Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Oct 1936, p. 54

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An, amusing imaginative pageant bas been. written by Mrs. Tamies'Aý.. Burrili (Berth a Burn)for 'tbe forty-,fifth birthday ofî the Woman 's Club, of Wýilnette,' It. ivili ýbe given .at the club's mieeting November 4. it is called ,".Flash.-Backs," and wvill be presented by members.of the club under'the direction of mrs. George Lamb and, Mrs. john B. Bodde. The, scene is the kmunge of the club but the. time is more ,reüote- it.is oOC -thousand years f rom now. >The uiiverse a. thousand- years iromi now is no lonqzer a place- of rnystery - the inhabitants of the world flit baclc aiid'fith tôo tIter %vorldsand thinlc nothing of it. The National Federation of Women's clubs is a small part of club life then., it is the Federated Club of the Universe that our womcn's club belo)ngs. to. The members go as delegates to Mars, the Big Dipper, and others. *The pageant is full of wit and satire. One bit of satire deals with the mnistakes that scbolars, translating .-. r>. CIde C. Ohliger of Chicago, chairmhan of the Wheel and Distaif circle of Fort Dearborn, chapter, D.ý A. R., arinounces the date of the first meeingof the witer season as October26ý. hgroup will meet, at '10:30 of Ms Reed H. Branson, 2047ý Or*rington avenue, Evanston, '.to sewv. Luncheon will be -served',at, 12ý:30 o clock with ,Mrs. Branson. Mfrs. -L P. 1sartens,ý Mrs. J. I!.. Frazier. Mfrs. E. H. Elwood. and Mrs. George CraMpton as hostesses. .This ivili be Mrs. Oh1iger'vz second vear" as chairman of thisgru vvhih lbas donc a notable. work mnaling garments for chfldren. Who attend the miountain school. which are aided anniua.*k% bv the lDau<qhterý o the Aimerican Revolution. They-al>o hielp the Evanston charitieiý. Last vear more than 150 new garmientç and a larze nurnber of used piece.. of clothing were shiproed to Carr Creek settiement in Kentuckv bv this department. The group is comnposed of the committee and the new o'clock in. theý morning, at the home The 1'uoing Motiwer.?(Ctub of JVilptette will h-cits 'an pui ial ban quel onI MIodav. Oc lober 19, at >th e orqiapi hotel lei Ezvanstani. Viss. Edpia ifecans. a gradiate ~fof the E»aerscmi Colleqe Oratorv t't Boston, n411 presernt a rrogram ent tld "TUe 3Mdertis."* Miss M~eans isa PminoIogtlli»zj"persîo',mawr, id a platforen artist of reputation, and has the reputation of lbciny ua swcssu'rq'ecàt artist." Many of her nologucs, dialect charactcri.a-tii.ps, poems, drapios, and human ri nterest storiIfs arc original. Whe'n i iga ce .!-'rcqratn. she takes her .çubiect she, has about, babies (fer there are no ba- lkarned Dy nmuch . study bies in 2936). She is very serious and ber friends try to foLlow ber unintentionally amusing ecplanation ot the stork- and this creature called a baby. which they have neyer heard of-but it îs pretty deep for thern and deep for Ino, too. People do net die. you sec. in ~'Flsb-Uck"time. Instead,. they go 1 iletp e'ider" QI thé ) cain 1. ctker-.f ce'Mrs. L, C. Torrcy,. ill iat titis time ildrt her or-te'ré vir 1, 1Mr.ç. H. O0.i c .h. Is fte be ;president for the vear 1936-1937. Ely Culbertson Lecture Infant Welfare Benefit Ely Culbertson. Nvorld iamouý bridh get WiIm.ttfe Club Commiffee, Sponsors Vets' Program Baauer, Mfrs. John A. Briggs, .rs, Branson, MNrs. John L. Browne, M\rs. Robert B. Chittenden.. Mrs. Crampton. . Fred B. Crosby, M-\rs. Frank, f. Dan ner. Nfrs. E. E. Eckenbeck. Nir,. Elwood, 'Mrs. Edgar C. Fowler. Mfrs. Leroy A. Kling. Mfrs. Sainuel 1. Iang. Mrs. ElwvtiN acRae. Mrý.. Charles N. Marin, Mrs. 'Martens. Charles W\.. Moody, Mrsý Under the sponsorship of the vet- M r>. George \\. Paullin, 'Miss Lolisr Paullin. Mfrs. Frank H. T. Potter. NMr-ý, essav 01 flot more than 1,000 Nvords on the subject "If Lincoln Were President Today." The closiing date is Mrs. Alex S. joslin of 240 Essex T. Pirie, jr., are giving luncheons Februiarv 1. 1937. 'Mrs. Donialdson'.... *road. Kenilworth, 'entertained the John B. ,Iorse, MIrs. Edward--K Preceding the lecture which is an out- address, is 1955 Kenilworth aVenuei. minbers of her book club for lu nch- lWelles. Mlrs. Julian Armstrong, M rs.. standing eventamong devotees of the Wilmde.A prize of $5 .ill be giveti ton on. Tuesday in her homne. Thomas G Caszsid%-, and 4af s. John- game of -contract, bridge._ for' the best essav submitted. 1 hi board in 1936.-F;.B,.\M. scillo, sticets m110 ill prepa-re at

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