111(1. Ij Thec prograrn will feature a lecture, u "Foreruniners of Bach: 1-Vocal s,,ic."' (l. livercd hv Max T. Krotne, directoà of the choir. M.lr. Krone's lec-* iearlytUrc ý%ill be diustràted, with choral mnusic suung hy the choir-. This is the first of twýo closicly related,,prograins -ii the series', the, Secondl of vh ich. prescntîng. earlIv inistrumnental mnusic, Will bé given on October 20 by the 'Manuel, and N\Villiatison iFlrp chord i esemble. Good Seats Available l'hure are excellent seats available, for each of. these Thorne hall prograin., whicli prec'ede the Auditoriumn Frederick A., Kahler, 435 Hazwiheatre concerts.. Tickets mnay he olb7 ihorne lime, iintka, dean of boys taliitedii roomn 151, 313. East Chicazo al Xeh' Trier H.ql, school,, wasreavcîîut or atthe Thornie hall boxý 'Vii r-eh'ctcd cliairi.iaitof lte oeitIon the nlighits of the programs. çuluiIbanI lague, a Position lic lias The lectur e Mondlav iighit vi1l conoii'dsincectlhe fornratimonfni!he sider the followiing types of early li-aitjuc unme vears aqo0. mnusic :pîmiîtvcman's soiigGrvek iîvIII.-. Jewish temple songs, the ervchurch plainsong, folk, songs, Chicago Sunday -Club to late r chYrch iiausic, the canion. coml)iHear Bishop Clingman nainôf tuîîes froni the I5th centifr-v' alid(l Ith cenlturv sacre<l and *Bishop Charles Clingmnan of Kensec niai mu sic,. ncludinig -- ith ,a ttncky. religious leader of the South, lialiopositioni. Nwîll be the speaker at the Chicago Sundav Ei ening club October Il ini Choir of 60 Voices Orchestra Hall. l'-Nortfiwesternichoir ha, it vic~ Fomiundd'n 1906b the late Xext Sunday the numbers prescntPveterchr(11istianl Lutkin. it lias grown e4 I)y the choir of 125 and quartet iii -irom its originial niembers.hilp of: tourI. NI r. K roiie is well kiiown for his 1-rka a cenductor of college choirs at the University of Illinois, Westcrn R ereuniversity, and. the Arthur jordaji Conservatorv of -Music, of wlich 1inistitution lie ivas director before coming to Northwestern u niver-, sitv .4i 1935. He is wiclelv knowNvias an editor, arranger, and author i the field of choral music, and as an adju(icator of choral contests.. ng service, Illéic inforîr the congregation has opportunity to 'takec a large part, an begins at 7:10. iThere Nvill be solos and visiting chortises at theý,e througlhout the season. Thie audience bias been asked to request numbers to be sung at this early meeting. e.. o e '* e e Sale Price Plan Memorial Service Mrs. Gumy A. Richardson of 145 Mfelrose avenue and her daughter, Mrareturned to Kenilwo)rth on Friday 1f rom South -Bristol, Maine, they spent. the season at their %0liere SuImmeir home. Mrs. George F. Shipmnan of 432 Warwick road, Kenilworth, had as her house guest for a week the late Mr. Shipman's niece, Mrs. H. R. Yeo0mans of Denver, Colo., whodeparted n Tuesday.