SIMMONS .Innersrïn4.7Rouor$2i MATrRESS Value: AlSO Our liguerspring. $16 VeS $9.7 The. Mottru 1Rt -$ S S R AIUFCHS. SHOP Shoruma A vtmue at 'Grove, Evaussto VISITOR FROM WËST Much credit for the original orwork.of the school and for ganization .701.1 of Swaim S. Mr. and 'Mrs. R. 4 aurel, avenue have as their bouseý the: building up of a'high educational. guests this 1 veek Mrs. Swaim' s sister, tone is due Mr. Smnart. He remained Mrs.: Harry. Lee 'Jones, and Ilher at New Trier during, 1901 and 1902 daughter-in-law, Mrs. George Eccles, and ini the latter>year returnied to, wi1th lier ýtwo children, Beveriy and, Dubuque. For the past 29 years héý' Hugh, who are enî route to their has been superinitendent of the pub;homes inLos Angeles, having spent lic-,school Davenport. the'summer, in the east. Mr. Smart was a graduate of Haryard university. He was born n, Iberia, 0., an d attended the Iberia ENDS VISIT HERE, city ýschools until 1880, when- the Whittier,, of, MÉs. Ella Sinmpson He to her home to- family moved to Shelby City, III1. cal., isrerng morroW,(Friday) after a visit of six was also principal of the high school. weeks with bier son and daughter-in- ini Phoenix, Ariz.,. as well as, at New. law, Mr. and'Mrs. George R. ýBoyd of Trierafid Dubuque. 1710 Forest aveoue, Wilmette. She' spent several days this week withi RkENT 'HOME FOR 'WINTE]k Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Taylor at 5411 Mr. anîd Mrs. Chiarles'W\., Moody, 7 0o Forest aveînue, have rented their. Kenilworth avenue, Kenilworth. home for the wvlinter. to Dr. and Mrs, AWAY FOR WEEK-END Earl H. Thomas and daughter, 11r. and Mrs. Phillip N. Streif of ~Babs,- former, residents of Wil1706 Washington avenue entertained muette who have been staying at the at dinner Saturday evening iii honor Georgian. Mr. and Mrs. Moody art of Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Prather of iioi on a trip to \ew York and M-\rs. Streff's sister, Mrs. Boston, from, whichi they will return Chicago. Doniald Stapleton and bier daughter, to spend two or three months at the iDalene. who are living at the Streif Oak Crest hotel ini Evanston. Mrs. b omne, spent the week-end Nvith lier, t.Moody's rnotlîer, NIrs. Charles E. inother. Mrs. Sami Rover. in Loda. 111. Wells is now at the. apartmient hotel. 1%etand. northi S ti jIlStatesIin 116' thiait te. lia ig- cuvéri ~1t LU k Photo Shops IM14Haituuons Greenleat Ave. Wli. 167 N jPicturés ut Developed Have your Vacation IT ASSOCIATION 33 IV. Grandi Phonie Gi Aok for WELL