Dr. Ruth Gruber, proclaiîned the werld's youngest Pli.D. at 'zthe age of.2j, 'is schedùlcd to speak* at the meeting of, TheBrepora Neigbor Tes-Mrs. ofKeniworh day aftrnon .Octbe 2, til-nember day aftenoo, 27 àtgroups Ocob.r 2:30 o'clock. She has devoted a great: deal .cf .ber, time to. the . subcctupo be peas whchIin subjet ghý.-ýpâk-S"The. u.pn whiËh Tusa,"Women Underý Fascism., Communiism, and Dem-" locracy." 1te >byin Th a .isprsç pog department of home and educatiosinj of the Neighbort, cf iwhich 'Mrs ulsetals Petersen is chairman. The ýhostess for the afterncon is* Mrs. Alfred DeHaveit Photo *Witberger. Mns Walterr erminglam, whose !y7ic çoprOno 1voicehJIS been hieard After conipleting a great deal cf aît th-, WC"mn's Catholic Club of research iln America, Dr. Gruber went WVilinette upon several occasions, abroad during the past summer and zwili ssng seeral grous of she got her first-hand information 1 selecon the position of women in Gerlions ait/he ext regidar club pro-. many and Russia. Site also traveled grarn riday af terjsoon of this weeek extensiveIy, in France, England, lieltifhil Woman's club. land Polnd.October Gemany an In a recent interview Dr. Gruber declared: "Despite the difference cf ' in "Flashbacks," the Very the Wosnan's Catbolic Club of Wilmette at its regular club meeting Friday, modem 'pageant cf iff.ea-thouOctober 23, as arr-anged by Mrs.; Harry sand'years, frem now, written. by Mrs. James A. Bûurrili (Beriimn Walter Bermingham,: a talentedl tha Burrili)',,for. the. forty-fifth of the club, iwiil give several of songs and Edwin G. Martin, anniv-,ersary cf tlhe,.f.unding of a well known interior decorator cf the Wornan's Club cf Wilmette, vanston, possessing unusual ability which will be given at the aftergiving- word pictures,ý will talk on noon meeting cf the club WedModern Trend :in Decorating.". Following this, tea will be served.. Mrs. nesday, Nevember 4, the leadD. J. -Harrison, social ýchairmnan of the ing characters are: department, bas asked. Mrs. B. W. Colt- mIo, a scholar...... Imogene Kautman 'an, Mrs. Frank J.. Pfabier, and Mrs. Uno. a musiclan. Paul Gathercoal sLaaletope.d a h e Arctura, delegate to Big Dipper. . .Mrs. politics and sharp frontier bound- Caiholiol Daiaghfers HoId My ,Little H1!sé. »bý Edà dTier; "At the End of a Cobblestone Road," by Ronke. Her accompanist will be Marian Setaro. An énjoyabie event for the many who attended was the dessert bridge at Shawnee Country club Wednesday, 14, under the auspices of Mrs. Johan J.depactent.aimi o hew etsdprin. Dorothea Main Alqtair,' delegate to Mars...... Mrs. Berininghiam wilI sinig *Ave Bonnie Boone Lamb Maria," by Luzzi;' "With the Wind Capella, delegate to Pederated Clubs and the Rain in Your Hair," by Clara of the Universe .... ............ Autoinatlc. an old sevat .... . . r. In the course of the first scene, Capella, after a hectic time at the Interstellar federation on Neptune, followed by a Un ted Universe card party on oneé of the rings of Saturn, returns to Wii.mette. She is carrying a' prize-soînething "awfuiiy smnart." she tells her club friends, "everyone on Saturn has thieini." It is a retrospectroscope, an:,in- niatins etf Europe are preaching a limer woman movement based on subservience to the state. Thtis reaction is most flagrant in such countries as England, Holland, and Germany where three years ago women were wcrking side by side With meni, turning the wheels cf industry and ne sa ei u(ia licb, 2343 Wilinette avenue. Playing Chiurch wiIl commence in the afternoo nat , o)'clock and un the eveiuiigat 8 o'clock. Further information inav be obtained fromn Mrs. Beinlich or froin Mrs. Ala:, MeDcaiis. 1319 Central aventie. at the home cf Mrs. Charles. Bein- On Tht at14 ILVIIIUIand1evenn ýtober 29, at 1913 nston, ail da%. sale iAi 1Is i cte ai t rpssoue 1. In it the beloved charter inemnbers are présent to take their own partsMrs. H. B. Gates, Mrs. Frank I. joy, At Neighbor6s and Mrs. William Panushka, The p)resence of these tbree whose names have been sc> prominent.in. Wilmette iîfe for hialf a century ot more. adds a, of se onsl, an me study- of thte New1 them in and aise appt to, wite Dutch papers. ribune, a slh and F qe ab'out «Wopnen Commtniçm$ and The Mmtes cf these taking part in the latter episodes wilI be given in next week's WUmmem Lmw*. Mrs. George Lamb and Mrs. John. B. Boddie are directing.the Piay.-FB.M,