cocs Dresse. classes, while Dr. Harkness will speak at another meeting of -the freshmen and sophomores., KnIoop Chosen Presgident of High School ,Seniors The ýsenior class of New Trier Higli school chose Walter .Arrnd kniotip as its president in the eélections last Thursda.y. . He vill be assisted by .Vary Lou,McKissonl, vice-presidenit; James, Lamb, treasure 1r, ard Barbara Bayard, secretary. Miss HelenMa lonev and F. A., Kahler. advisei chair- e. FU RJITUAIE E-UPHOLSTERINC REFINISHINO REPAIRINO. Your furnifure con be made better than new. We jaywalking, au.ponsor. Sthoritiés. of New The show.% will be presenttéd in Township Trier cooperation with the National Broadschool, aid~.Highi wi1l lend artcasting company, which ' Sed by. mneMbers of ists. fromin ts Chicago . studios. ami the student coununds raised will1 be used to carry on cil, this, week rethe clubs. programn for. tuie ear. s;orted to drastié mùeasures., The erformance wilI be given ont. Saturday. November 7, ini the Leslie SUnder the ýdi-' F. Gâtes, M\emoôrial gymnasium. rection of Bill Wright, chairmani Rby Shields, director of music at '-of the studet direcit tleý NBC's Chicago studio,,. %vilt, council's cmmt ceremnoof master, orchestra, and the tee ýiii charge of nie>' will be Don McNeil, Mr. Frisbie theproject,an A. L Griueli announced. ofJ.R Smnith, of the facuitY, who Sýtars and featured acts will include lias supervision- of the uise of the the Ranclih loys. the Morin. sisters., school's newv portable puibhîc-add(lress Sylvia Clark, mnotuologist. Bill Thomip- Nysteni, an, undergraduate. whose soin. Cale Page, Mrs. Pen,îytfeather, nine was> carefuhly kept secret. was Little Jackie Heller, and Marian and installed with a inicrophonie at- ýI Jim. Jordan, the latter teamn giving a pont of vantage iii the I)t'uildinig ,sketch rom their radio showv, '$ibher %vhere he couid observe thie husy intersection of WoodIland am( iW.iic McOee anti Molly." ka avonues. just ta thè .west of thie weekthis sale on go will Tickets groundi(s and flot far froin the hIdiaiv end at New Trier, Mr. Frisbie added,, fIl station. and there will be a smnall block of reThe announccr urinig Tuesdav and( served seats. In charge of the ficket succeeding (lays of thiis %veek lias, and Traylor sales wiIi be Ashton licen watc.iîg careless pedestria,. Charles Percy.1 particularlv studeiits, anid warniig %'embers of. the club this week andç adnxoishinig them over the loiud ertaiue'd freshimailbov s .at after- voice of the public-adIdress system. ic 1ri-Shnv rnended.' mointoin our own Custom Shop PHONE UNIVERSITY 7210 OUR ESTIMATOR WILL GLADLY CAIL AND. SUBMIT ESTIMATE WITHOUT OBLIGATION. up for formai instruction ini )ak Park Defeats New Jdrawn driving for the undergraduiates. 1Trier Eleven 19 to 0 The course, he added, as planned. defeated for the iourthî me in five starts this season. the lew T'rier high school varsity griders gave evidence ast Saturday zainst Oak Park that the end of eir year's slump is i sght The ighly touted Oaks won, 10 to 0, but bno time was the local squad out- tentative plans nave already Deen Will include an explanation of. the operation and machinery of the car,. a rigid course in traffic rules aind.regulations, and other information necessary in order to reducc driving accidents. *As part of the accident preventioni 1-23 Mule Street Poite, UNl1versify, 7210 OýPwu Tuesda>,, Thursday and Saturdoj, Evénings Wroods. of the class of 1938: and these awards, the highiest solicitor ini Harrv Mohr WVeese. , of the c1asýs the camipaign wilI have a dineur grive of 1937. Mfr. Weese is attending Yale, for lier by Miss Lulit %Vright, aut university this year. sponsor of the club. alt