Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Oct 1936, p. 5

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In Çounty Court Monday moringi. County Judge Edmund K. jareki. declared invalid a petition asking for a'. referendum in No Man's Land to de*Bridges and teas will be announced termine whether.-that area should be, later by the various ýorganizations and iiicorporated as a village, and vacated ail ,Democra ts are invited to drop in an order previously entered by him at the headquarters, where volunteers sett 1ing such an, election, for October will be on duty each day and eveThus-th'e*efforts of a group of resi- ning. SThe headquarters. wjil be, in charge dents and non-residents of. No ýMan"s: of> Mrs., Ralph E.. Sîinsheimer, .935 Land to brinig about incorporation. and Spruce street', Winnetka. make.,possible' the coliduct of certain liusiniesse s ni that area.were brought to naught. 1Wants Zoni»ng Change, to Events leading up to the final hearl Remodel Old'Structuùre ing before Judge Jarecki and the vaAt a meeting of the Village board cating of. the order for the, election Tuesday night James, Crabb, .1015 11îîoved swiftly. John Imînel. who operates an inde-, Central avenue, made -application for, pend(ent milk station in No Ilan's a rezoning. of the property.at 1225 Land, appearcd to be the instigator Central avenue, o.ccupied.by the Hess (-f'tlieiiovemeit. Hë is said, to have Motor. Service- garage, f rom ýcomt niercial 'to industrial, classification.. clclaelthe petition, but did not .iit, it heing generally reported1 The mnatter was referred *to the zoning commission. Mr. Crabb set. forth that hi~s residence is. in Çhica.go. To obtain an order from the Couintv that the jroperty has been used' for cou~rt for an election, the law reqtiires industrial purposes for many years, 15 signatures of residents of the area' and that adjacent properties are so seùking incorporation. The petition, zoned. 'He also stated that the buildlyresented to the court by Attorney ing is ini a badly rundown condition, Athaniasins A. Pantelis. con tain ed. and the purpose is -to remodel it in 23 signatures, anduipon this represen- such fashion that it will be in keeping tation Judge jareeki qordered the ref-.' withi the new post office building to crenidum efection, set the date anid the West, appointed judges of election. Go Into Action crn home games for the winners. Winners this week were: Bud HaBliwell, 1133 Lake avenue, Wilmette. George Spiegelhauser, 1327 Ce,,- tral avenue, Wilmette. Mrs. George Spiiegahauser, 1327, Central avenuüe,. Wilmette. The- next contest. det'ails of which appear in this issue of WiiLMETTE LiPE, wýill_.provide f ree tickets. to the, winners for the Northwmestern-.North: Dakota State, game on, Saturday, October 10. . TheNorth Dakota Bisons .won the. North Central Conference championish.ipin 1935. Read the contest rules, and g'et *busy! You may be a winner! Former ResidentNamed to- Education Position ýMiss Irene Strickler, former secretary of the Wilmette Çhiniber of Commerce, was recently appointed service secretary of the city schools of Pasadena, Caif.,. it was reported recently in a story ini the Pasadena "Post." In addition, Miss Strickler is à hostess at. the' community house. dances held twice each week at the civic auditorium, when children of the community are entertained. . Next. Tuesday, October 6, is the last: day on which voters cati register for the Presidential election' of Nove mber 3. With the knowledge that.voters not, registered: will lot be perm.itted to vote.in the.coming election, precin ct captains and other workers, both Republican and Oemocratic, are strain.ing every nerve to get every qualified voter on, the registration lists. By telephone,. word. of miouth and. by. mail, nmen and women of New Trier township are being importuned to, register-register-ýregister Open Day aad.,Evenrng Citizenis are' informedý that places of registration', which are the same as'*the election ýpol1ling placés, will be open. next Tuesdayý frorn 6 a. m. untii ý9 p. m. If voters do flot knôw* in Which. precinct they. resid .e, precinct: captains of either party, it is saidp, will supply the information., About two-thirds of the eligible voters -of the townsip registeredlon Saturday, the total for the 31 precints being 14,564, out of a possible 20,950. The registration by precîncts is as follkws': Precinct 1-424 2-658 3-335 4-408 Precinet. 17-408 .19-490 18-529 20-493 22-339 When it becarne knowvn tlîat the pctitioil election had been presented anid the \Vilnuette, Race of Community I C h es s W"l' '11t Bkgin Next, Wednesda y board ordered, citizens of Keillvorth, Winniet'ka and. 4z, ý ~ r 'LIy - '11-446 M1--428 13-385 6-648 7-499 8-261 9-476 10-475 5-606 21-496 23-503 24-476 25-517 2-5 '28--42 27-342 29-2ý50 (;lencoe vve.nt into action. A nxassjQ ete for meceting called by the Wilmlnette Homne .iStr.MiICm rrack Charity on Wilmette 1l Owners association wvas held in No \Lanis Land Tuesday night of last 1 wecek, attended by some 200 people. Te$2,0drbraeo1 the WilTh$230debraeo Attorney Pantelis 'appeared at this ampaign, mneeti.ng to look after the interests of mnette Community Chest ci next Wedneso'clock 8: at start his clients. A result of the meeting will * wasthat, upon the suggestion of Paul 1day evening, October 7 in t'the audiWlet fte C. Lang, president of Wilmette Civic oin fteWlet league, a committee was appointed to tru confer with Attorney Pantelis, Nvhio temple. Tihe carnnaigil this yearI L5 beet ausserted that the reason for seeking man, Mrs. Ar-thur J. Dixon, . Mrs. The complete. list of polling places Fred R. Tilt, Mrs. Fred E. Parry, for the township is as follows:Mr. R. A. Marmaduke. "Twenty Grand" stable owned by Precinet No. 1-Glencoe Union churcli, Park aye,1Mrs. Harry Kerr, backed by ten sunue. pervisors each having seven work2-Giencoe fire station, 673 Vernon ers. The supervisors. for. "Twenty' ,a venue. 3-Giencoe Union church, Park aveGrand" division are: Mrs. M. nue. Kresge, Mrs. Harry Pine, Mrs. J. L.* L. 4-St. Elisabeth's church, 556 Vernon Marsh. M rs. Charles Evans, Mrs. F, avenue. 5-90 LInden avenue. (Continued on page 6) 16-163 3-6 Namnes Follow'ing the mass meeting, ninle of the signers of the election petition withdrew their names, leaving 14, or one less than the number required by * (Continued on page 7) * ,Withdraw . each having seven workers. The su,pervisors 'for the "Man-0-War" division are: Mrs. David P. Moreton. Mrs. 0. E. 'Thaleg4 Mrs. Helen W. Thayer,, Mrs. Willis H. Hutson, Mrs. Ernest H. Freem.an, Mrs. ýF. C. Huif- Try it yourself ton, Mass., to, schobol., Archie, son of1 Judd Lloyd, 505, worth, left receni

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