Gruenberg's ~and mithe. Beatistall,,' heling Sung for the first tinie ini Chicago, and Putcciniis Gianni Schicci." which is to be given il, Engili for the first luin iiChicago. for Thets Style Show, Bridge Tea Final arrangements are being miade for the bridge party-style hovtea to be given by !Evans-. ton and North Shore aluimnae of. Kappa Alpha Theta at the Kenilworth cllub on Wednesday afternoon, October'28, at 2 o'clock., Mrsà. Willard T. Grimm of Kenilworth is. generalý chairman for the group which bas a membership ist of, 175. Mrs.,William Henning of Win-, netka is general chairman for the pearty. Miss 'Helen Sargent of Evanston is ticket manager, and 'Mrs.WXaIter Goettsch. of Kenilworth, will arrange the tables. For the style $ho\% to be given by an Evanston shop, Mrs Court W. Toel, of Keni1worth .h. asked NIrs. D. O. Welty, Jr.,'.\lis>~ Virginia Haskell, and Mrs. Leo F. Chamnbers of Evanston, Mrs. D. Bligli GÉ'rasett of Winnetka, and Mlrs. joseph Eliff of Glencoe to serve as inodels. M rs. Frank Suttie of Wilmnette, ,.,ho is in charge of prizes, bas a large comnmittee including Mrs. Lawrence E. Mitten and Mrs. Thomas B. McMartin of Winnetka, Mrs. Julian Collis iandMrs. Robert Glenn otf NW\il.' Mr. XWatson vi11 tell soiîwething 'of the history of cadh cmtoser and the setting of th.e opera, andi ,wil also présent, sôre interesting points. and higligtsof the arias, so that, his group inav -hcar with greater interest thc operas to be p)reented by the conpany during the new season, %whichopens, Saturday ev enin .g. OCý tober 31. TEhe objeet of tthý, opera revîew iiîîirings. in addition te acqiiaînting the listeniers with the opéras. is to create au opera scholarship) fund, to Town House Studio) Pho>to Bands of seed pearis front. high collar fa hemîjuie trimmed the ivor' satin wedding gown worn September 26; fr Miss *Gnevic7'e Marie Shepanek. daugh.ter of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Charles Shepan&ck, 803 Michigan, avemuc, for her marriage to Dr. Joseph G. Ulis, son of Mr. and Airs, John S. Ulis of Chicago. Her veil. n',as of tMlle, and she carried a s>nall showerci of orchids and hules of the vlley. The inarr.age was Performed zith a solemoi high mass at St. Francis Xavier chu rch. and n'as follou'ed by' a weddipiq breakfast ai fthe Georgian hotel.. ansten, and Mrs. \Vaîter (:, Naaler ("f Nues Center. Mrs. William E. Clark of 'Glenicoe,, bas charge of tea arrangemnents. She bas. asked Mrs. D. Blight Grasett, grand president, Mrs. E. E. Sttits, district president, Mrs. Grimm, aluninae preside'nt, Mrs. Donald E. Nichols., president of Tau association, Mýrs. Samuel W. Willson, and Mrs. Richard Carr te. preside at the tea tables. of -vinnetka, Mrs. Earl Witt of Glencoe, entertain- Island, f nment chairman; Mrs. William E. 'dinnerS publicity chairmnan;Disflopj Clark of Glencoe, playground chair- daughter, man,,and M4rs. John H. Lindemanof is Mrs. à Chicago.' ý\Vinnetka, social chairman. ,f avenue entertained kDuMulan of Long ly Bishop of Qhio, at y. Bishop DuMulan's former Emily DuMulan, i Howard West, Jr., -of of 730' NîTnt-hst-reet gave -a party in tbeir home last S, for a .group of friends from C They plan te go down to Chai on Saturday for the Northi university and Universitv of football game. aY Hie was formerly grand regent of the ,go. Mooseheart legion, and, in 1926, was gn11 special investigator cf child welfare rni condlitions in Euirope for the Uniteod lois States gàverniment. R1e is a meml'er ofthe City Club of "Chicago.,

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