Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Oct 1936, p. 66

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gaged this year to give tne coinmentary before the ten concerts in the Auditorium theatre, but six special programns of a more intensive and; technical nature, dealing witb the psychological and personal aspects of. understanding and. enjoYing .Music, have been arranged in Thorne hall on McKinlock campus. .These six programs, preceding tbe Auditorium theatre concerts, may be attended* by. students taking, the course for university credit,' and by ail main floor -and, center box subscribers of the Auditorium concerts. The Thorne hall series was openby ProtessorFelix Borowski MonédI day, eveningi, September 28; who lectured on, "An Introduction to the History of Music.", The sec ond f caturc on Monday evening, October 5, will be a lecture and piano demonstration by lDr. Sigftffld Spaeth, autbor and authority, on the theme, "The Art of Enjoying Music." Dr. Spaeth will deal with the technical construction of musical compositions and the appreciation of this construction. Choral Music Lecture Choral music will be treated in a lecture by Max T. Krone, director of the Northwesterii university. a It was in 1925 that Wesley L. Brown, then director of reference and research and now business maniager of the school, discovered that the school population since its. founding in 1900 had increasedtareu lar rate, about 100 pupfils per year. It was in 1914, that the enroliment, reacbed 500. In 1921 it went tO, 1,000. By 1927 it was 1,500, by 1934,it had crossed theé2,000 mark. une. Estimates', which bas so far proved correct indicate that.before 1940 the re willi be 2,500 students attending New Trier, and that about 1945 there will be 3,000. The new, class roims, just opened during the past year, it was explainied, should have ,been completed- about 1931'i order to keep pace with the, growth of the scho. Due to the depression and the subsequent, tax delinuency, ît. was flot until the federal govenrment came to the rescue in 1934 and 1935 that the crowding conditions, were eliminated. The school, with a present studeî3t population of about 2,400, can growabout a third more without an increase i class rooms or in the size of the classes, it is estimated, which means that it will be about ten yéars, before, conditions beconie critical Entiniates Correct (-àni112 ràhoir. in Thnrne hall on Octo-1 members of the Manuel and William- ber 17, will be given by Dr. I'retiericlc son harpsichord ensemble on October' Stock. 2as the next event ini the Thorne "The Voice and vocal Music" is hall phase of "The History and EnBoth Philip the subject of Leonard Liebling, cdijoyment of Music." Manuel and Gavini Williamison will tor of tbe "Musical Courier" and discuss 'Forerunners of Bach: In- music critic of the New York Amenistrumental Music,"' while the, lharpsi- cati, who will give the commentary chord, clavichord, and virginal will the recital by be used by the ensemble to play this and lecture preceding engines used. on the twin-engineu skyliners of TWA,. with which the company's coast to coast operations are carried on. Througli his high altitude work, Toniuinson and bis observer, James Heistand, development engineer for TWA, are carrying on research work for the company which is to be applied to great new flying equipuient soon to be developed for the air uine. This is in accordance. (Assessor for Cook CountY.) Since the inception of the 1928 reassessment, when property valuations were recorded on record cards, there bas neyer been a complete field recoverage of this original work.This operation, for the 1928 reassessment, was covered in the field by, at one time, 1,400 men, and was completed in six months, and has been accepted as one of the best zinnraisals~ in the country 'r11JPlea 9, Moscow Cathedral choir. Mr. Key's topic wi11 be "Nationalism in Music."' The comnientary for the third Audioncert, fcaturm4g the Chicoiu p-rececinIg tne program i u meII £SanIlas oiu-Ll modern symphonic cor lecture prior to the c given by Dr. Nikolai5 topic:will be, "Modemn ,chestra bas its, nisied personnel are members. inth feature of the TWA organization. iffi Golsch-________________ prograni of sition. The S'warthout, charniing mezzo-soprano, cert will be ,will conclude the series, witb Profes:oloif, whose sor J3orowski presenting thefinal lecisic."o Gladys ture before her recital on January 26. A totaland of 22900G commercial, multithe buildings in factory storied, by the operation of the charts for those years. On this showing in the County court, ail homes were reduced 15 per cent because of discrimi-' -nation. 1931 quadrennial werc under valued

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