Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Oct 1936, p. 12

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township officiais, anîd ait otner persons', individual anîd sundry, fromn interfering, with the condûct -of. the business: fromn threatening to interfere with such coniduct of suich businiess. and from arresting, or1 threateining to. arrest the said Herbert M Smith, plaintiff. On behlf of Gertrude M. Thurstonl, township supervisor., Margaret S. Pierson, towniship clerk, and Walter W. Doerr and others, Chartes' H. Jackson, attorney for the New Trier townsehip board filed an intervening petition Thursday, of last Week, ,iii which specific.pleas are nmade in;opposition to Smith's petition. Master Sullivan had previously, beard the testinmiony and badl rade a recommendatioi., to. the court of Judge John Prystalski iin favor of the plaintiff. 'ou the ground that the referendumn of 1934, by -whch the sale of liquor at retail was prohihitedin the unincorporated areas of the township was inivalid because the petition asking for the election was not filed 60 davs hefore the date of the election. * Attorney jacksou pointed out that the law did not require the 60-day period for. that year, aud Master * Sullivan has indicated that his rec- for Nw loida s., Fr,. end for 15c 04 .. Grapefruit f juic e. M e id m i . ixe , f ul -o Grapes. The Men's club..of- the North Shore .Cong9regation Israeiwili oPei it.i activities for the current year Wednesday eveinig, October 21; with *,,imeeting.io be held at, the temple in Gtencoe. Dr. Abramt Leon Sachar, (above) professor of inoderra European, and Euglish history at the Usiiirerstyo lnf1Hois, éiWd-dress the mecci»q oit "srael Weaves a Tapestry,." SeIected qualty Orussels Z.IIbs.1,5c . gqt.boxl5c . S 1prouts Sweet Pototoes Famous Fresh Catifornia Nancy Halls. 4 Ibs. 1,5c Corrots Th .. per buncFi5 c Dr. Sachar, wvho is the'national director of the Hillel Foundations at Anierican universities, spent the summer in Europe, and was an eye-witness to the political madness of foreign events. H-e has a reputation as a leader in the student world. a sage counlselor, a rar-e conversationalist, and a magnetic Tur8day, 1'riday & Saturday onI!i Bue.Jewel Boneless referendumn is iiivalid because the paiticular unincorporated area iýI which lie operates is more than oie mile froin the îiext necarest sînîllar area. *However, oppusing counisel directs attention to the law. wvhichi specifically states that the I-ipile., prov'ision applies only to tovnships having aý population of 20000(Jor more, and does not apply Iiine Trier town- one-volurnle "H-istory of the jes which i i now ini its sixthi printing. He lias traveled extensively through Europe and the Near East and during bis travels last sumnnier in the chief trouble areasAtistria. Polanid and the Baltic States 1 le interviewed political figures. correspondents. reliel f icials andt lahor leaders. Alred S. Alschiuler* president of the ur poney. fould's Spaghetti.... CELLOWRAP'r GENUIN1E Santa Clara Prunes, IHAWAIAN DOLE, UNSWEETENED MNACARZONI-NOODLleS OR 3 pkgs. I19C jir 2-b. 15C SPECIAL MANUFACIURWS OFFLR Torronto toatatend a convention, ana 1bankeis' convention, spenit a fort1 back ta Wilmete for a few days be- nizht in Santa Barbara, and scvera fore going to Waukesha for another days. in Coranado Beachi beforc recomen!on.turnng 1115 Central Ave., (Also3 Park Ave. Glencoe> t home. I

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