for Philanthropy, Benefit., at Club, ýLess than a week remains for' the committee to* round. out- its arrangements, for one of the most important early, auturnu social events. in Wilmette, the annual card, party for. the. benefit" of the: philanthropy, depart,nient of the Woman's Club of Wilmette. T'his season the affair', a dessert bridge at i :30 O'clock, takes place -Wednesday, October 28, at the clubhouse. For many weeks a laige conimittee bas been at, work engaged in preparations for, the benefit, planning for the large crowd it expects that day, devotÎng its'interest tô thte multitude of' details, some of wbichi, smialil i thernselves, play a vital part ini anysmooth-running event .of the this kind. The selection of dessert, of prizes, the arranging of tables, the taking of reservations and their placing, ail spell hours of work for soi-e one. The philanthropies which mnoney end Activities of Churcli Divisions lI'e October meeting of Divisioin \V if theý Wilrnette Parish 1\Ietbodi st Episc'opal church w.ill l)e lbeli to(lay (Thursday) at.the home Of , Mlrs.l Victor MetzgËer, 41. Maple avenue. Members 'wil liieet at 10 :30 o'clock for Sew~ing > vit1i luncheon following. Lewis BR. Spriiger who nialkes ber borne with ber daughter,. Mrs. Metzger, miIl he cobostess. Týheassisting hostessesHlussaiwler. andi are Mrs. A.. Mrs. F.,W. Burpee. On October 15, Mrs. Harry -Mons openled ber home at 157 Woodstockl a"!Iie Kenilworth, îfor -a benefit dessert bridge party of the fifth division. Underwood & Underwood Plhotos Division III of the Mlethodist Airs. Mitchell Ilowe, 0falice tft, as progî'am chairînan, and Mrs. Robert church met Tuesday of this week Tobeyj, as a nmer o4flhe groap In charge of cabaret, arc tiwo -0 the inembers with Mrs. Robert Bacon of 105 Sevof the Juniior L.eaguc Falles sponsored by the livanston Junior leaguc enteenth street, for luncheon and Noveinmber .5, 6, and 7, in, the auditorium of the Central sehool in GîenIcoe. sewing. The five assisting hostesses The Falles. the second the Junior league lias ,ponsored, will have in ifs were Mrs. Carl Geppert. Mrs. A. H. cast, youig p/eople of outstanding amateur talent and sonie who have had Fuessle, Mrs. Edgar A. Fellers. '.\r,;. professional expericuce. Mfrs. Hcenry H. WFindso,' Jr., the former Louise' j. R. Harper, and Mrs. F. P. Strauch., Ilimiter, of .grandopera experienc.e. 1fr:. Kennefh Cotton Broîk.ýi the clcvcî' Division IV has charge of serving j mail of the philanthropy departmient Ffr 00Lne vne h s and Mrs. Charles W. Wriglev \Wedsponsoring the beneSlt. Mrs. Roger E.Fie,11LncnavueThas nesdlay evening of last week at their Wiiams s Lyneral chairmannf the sisting bôstesses will. be Mrs. H. S. at the home of Mrs. R. M. Campbel, 031 Central avenue, with Mrs. JohnPetty assisting as co-hostess.' 1iviSýion VI will nweet for luncheon House, Service Council for Girls. lle-otws crl at I o'clock Friday, Octol>er 30, fteFr, Atnong the entertainîng for visiti% h heNrhctcreo Park Ridge School for Girls, 'Marat the homte of ýMrs. Abrahanm lev%., tha Washington Home for Crippled Coîîgregational church ivili meet for it.g bishops on the north shoret here. 720 Mlaclean avenue, Kenilwortli. Children.. luiicheôn and sewing at 12:30 o'clock f or the recent conference in Evans.Mrs. George Edward WValk is chair- Friday at the hôtue of Mrs. \V, T. ton, was the dinner given by Mr. Episcopal home, Chicago Wonal's Con gregational Shelter, Lake Bluff Orphanage, Il -i' fant Welfare, Wilmette Charities, Arden Shore, Erie ChapeI, Onward Circles HoId Meetings hree Fieldits regular meeting on N1vonday Dinners Honor Biskops Visifing on Northi Shore for theîr flouse gùest Monday and T1uesday Mrs. Watkins' brother-in-law, R. F. Haffenreffer of Providence, R, I., Who is in Chicago on business., luuncneon procedure WIll De in eff et - Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Stanford days there7 this week -in search of a at this time, for members will bring of 1304 Forest avenue entertained six- home for her family, and as soon as their own sandwic hes and the bostess teen friends for buffet supper in their'possible she and the children will Will and dessert. home on. Saturday evening. join Mr. Striçkland.