the general der, dark-naired, dark-eyed, youflg womnan with a lashing smile. In the Spanish ,costumes that she wore, she created with. her dancing the illusion of a younig SPanish girl expresslnig the great moments of a. Spanish girl's lite. .She was versatile, n>W the lady of higli degree, now 'the gypsy girl. Some of her dAnces were traditional, some mnodern, most of thin lier own. She had afine accompanlst in Mr. .Haynes, whowrote the incidentai music that lie plaYed. Eusebio.Coencialdi, in Spanlsli eostuiné, sang in bis superb baritone romnantie songs of Spain,ý of them: whilé Miss Martin danced. The gowns that Miss iartin wore were. Mrç. D. Býliqh Grasett 0of Wian Important part'of lier pi-ogram, as netka, grand presideyit of Kappa were lier castanets, lier lieaddresq, and Alpha Theta, will be guest of honor. coinb'and mantilla. In i.%Iezqluita de Cordoba," by Roniero, aï a tea the ThIeta aàlumeiae*,aî'd the she wore a white silv'er dress with green, Theta Mothers' club are Io give with hooPed, eeet., 'In lier liair was a. Wednesday afternooks, Oe.tober .21, bright red flower matchin.g the red of lier front 3 to 5, 'at the home of Mrs. lips. Her face, quite as mucli as lier fingers, lier feet, and, lier body, expres4seil Mark W. Cresap, Woodlev road, the feeling of the dance. [Vinnetka. In "Alnia AnaluaQ' a very lo%,ely, (juick dance by Gxom~ez (impressions of a buillight), lier dress and cap wêre of Chiinese red and ,-he wore silver slippers. Hek' dress had a sparkIe of shining ietal and she wore a tlower In her liair. In the third dance, '*Alegrias," lier tlowing skirt with a train was of polka Mrs. O. J. Dreibus, 320 Third dots with a red edging on the ruffles. street, wiIl be hostess to the memShe wore long coral earrlngs and a coral fringed scarf, and had white fiowers in bers of the Woman's society of the English Lutheran church at an afterlier liair. The tangio slie darnced witli alert, noon social meeting at her home at îpuised figure in -a da.-k velveut gown with 2 o'clock Thursday afternool iof thiis, a red sash 'l'le flarin., ,kirt haid a re For Lutheran Society They include Mrs. D. Bligh Grasett, 797 Walden road, Winnetka, and Hardin H.,Hawes, 180 ake ' avenue, Glencoe, co-chairmen :of arrangements: Mrs. Ralph, M. Stradler, 2418 Park place, Evanstont, and C. ýG. Hobart, 1459 Asbury avenue, Evanston, co-chairmen of ticket sales; Mrs. Joseph W. Paddock, 724 Clinton avenue, Evanston, and H. L., Wessling, 619-. Moutain road, Lake Bluff,' cochairmen of patrons and patronesses; Miss Juliet Barker, 1553 N. Clark streeti Chicago, and Paul- Cumming,. 124 Keeney street, Evanston. cochaîrmen of entertainment 4 Mrs. Lawrence E.. Mitten, 510 ýCuninor road, Keniiworth, chairtran' of pubiicity, and James D. White,ý Jr., 984. Spruce street, Winnetka, chairmanof decorations. The bail is be attended by nearly a thousand Northwestern alumi i andi their friendTs. T4eld for the first time last year to celebrate the university's eightieth annliversary, it is to become an annual event in. the future. SPECIAL. LOW RATES in affect durang alflritiofts on Our building and Uwimming 'pool. ENROLL 140W EDYTH DlIEDMRCH'S JANUS METHOD REDUCU NG Janus Buildingi Phone, Davis 2004 THE Chrulquos card lime af The.leh..Parrot lu always a greaf ovent Division Hostess Today Mrs. Harry W. Mons, a nmeinber week: tanets were in constant use. In "Rosario la Cava," by Fornes, 'she was a beautiful gypsy girl In a voluininous calico skirt and a sash of Roman stripes.. Slie wore many' bracelets and neekiaces of beads. Her slippers had red on tbem. In hler liair were pink roses and a tiglit green clotli was tied about lier bead. Mr. Conclaldi sang as she Mr. and Mirs. John Marshall Roberts of 328 Warwick road, Kenilworth, departed on Wednesdayfor a fortnight's trip to the Ozarks. Mrs. .Roberts entertained eighit guests for luncheon and bridge on Tuesday of la st week at Skokie. Coun.try club. BUCKLEY -RESALE Household Gooda SoI<I SmaII Commuission Charge 1147 Greenleaf Wilmette 1174 Xpar Wilniette Ave. N. S. Station She was a gypsy girl who had been lured from lier people and later danced. was denounced by her race. AUCTION bf@re, because we have cards illIusfrafed by Ssucd fa..., enNis as Bobri graders) on irday even week with a diniler andd grand ballroom. Mrs. A. the chairman- in charge., GOODS ON VIEW UNTIt HOUROFSALE ce ini the Biser i'sj 2NEW Sale Conduct.d by M R. EUGENE FREUND YORK -PARIS. CHICAeO 1551 SHERMAN AVE. UVANSTON Telepluone University 2268