xtay; V is: New Trier Township Villages Show Total Election Regis.1 tration of 20,71ý places ini large numbers, each' bent un aking sure that he' will be eligible to vote in what is conisidered the rhost important elec tion since the Civil war. parties, together with their precinct captains and volunteer helpers, have been busily engaged ini urging every qualified voter to register, the final hours of the final registration day on Tuesday revealing a feverish activity that bias probably neyer been match cd in the history of the township. What Dos Ih Portend? As the doors of the polihng places were closed on the fateful hour of Twintense interést manifestedl in al 'parts of the country in the coming November 3 Presidential election is reflected in the final, regilstration figuretâts for New Trier toWnship, wbhich top ail previous records.- Meni and w omen of ail shades' of Pol itical. opinion 'flock1ed to the registration Who's Who in, Wilmnette If, you want to see "WMOIS Who street during the coming seven. days and> look for the "Commn>ity Chest" posters' dispiayed in the Windows of those homes that have* contributed to the Wilmétte Com*munity. Cbest. This poster marks t he résidences of citizens 'who have accepted a share, of the community respo6nsibility ini meeting the human needs, of the village.' Subscribers are urged to place t~he ostr inte widw as a measns of assisting the Chest in its pubhicity program, as well as a guide to workers who will be instructed next week to call at any home in which the poster is not displayed. We have an adequate supply to provide. a poster for every home and we sincerely hope that every household wifl have one on display. -Henry Fowler, President, Wilin Wilmette" take -a tnip.down any Lairge Workeru' .Meeting Opens Drive to Secure ZS»O300for WlaeAgencie 8 The Grand Opening of the Comn mnunity Chest Campaign Race. Track athe Masonic temple last night was attended by nearly 400 workers who. have efflisted to.assist in raising the $25,3W0 tô meet the Chest budget for Townishi-p .çommitteemen of botk Jantes C. Leat9n, 722 Washington, ai-ellie, zt.iIl bc in:stalled as the omn1111iander of the W;iniette post of tht' Ameltr,cait Le qion at the aimtal ban quet a"d dance which wiIl be Iu'Id, in con jnîction with. the. post .lriliay Wédnesday e7vcping, Oc- started this morning. Workers havýe been supplied with sinaîl posters to be placed in the windows of ail homes where they receive sliliscriptions. The need for increase in th e zeo More than 3,000 prospect cards of and the c9mmunity wide canvasa citizens were selected by the worlççrs the coming year. Thée auditorium of. the M asonic temple, took on the appearance of a' race. track with the. four entries : 'Man-O-War" sPonsored by Mrs. -L. ~Gaàl&nt Fox," sponsured by lir.. Frederick W. merrifilId. -Twenty Gran~d.,,-spo»ored M llarry X. lterr. Cochran. DriveStarts Ted. 7 eD eal saw in, tiern a landlslide for the President; Republicans, buoyed up by what they perceive as an irresistible swing to Landon, say that it augurs certain victory, while (or is it fourth or fifth) party third ad* herents look uponit as presaging the election of Mr. Lenike. The truth of thme matter is that no one knows at *this stage just what is goirig to hapPei] on November. 3. More important *than that at this time, it is pointed The,. October meetin'g of the Wilmette Chamber of Commerce will be held Mfonday, Octoher 12, at 6:30 Wilniette Lodge, No. 931, A. F. and o'clock at the Shawnee Country club. Reservations must be made with the A. M., is planning a gala event Thurs-1 secretary not later than néon of that day evening, *October 15, at the Wil-. mette Masonic temple, the occasion1 day. Plans Si iver Ju biIi e re The, guest svcaker uyil hi - nI. being thé celebration of the Silverl udertan tat in the end it is better the principal speaker. Dr. Bradley thrilled the audience with his miessage on "Hunian Needs." "I think -it is not going to be so hard to- raise money if we people, dicatec increases, ln the size-'of subscriptions ranging frotu 10 to 1,»0 Dr. Preston Bradley of Chicago,. famous lecturer and preacher, was trom 1 from i hs churc uqu4rters. 1and the service stars. mes C Mr. Sachse is treasurer of the WilI i, Or- menitte E n g li s h Lutheran churc1i, ISýventh.- street. at Greinjee a aysg