Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Oct 1936, p. 18

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ing of the Womnen's Demnocratic club of Wjnnetka, it is to be thrown -open to people of any, or of uncertain, political faýith, ,itis announiced. Professor Hattoù will devote tbe larger part of bis talk to answering nthe .floor. questions,.from Ail memfbers of. the clubare urged, to1 attend the meeting accompanied byr a-"do1lt.e.ý'__ RYTEX SKETCH lES inake letter-writiflg a matter of seconds. . . it's so easy to speed thirough your correspondenice with thes.e gay littie informais... obon, directors;an Edwin A. William Harrison Fetr-idge,, exective secretary. -Mr* Kinne, wbot i5 president of the village-,of, Wilmette, announced that, thuo clubwould imnmediatelyv launch a igrous. campaign, tbrougbout. the nortb shore suburbs, for Mr.. Ditchbuirne's candidacy.,LHe stated thatý Mr. D)itcbburne's élection depended, largely on the, vote cast along the north shore. Mr. Fetridge, in speaking "of the contest between, Dit chhurne, and Courtney, pointed out that next to the gyovernorship the 'most powerful, office in the, state is tbe office of state's attorney of Cook county. He asserted tbat it was impérative to hiave a mnan .of exeptional character ini that post. Calis Courtney Lax Stating that Mr. Courtney, the 1present imcumbent, had been the beneficiary of mucli undeserved and advantageous publicity, Mr. Fetridge pointed out numerous cases te trove Mr. Courtney had been extremely lax in his duties. "Courtney," said Mr. Fetridge. "bases his, canmpaign for reelect ion on two things: first, fewer automobile thefts; second, the cleaning up of the rackets. Actually, he hall nothing to do witb either, for the simple. rea son that automobile thefts dropped immediately when the car r egistrationl iaw went into effect, while with the end of prohibition, rackets began to die a natural deatb." Mr. Kinne told of the high praise, given Mr. Ditcbburne by the Ç£hicago. Bar association and the Chicago. Crime committee, and asserted that by expérience, temperanment and abilitv flitchburne is qualified to make Mrs. Berniice T. Van der V ries, 968 Pinle street, Winnetka, representative at Springfield froin the Seventh Senatonial district, and who is a candidate for re-election on the Republican ticket, delivered six addresses in Xisconisin, last week under the 'auspices of the National. Republican committee. This completed ber work, however, for 'tbe National commlittee and she is, now speakinig in bier. own district and in, bebaîf .of ber. candidacy for electioni to the. Illinois legisiature, where .sbe bas made an enviable record, accôr ding, to tbe Legisiative \Toters ,leagùe. ,Monday- afternoôn she spoke at Maywoorl; Tuesday nigbt at Nor.wood Park, Meirose Park and River Grove; Wednesday nigbt at Clearing, and Thursday niglit at Park Ridge. Thursday of this wek, proto hler talk at Park Ridge in tbe evening. MNrs. Van der Vries was the principal speaker at tbe state convention of Social Agencies, at Bloomington. Last w eek during lier campaign for tbe National Republican rommittee in Wis'consin, Mrs. Van der Vries spoke at Neenab, Fond du Lac, Oshkosh, West Bend, Hartford and Cedarburg. Mrs. Van der Vries said sbé found tbe outlook for Republican victory in Wisconsin Most encouraging, and particularly -so amolng the farmiers. charge of tbe Youngi Democrats and tbe precinict captains of WVilmette.. 'Literature xiii be' availale and the headquarters will ýbe -open -daily and during the evening, where any questions-relative to the Demiocratic campaign will be answered,-by those in: charge, Assist at Festival Tbe, Young Democrats also, voted to assist the other Democratic groups at, the. faîl festival at the' Vista bel Lago on Tbursd ay iglt and will also assist the precinct captains in tbe various precincts to, get out a large Democratic vote, on Novemhber 3., .AUl young people in New Trier, township, interested in the Demaocratic part3e are invite-d:to drop ini at the beadqularters :or if tbey desîre furtber information, relative to the ~organizatioai,. to get in touch, with. William D. O'Neill, 1033 Sheridan road, Wilmette, or Miss Harriet M.\c: Dermott, 620 Wasbington avenue. Wilmette. .Tbe next meeting of the organization will be lbeld in the Winnetka headquarters, next Moniday evening at 8 o'clockç. The New Trier Women's Democratic club announces a complimentary dessert-bridge, at Democratic beadquarters, 808 Elm street, Winnetka, tbis Friday afternoon, at 1 :30 Mrs. George V. Mcntyre clock. ýýill a ddress the club between dessert and cards. Miss Mae DeFili and ber A modernized procession is to be a accordion will entertain tbe group feature of the Republican mass mneet- with music. ing to be held at the New Trier Tbere will be a prize for eacb table High scbool auditorium Tuesday and a ,door pnize. This party is giv en evening, October 27, sponsored *by by New Trier Woman's Democratic tbe New Trier Township Republican club to tbe women of New Trier ooanization beaded by HIenry A. township. Those interested are nequested to make reservations by catI- Democratic Women to Hold Dessert Bridge Torch Parade to' Herald Big Mass Meeting Oct. 27 Delightful for Christmas gifts .. indispensable for your own use. LWvOD HOLLISTER INC. 1232 Central Avenue il Phsone: 1' .Maaiy G.roupa Looprate Every Republican organization in New, Trier township is cooperating ini this monster meeting, desigüed to be tbe outstanding event of the presidential campaign. A loul speaker systent will be provided, and arrangebeen malle to use anlother jmnshave in itme for announcement next week. l Mrs. David Patterson and her daugliter, Linda Janie, of Los Angleles are visiting Dr. and Mrs. C. G. Smith of 1325 Greenwood avenue this week. Mrs. Patterson is a. cousin of ýDr. Smith.'

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