Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Oct 1936, p. 16

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junior iuthk Wj j 1 trirAîî the (commfrunjion ynuataU*"" We cordially Inivite Yoju ti'> tJIn us »J"this. 'J7et Ui)ll(alJ Itho, for yOu1g devtlngm at i5 .30. o'clock. People The -Ataniua-l larveut HIome dInner, Vie utsical prograinfierth rc momrifia with prograni sand recePtitin,.1.0our. -0i iow:preude-, a-, lxi wi f i themn service Mr. iurYN. Kerr, W-omain's Society the Bey. Ainm T hl)rbUrg, wiii minIHttî', anathèdyn, 1J)vtitak; $unt-xt te mounft," fr i sae foly i mi4aia runiag the 014for 'Vue nutC lie holil Frday evêning of -thiai week, soo, ; >iShelley soul", My J!ark, :.Ifark, day orniing: i# o"foiiowki: ,0 Otiir23, >ai 6 19,0 ocoe.The Fourth Ismâgi," .iBu k, Edwa1-d Lainlaa OrganVoi4e -antabiht "Fear Not, O4 I'laet sale.wiiilie e éd onnext TiiurtidaY ($its, (<Ima di visionilu wjarviuîg the dinner. "C(reidor" poetiude, wusOolst the 29th id Octoli)er. Miss Erfna lteuxîdti lm A dreWU No. 1), Haydn. wil he hi-Id thls eveChîoir rhasî The fSenfor choir eek," i 4cut l uaîaday ipîugu>t'aLes "(Uil (TJhursdayl, at. 8 ociock ln the .1ing, Atith 1 emý"ff With AilYour Jiisiii'i5 and of th _id44ckiatow invitets our girls under the 'direction 'Vu $udayiwhajiwl jicet a.9 :30 In Auulo 'roi)m;, ilieir *fenàds ,taattend tlinîinatwi:eWè adng nd would Brièl. 1't YOU Marie Mimm . departruni' ail The Junior Choir ,t.ad tt'> sit taîg-tlier if they wîi.b. Ita-eryo ur fehurch ln this i way, Ilke to mavî j>uutude Mb Jraime tle Lordl.nia8 lo~tse fta>44 tue director. uie 'wiii li uîaalas Lt)ieir gr(et d mrifc1 of 9-d insty uteuce ar ni-tooct Victoria in1Mnri. Tfiée Adult Bile dlclasiwiii it-ert-en ament. AWms.Aifedlte study at If)d0 .l,'u.ak InIthe c.hapa-I. Itolieri Woiff t iel&te iadrsof Triî S'eouad divisi, on lui meeting today VTé men iait'ceoir Wit roeartitton Fri(Titiidaidzy) for, lunéheon at' the home ulidaer ou'eiuck. isheuardesu#in.a, a:h '1:80 ý)buiidiaag. ut urh <lurli eh untiis #V#4#iog .1urior dmy the ut'se o Mrtî. Walter Magder. 'VhIiseof Mrm. Aiti. Thornhui'g, 1018 Lake avenlue. <.;,emes 'ar the yeoukig chiidr-aa duritig flic dite Juior' choir wli rebearme elle itaurdy »>'iiig at 10. Ti. Iil'llîdivision 1.4 meeting today maty lit fribc to attend ahuicha. i/liiie< < atiad JParkk av-tiue (TIh,îrmialay) ai- 10:30 Welock at 419 Mapie .. J i. (lot kel, paitor avenue. fla <axes: Mrm. Victor Metze-r W'e invite you 1g) vimiL *ur <'hubre!ia tia'11m auel 'rh<é Sliver Atiiversa.i'y dojIi t 9 :46t~adi Nuitýlicituil wi)id,.i iredwe service tad Mi-M. I.. it. S4iainger. w111. lome with -. à. umal' Tcack jho tiuid;ty afternoajý(n at 4 'lim it Sixth diviion wIil meet Tue.day, sarfewil he tunder the sasla'es <Naforthle anid lubie < ijaum chOir, . 1ulider It1w i obuî-sii 2flîie 7, iit<he borne <f M r. R. J. 1:3o ia. #ni aiday -miedol 'Vitet fi- i' niitatbi nait unr seurvic-e li street, Wlnnetka. of wi.arsiil »sxt $uinday .uoinig Mliss 1'Erna liiiujidai.divi a:r. Tihe' ';il I lurrows, 216 Myrtle m'Itoa~wt1li bé red i ourt <i'in ottier. îmge. M~~$'~ 4< :J7~f. We il»vitta tie ew -, ipligrlett us. mi u lie villait> té tii rhip it ti) U sviioo gloup Tj'iae 'uxti club, tc he A Itumniage sale wili be held by the x4oide, wili îim nin al 1-J::W Fifth divisilon 01n 'rhuraid.'Y And Fridaty, Ctaîîfrmatilktkiastà Witmet a "i >Tuscýtif yoiulig . Martibti tUiid, tiodîy, 3 Ji. nia'a'tiag Oetaawr 129 and 30, lii the church basea>dc.Atter er>inaitthe . <ipela i.i'jtt, tfaIty,7 lo> Illap, î',with Arddath l ùIe helii athd-ii Wil wili be mlnent. aet .'lhi adm ihà,el a (>)i 'l'iîurstday eviiaîig drai'îaxi we4ik, iilii p lîaS<4>i'5. aiiitly. La'iowL'ail ji. iflaitlaiq 29we wililbadl Tliu* lail Kastivai wiIi ho ha*id No-ý Li 'liis maila waai a poi.rand gre.at (lin-14 vtrn0hq-r 19 and20. Mrs. Arthur 1,. Vuler iuhlp iiiumw-ai t6 :30 a>ciock. Titîis Il 'î.A ad.èU s>Iaili i eaiotY 4 Ji. loi. tl;ianii aaewitb fine tUnie <4à get kueapataiiîted taîd IN the vhairmifln. $itaiuaa4lay* 1):3o ai. m,. ;Wedtitsdtây, ppîafi lirun i ataed uy witti lis the .filluei club ag initevaaiii ro jiýfft, outg iii. 0111' ytiiugliepiiu. No ticlkeiti ave itauid TI'I- I.ricndiy circie wiii meet Tuesday 'j'Ji a f t41 t i' aa1 v 1a ,4-cai.til4,cÛiiiktiti Skiic h4 'i'icrjw for liai> diiiamr, Ile utsiiiti uaiuaaa ajlir i 10 ida.îy waiit iaialdt- . %allidiiîU Octiba'r 27, at 8 '(elask at the (eeuàlmg, e-Vêiliiii4ai flay i l ti igliil l i l ioiaei ti>,wiii offvteruîg wtli lc àleuVeI m. wulih a l4.4-I cbure-h. Ail woinen Inte.rested are8 cordiYt te liig la i ii ,Wiîeiitie 4zv7¶8 uhe «I. wil ytiur rttvtiusli atf~ teond. TIhis . it,,to aiv Ira ltiglit' al,. '"la11,1.11dl iii,' (lad liiii h ciinlireti iiiiiîtY foi0 Maiiîdiy, fum UiÉ .9ci St. Jo/rn"s Lutheran 1 Ille tivili tt> 4UI1161aaa K cF -1iitlLe PIstil il. liaath, Iretideuat 04c liiirtibIiiiiiaIi$atttiy l'h MIiii>f j WUjstIi>ii< 1 i 1 h> I li a'ib'a au w 1ailet, aii ait. acavic: 1, ila¶i aae-,rtîi' W11Ia4k al i ti v u%/ ittliItiiili A#i» 10i'4 . i Ëiîg ail IwËmtin I l.t 4li 0à Sii,y, -NuveaaalbaI IdyUuat 1,1,111 Mie. W. Il. Eiiî< ' 23'eeaWo i- 11t 1 fuîi or 1 .'"1Iîa11kt ln l ëia ou Pi ; Na. S 4A ivi unnllea. -ue.soruy Ocmueuv.L, roocbi. GOirl Scout in <ho tvvîîtijg, a')otk al 7 :*90 witii Miuuueîialsi, wili Mlvti ili> dusu cià,a imêic wi i i faau'îîisled by Nia'tllwbit Maie îuhaîê'ivit, p> the» l it,1c aaia l %hI l m d y' i-àvci 4.,>- ,ti 1 tbtiaaetk; 161) nd girls, si e miott troopai for' )3' 'l'.> .aIii~aaafi ilina, it tI1)v'. W. A. Nia. Imeet as' ol by this e che, spoaaaaard .it' 121 No;. ; Mîiir <tif $8. laaI,-liti i(daîHt iaaevon i*î'.I> aîva'iUotaau at 4 .:108oviW.lI il, ivîtia jMes. A. $aîoalya à iiiict tl*t'l*tIOua, t1tel Asllt W ililtte atit FiJ!oi etlavenèti Girl Scout Tromp 1'ri adasait 1 130 li'. etveatue, frée.12 :30 qî'a'loa'kluiiaan 7:15 p. ni. Girl Scout 'rroop 2---Tbuhirsdays.a coatTO w iae bed %vil airvia'e îîeiidwenni< oaa,' . "8eii'c flh *a>Itiitîc 3:45. P. M. #,,niî,ai cafeteria! alite ~ aé. .... ave woflimmia,' ai , a 4)ýIovk Inithe liefiliii' Cirl Scout Troop ý -'uesd->ys a 9a22 etib8 Ba>tist Chsurch' avaae at 1*-a'iaeiMm 'i R. Whle Imtia,a;eN'a. I; wiliii M a IL W. Youatig, !îeauî'f<oaai,- 1. ci,.. k iîaaaî'-1 Asuital matol, i"lW. iwlaM i ; Nie. att îiaa a;'euw , 0 wilit lma'. Il. Omi p.a,tt1, 715h Liuiaia' M as. it. W. 1-'ylf. 1» A.Ailaaad Anyone wh# ivishes to> place the pulîtit. mi aes n ay Sun<lty imorîing is asked lob siîtify Mrs. S8. E. L e a , W iImette, et >O Tho ltra'v'îpaî ttn 'IeWolkieiWe i tai1di vilil mevt un Mxon- o Tho , 'h. vork ~ e6, it 10 o' ctoboi' .ii, l Mendeiseohn ... tu viaâus wuik. Affilit t<Iln> itiuiday (IiU1lPhl t, fgood îjt'u s t s aw f i," i1euî'hîîîhiattw oft 113egtlld tliafor the bbett. olo: "If WthAlbit.ourllau't" 1the of womoxl 1te wlukb li Mendelssohn V 'Iai>lei'-t'ause. (eîliait) . are iUil t'>interiihuîêh .and te atteaîd tIli servivesanîd invite o tkit not u eilwortii III.ui'Use'ê'iw % roin Imai1i ar e kated.AU mwuun of, Iii. therai. Muda>iu are i- (q bolirWw en oti#4td un bmtt13 lt i',lltqg iuî4 Iîul t iàbte ut As timo mint ýas Afor voume lto %vhed todty. Wvldly u ~~»Igy MUa Th' hureh sachool ineets SBunday m»ornj» ,a Our (Uod a C»». they ean rp.nd. b~s U-i dliêts k1hh %vo lVut î ul'u ~ Te Ail departnîents of the Church achool uneet at 9 :30 a. n. Excellent courses are provided and loyal and experieuiced teticherua are serving our Chur<ch sçhool memberu. We welcome parents- and friends t any of our departmental Serv- I

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