the council camp -site near Anttigo, Wis. _ _ 4 TIn planning the. Sea >Scout. program for the> coming winter season it -was . uggested, to :the. boys that perhawo.some of them might wish to delve more deeply into, certain subjects than actually required by the standard ekaminations for -promotion. oui this week to the Scout field that these courses will be conducted_ at The suggestion met* w:th approval the Boy Scout cabin at Fort Sheidan. with nxany of the. scouts so ýincliniedl. A number of local: Scouteèrs and neighboring executives 'will give lead'For exaniple. the scouts, are reershipat the courses and present the, course, material.. More- complete- an- quired to he ahie to send and, receive nounicement wi*l be made later con- a certain number of words per, Mincerning faculty members- andcourse ute bs-. ieats of semaphore signal flazs. But it is evident that the whole materiaL. field of coffmmunication leads itself COMMISSIONERS» MEET f0 nuch, morre exhaustive trea tment. The. commissioners of the:. North Te1~nih nstumetsmà%ehe con Shore area metlast night at the home -;trticted * helioL-rarphs Of Otto Fischer in Highwood for the radio set,ý 1)uilt atid so nia-v he sed. on. In work-ý purpose of corre1l.ting, the woi* >of ingy out tbi's sort of tnlàn it is of pr the various troops in the several districts of the counicil. About 20 mnen moulit imorortance that the boys be were present, first to partake of a real enconirac-yed fo acttuallv niake P's nituch spaghetti- dinner prepared by Mrs. nf th4ir eotvuiment as nosqihie. It iiz Mordini (Officiai Boy Scout spaghet- n this wvav thev actuallv leara roc ti cooker) and then to take part in the ;ibdut a cuhi;ect even tIhougÉh their, planning' and discussion. The next instrumients inav he crude. meeting of the commissioners wvil1 he Anotiier field which mav he trented held in about two nionths. in this. wav is that of nieteorolo-vthe studv of weather. There is 110 SEE reasoii -'vvthe scouts Cali fot conlLasont day, ati TRAINING COURSES Three courses in Scout leadership will be conducted by the North Shore Area council on Oct. 24 and 25. ýThe courses are, elements of scotmastership-parts one and two, and principies of first aid.' Announcementwent J Were happy to see You. around again, neijghbôr! That last prescription told us you we re getting 'welI. The privilege of helping people get wel1 a aacred to us -. so inuch so that our prescription depart,. ment ha$ been above à mere business basis. We'buy the:bestllfted grade 1 f drugs when cheaper cnes rnight. do. We carry seldom-used druga, just for emergencieÉ. Wheni you or, your loved onès are ùlot'well, you'l do iveli ý,to remember. our dependable prescription service. ... a.B.syl.r Special Saturulay and Suudatay BRICK: Strawbewry, Pia.. Qi. 1CR REAM aipe nd Bana39 PK. Bakiiii VITAM N Haiver 011 Capsulei,2 'Viosterol, Soce.ý...... Adex Tabets, 80'... Coilcentrate, &8Vs. ERDS $3.79 A B D Capsules, 100..... J 1 lb., ne Cod Livor 011 with Viosterol, 16 oz. $2.13 2 .49c' $3.19. 79c 9C .... l.79c TOILETDES 60,c Velure Lotioui... 9 Yawdley Shaving Bow1 . $1 forwvard to Scout day next year de- thisý the bô-vs viI niake their owri *spite the cold, wýindy, fall weathcr of '"easurnemients and surveys andi plotI Iast Saturdav. Ail of the north shore !tl1,ilr ovvlnmau s and charts. * group wish* to thank the athletic departmecnt of the university for the in-. Tb.- abovc subjeets are only a fev -itation and for the good timie that Io hs hc oi iiai h theyallenjoed.handled. Tt is entirelv up to the tliy al ejoyd.Scouts thellselves as to iust whati HEALTIl AND SAFETYi ujts are. taken un and how.N far SThe health and safety of Scouts-at thli, studv is carried: It is to be noted ail billes is the responsibilty feit anci that' ail flhe suhjects conitemonlat êriI Aýrea counicil and are already Iooking tie il, with this sort of p)rosgr-anm. lin Aune Winds8or Tissues 4 9c zo. 15C 'l'tu To remove coId cream As disposable handlcerchief. t I 1167 ' no ArMvJ g Alto Wilmettekve.. Lee e PatronizeOur Advertisers IasabNU*d