LADIES: /1. Marion C. Larsweli, the Hubbard Woods school,- Winnetka,- is a, member, of the appropriations committee. S., R. Logan, princi pal of the Skokie school, Winnetka. -is a member of, the legislative comtnittee, while Carleton Washburne, superintendent'of schools in that village, is a tember, of the public. relations committee. District representatives. include': Miss Constance Van Inwegen, Glencoe:Williamn H. Voas and Harry .Clark. Winnietka: Miss Bessie M. Stark.. of Kenillworth-:, Lowell F. Todd. principal of the Arthur H. Howard school. ofWilmnette: and Dr. Laura F.'Ullrick and Frederick C. Windoes. heads of thle social studies and the science. departmnents of Nýew Trier I-igh school. respectively. Paut T. Misner, sûperintendeint of Glenlcoe schools, wili participate in vso.Miss principal of thme Program. Miss Constance Anne Capron, dàughter of Mr. and Mrs. Horace M. a 5 Capron, 560 Ridge road, Kenilworth, is enrolled for lber fresbman year of high school at The Principia in St;. Louis. She was formerly a student be evenl more interesting and instructive, than previous, schools. It "it -be. very practical and of real value to everjy womfan who is -interestcd- lu learning what to àerve and how to serve. k in the most econoniical -and, attractive ,mannen. Batz !@ Charg. Mis$Mlldred Mildred Batz, home economist of the National Live Stock and Meat board will conduct the school, Miss Batz, a great béliever' in balanced -meals, bas an unustjal, knack of- making the simplest foods attracJean Flender Small, 42 Abboîs- tive, gay and inviting. She is one of ford road, WVinnetka, %a freshman at- the. nation's leading authorities ,Co meat and food products.and. is wellBaryn, Mawtr col/cge, Bt-ym Mawr, Pa.. lias, recently béetc» awarded. a versçd on ail angles of the hotise biggest probleni-the planning sc/#olarship by the college. Miss wife's and serving of the day's meals. Her Small, daughter of Dr. C. Russel easy, straight-orward manner of preSmatl, /wad of the Foré~igài Lansenidng ideas maltes ber a 'favorite~ guage departmetit ot New Trier with every audience. Miss Batz will practical, original recipes High school, wa.t a mnember of the demonstrate in a General Electric all-eiectric I-onor society of thte c/ais of 1936 kitchen in such a Inanner tbat everyat New Trier and is the recipient of one in tbe audience will be able to a medal presented by the IEta Sigma hear and follow ber directions easily. Phi classical fraternity of *NorthOffer Mauiy Suggestions western university for excellence in The entire school will bc devoted' Latin. to suggestions on how to make m eal enioyable. preparation easy a n.. venue This w..k's spectêl EugiIsh AI..nd Tlfe.mand PiaeappI. IMe Regular 60e Iand " -luq rVdusoi, a 4a IIInou Lceu presiu3 this week by D. K. Vogeding, dent.. Compte Nash and Lafayette sales conipanyv at this location, Mr. Vogeding added, and the new 1937 automobiles are now on display. service are now off ered by the will otter a truly unusual opportunity to attend a cooking school devoted striétly to cooking and foods. The classes which will be' held in the înorning will not be spent ini advertising, entertainment or, promotion, it is said, but will be devoted entirely to regular periods' of instruction that will be of assistance to every woman. It is promised that there will be tbingsof interest to every cook, be sbe novice or expert in culinary mat- 93 CBTER STREET HILL. WINITKA 3346 end 3756 heuxe Pli. attended the gamne Nortbic 'LO Ohio State football on su.e 1,1day.' j~ . Iments z ... '.vlu , qu anukvii. 41U iM