I r the township organization in july. mounted tô 64 during. the month of September, according to *Seymour':H. Olmsted, relief director.. The'numnber in Augusti was 60. The case cost averaged $27.17 for the 64 cages in September, as compared to $22.30 for the ý60 cases in August, Mr. Olnstedsaid., These figures, he explained, represent the direct.relief cost, and. do floôt include overhead, or operation expenses. The seasonal increase in 'the n.iumber of cases, it was pointed out, is also followed by a corresponding case cost increase, resulting pimarily f rom RETURN FROM WEST needs of fuel and heavier clothing. The fQregQing figures pertaining to Mr.. and Mrs. Herbert J. Leach reifcasos apply to, New Trier town- returned to their home at 630 Washsliip, as" a. whole. There are other, i ngton avenue, Wilmnette,, on Satur-' families in each of the north shore vil- da'. thrce -nnnths at the ct Thev s, lages which arc also. recivigcertaiin forms of relief and&assistance through. with the several relief anl aid and welfare e sinc( societies, but there is no overlapping of relief activities, it is explained. *Mr. and Mrs. Gardner A. Clae Jr., who were married in August, have returned fromn their wedlding trip to Denver, Colo., and are now at home at 909 Washington street, Evanston. IIIm V11itteeY? e AviAlL Chest, .who presented the ais and objects of, that organization in an entirely newlight. -He pointed out that pledges' to the Chegt 4o flot const itute charity but an insurance against the spread of disease, crime and general1 bad citizenship. 'Village Attorney William M. james, was.the principal speaker ani club guest. His address was 'devoted. to an explanation of municipal services'and Village affairs iný which every, citizen should. 'be int erested .and take an. active part., The evening. closed with refreshmenits., Fimette 14158L3 nthe differonce.botween btter the,tbe peaeeoformina 0K potencyr, al all doctor expects., B. C. Cuzol ýpofntjnent. ýns fï)r refis bore and onjoy nowing that your modicino bas! aehelth benefit8,'*hlch your. BRICK.- Butter Pecma QI. lVe~E DUENE PKG.: Fruit Sajau Ii;;j *EI ~..79c aa 0 ë . feir.. 12Ud~ZSL lefI W! 0o0 Shoetes U*it The Way Tbey SbouI4 3ne.Rehaut e 5 $109-10,$3£.79 .... Oil S **S 49c Nemi W11e.n. Aie. 4 9c-100,$., ss Mduist. Chi.e Young hom corbihgI _ Viostero Adex TobIets liver MAIt 1 $4.619om.ia.. i*îqîLce . .79r 60c Aiko Seltier ....49c Sée ScIaoII'S 75cB.lou's ....... 69c 33c uig pipa- 1 Viosterol .. .79C Corn Plosiers .. .... 0 b 0 * e..